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Topics include: 2019-20 End-of Year submissions.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       May 15, 2020

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #178

2019–2020 End of Year Submissions

As noted in a letter dated May 13, 2020 sent to district and county superintendents and charter school administrators, as well as in Flash #175, all CALPADS End-of-Year (EOY) submissions are required in order to support mandated state and federal reporting requirements. Beginning May 11, 2020, CALPADS began processing EOY snapshots. The initial deadline is July 31, 2020 and the final deadline is August 28, 2020. The four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) reports are refreshed nightly and will continue to refresh until the data are pulled from the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) on August 28, 2020.

This year's EOY submission includes three new files as part of EOY 3, and a new EOY 4 submission for special education data. With these changes come new input validation rules (IVRs), certification validation rules (CVRs), and reports.

Suggestions for EOY Submission Order

The CDE suggests that LEAs certify submissions in the following order:

  • EOY 2 - Program Participation
  • EOY 4 - Special Education
  • EOY 3 - Cumulative Enrollment, Student Incident, Student Absence Summary
  • EOY 1 - Course Completion, Career Technical Education (CTE)

This submission order is not required, but is suggested for the following reasons:

  • EOY 2 is a straightforward submission and most of the data certified as part of this submission should have already been updated in CALPADS. The only change to EOY 2 is the removal of the homeless count, which is now in EOY 3.
  • EOY 4 should be submitted and certified next because as LEAs submit special education records they identify enrollment updates they need to make before certifying cumulative enrollment counts in EOY 3.
  • Much of the data for EOY 3 can be submitted now, such as the student absence summary data, and student incident data, since LEAs are no longer taking attendance, and it is unlikely that student incidents will occur. However, LEAs need to ensure that all enrollment updates have been made, and certifying EOY 4 will identify any updates that need to be made. In addition, the CDE encourages LEAs to continue updating the program records that identify students as Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) eligible (Migrant [135], Free Meal [181], Reduced-Price Meal [182], and Homeless [191]) through the end of June because FRPM eligibility can provide benefits to students whose families apply under the Pandemic-EBT program administered by the California Department of Social Services.
  • Anticipating that grades and credits earned may require policy and process changes, it may make sense to complete the EOY 1 submission last.

New Student Incident Files in EOY 3

As described in Flash #159, the Student Discipline (SDIS) file has been retired and the module has been expanded to collect a broader range of incidents that includes incidents in which students commit statutory offenses, and incidents in which students are restrained or secluded. The module now includes the following three new file types:

Record Type Code Name
Student Incident
Student Incident Result
Student Offense

For more information on these three new files, LEAs should refer to the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS), the Data Guide, and Error List. LEA Administrators should attend Advanced EOY Training (for experienced administrators), or EOY 3 training (for administrators who are new or who need a refresher).

In order for the EOY 3 to be certified, LEAs must approve all EOY 3 aggregate certification reports, and their Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) must approve the reports specific for students with disabilities. While SELPAs are not required to certify the reports that include counts of incidents and results that include general education as well as students with disabilities (Report # 7.10, Report # 7.11), LEAs are strongly encouraged to provide SELPAs access to these reports so that they can assist in the identification of potential disproportionality issues. The EOY 3 reports are summarized below:

Report # Report Name SELPA Approval Required
Incident - Count
Incident Results - Count
Incident Result – Student List
Student Offense – Count by Offense
Incident Offense – Student List
Incident Results - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions
Incident Restraint, Seclusion, and Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count
Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count
Incident Removals for Students with Disabilities – Student List

Population of the Instructional Support Indicator on the SINC File

To meet federal reporting requirements, the CDE must collect whether any student who committed a statutory offense and was suspended or expelled received instructional support. LEAs are not required to provide instructional support to general education students who have been suspended or expelled; however, the CDE is required to report whether instructional support was provided.* LEAs are required to provide instructional support to students with disabilities who are suspended or expelled after a duration of 10 days.

