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CALPADS Update Flash #181

Topics Include: EOY 4 and Special Education Data Issues, EOY 4 CERT140 and CERT142, EOY 4 CERT160 Changes, Other EOY Updates.

To:          Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       June 16, 2020

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #181

End-of-Year 4 and Special Education Data Issues

Delete Transaction Issue Resolved

The Delete (“D”) transaction type was not working in Online Maintenance (OM) or in batch processing. The OM error message indicated the record cannot be deleted while the batch job erroneously rendered SPED0438. This defect has been resolved and the fix was deployed to production on June 10, 2020.

Input Validation Rules SPED0441 and SPED0438

Input Validation Rule (IVR) SPED0441 has been creating a problem because many users are trying to update an existing record in CALPADS and they cannot. While we are working to resolve this issue, we have temporarily reduced the severity of SPED0441 to a warning. However, the defect will be addressed in the June 30, 2020 Release, at which time the severity will be returned to fatal.

It is important to understand that both SPED0441 and SPED0438 are verifying whether or not certain fields can be changed without an amendment or full IEP meeting and should validate as such:

  • SPED0441: If the LEA uploads a record that has the same meeting type and date, but something has changed in the plan that requires an amendment, then it must include an amendment date (Error SPED0441). If any of the following components of a special education plan have changed, a formal amendment must be made to the student’s plan:

    • Disability Code 1*
    • Disability Code 2*
    • Special Education Program Setting Code
    • Special Education Program Type*
    • Primary Residence Code
    • Preschool Program Setting Service Location Code
    • Ten or More Weekly Hours in setting Indicator
    • General Education Participation Percentage Range Code
    • IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator
    • Postsecondary Goals Updated Annually Indicator
    • Postsecondary Goals Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Indicator
    • Transition Services in IEP Indicator
    • Supportive Services Indicator
    • Transition Services Goals in IEP Indicator
    • Student IEP Participation Indicator
    • Agency Representative IEP Participation Code
    • Special Transportation Indicator

*NOTE: These fields will be added to the SPED0441 trigger in the June 30, 2020 Release. At that time the IVR will change back to a Fatal error.

  • SPED0438: If the LEA uploads an amendment and attempts to change a field that would only be determined in a meeting then it will receive a fatal error (Error SPED0438). If any of the following components of a special education plan have changed, a full IEP meeting must be held to modify the student’s plan:

    • Education Plan Type Code
    • Special Education Meeting Date
    • Special Education Referral Date
    • Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date
    • Parental Involvement Facilitation Code

  • Related to the SPED0441 defect, is a problem with the Replace (“R”) transaction functionality, which is currently not working properly. The Replace transaction functionality should not be used until it is fixed along with the SPED0441 defect in the June 30, 2020 Release. In the meantime, if an LEA uploads a record with an error that needs to be changed, the LEA can delete the erroneous record and add the correct record.

We are also working with the Special Education Data Systems (SEDS) vendors to help them understand the business rules for when it is appropriate to correct (update) a record in the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) or add an amendment.

EOY 4 CERT140 and CERT142

The following two certification validation rules (CVRs) have caused some confusion:

CVR # CVR Name CVR Description
CERT140 Missing SPED record for a student with a SSRV record. SSRV records must have an associated SPED record (i.e., same student, LEA, Academic Year, and Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier) where Education Plan Type = 100 (Individualized Education Program (IEP)), 150 (Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)), or 200 (Individual Service Plan (ISP), and Meeting Type = 10 (Part B Initial Evaluation), 15 (Part C Initial Evaluation), 20 (Annual Education or Service Plan Meeting)
CERT142 Missing Special Education Service for Education Plan Type Code 100, 150, or 200 A student with an Education Plan Type Code 100,150, or 200 and Meeting Type (10,15, 20) must have an associated Special Education Service Record

The intent of these two (CVRs) is to ensure:

  • Students with Education Plan Types of IEP (100), IFSP (150) or ISP (200) have a service record associated to the meeting types Part B Initial (10), Part C Initial (15), Annual (20); and
  • Services are tied to a specific meeting type.

Some LEAs have associated the services to a triennial meeting or have no services posted at all for a meeting.

Triennial Evaluation meetings (40) are specifically for eligibility determination. If eligibility and IEP related issues are discussed in a triennial meeting, this effectively constitutes two meetings and should be reported as two meeting types held on the same day, one as a Triennial (40) and one as an Annual (20).

The CERT140 error can trigger when services are tied to a Triennial Evaluation meeting (40) record posted in CALPADS. Triennial Evaluation meetings should be held only to determine eligibility. Any amendments or changes should all be documented via the Annual meeting (20).

Tips on resolving these errors:

  • In Online Maintenance, open both the SPED container and the SSRV container.
  • Use the Ctrl+F command to bring up the search tool in order to search for the Meeting ID. Use Ctrl+V to paste the Meeting ID in the search box. This will highlight all areas on the screen where that Meeting ID is used. Remember, that if there are many SSRV records you may need to search on the second page as well.
  • For CERT140, delete any SSRV records tied to the Triennial (40) meeting.
  • For CERT142, identify the SSRV records in your local system that need to be submitted to CALPADS.