The Student Instructional Support Indicator, previously on the SDIS file, is now Field 18.16 on the Student Incident (SINC) File, and LEAs receive a fatal error (SINC0496) if Field 18.15 - Statutory Offense Indicator is "Y" and Field 18.16 is not populated. To facilitate the collection of this data, the SINC0496 input validation will be disabled, and in June a new certification validation  will be implemented that will trigger if Field 18.16 – Student Instructional Support Indicator is not populated for students with Incident Result Codes of 100 (Out-of-School Suspension), 110 (In-School Suspension), or 200 (Expulsion) on the Student Incident Results (SIRS) file.

*Note that Education Code sections 47606.2(a) and 48913.5(a) require teachers to provide to a pupil in any grades 1–12, who has been suspended for two or more school days, the homework that the pupil would otherwise have been assigned. 

New EOY 4 Submission – Special Education

For EOY 4, LEAs are required to submit Special Education (SPED), Student Services (SSRV), and Postsecondary Status (PSTS) files, and LEAs and SELPAs must approve all EOY 4 reports for the submission to be certified. Flash #176 detailed all the new/updated IVRs related to SPED and SSRV and new CVRs related to EOY 4.

The EOY 4 reports are summarized below:

Report # Report Name SELPA Approval Required
Students with Disabilities – Education Plan by Primary Disability Count (EOY4)
Students with Disabilities – Count by Federal Setting – Count (EOY4)
Students with Disabilities Profile – List (EOY4)
Students with Disabilities – Student Services by Primary Disability (EOY4)
Students with Disabilities – Student Services – Student List (EOY4)
Postsecondary Survey Outcome for Students with Disabilities – Count
Postsecondary Survey Outcome for Students with Disabilities – Student List

Additional EOY Functionality

Additional functionality for EOY 3 and EOY 4 is expected to be rolled out by
mid-June 2020 as detailed in the following table:

Change # Description
1717 Add New District of Special Education Accountability (DSEA) Extract to Extract Menu
1806 Add New SELPA reports to EOY 3
1083 Add New SELPA Reports to EOY 4
1634 Add New County/Authorizing Reports to EOY 3
1722 Add CERT056 – Special Education Exit Code for Non-Special Education to EOY 3
1634 Add New CVR for Missing Special Education Exit Code for Non-Special Education to EOY 3
1862 Add New CVR for Missing Student Instructional Support Indicator to EOY 3
1083 Add CERT004 - Ethnicity/Race Data Missing to EOY 4

Reporting Adjustments for 2019–2020 Due to COVID-19

Identifying Career Technical Education Completers

Career technical education (CTE) completers collected in CALPADS for purposes of the Carl Perkins Program as well as for the California School Dashboard have traditionally been defined as students completing a CTE pathway that is a minimum of 300 hours and passing the capstone course with a C- or better. For purposes of the California Perkins V State Plan, a Perkins V “concentrator” is defined as a student meeting the criteria of a CTE completer as noted above; however, a concentrator course (as referenced below) is the course required prior to a student taking the capstone course within an industry pathway.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many students enrolled in the capstone course in the
2019 –2020 academic year will be completing the course via distance learning and may not be issued letter grades, but rather a mark of Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit. Therefore, for the 2019–2020 academic year only, LEAs should use the following guidance in identifying CTE completers for reporting on the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) file certified as part of the EOY 1 submission:

A student may be reported as a CTE completer in an industry pathway if the student:

  • Previously completed all prerequisite introductory and concentrator courses within a pathway.
  • Took the capstone course in the 2019–2020 academic year and received a passing mark and credit for the course.

Submitting Chronic Absenteeism Summary Data  

As referenced in Flashes #173 and #175, LEAs are not required to take attendance after the February 29, 2020 cut-off for average daily attendance apportionment (P2) or the date of their emergency school closures. For the 2019–20 year only, when submitting the Student Absenteeism Summary (STAS) file, LEAs should:

  • Adjust expected attendance days in Field 13.15 - Expected Attendance Days to align with the date that the LEA elected to use (February 29 or the date of emergency school closure).
  • Populate Field 13.13 - Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator with "Y" for any student who enrolled after February 29, 2020 or the emergency school closure date, whichever the LEA elected to use. Since LEAs must submit STAS records for every student who was primarily enrolled in the LEA from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, a fatal error will trigger for enrolled students who do not have a STAS record, unless the exemption indicator is populated.
Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
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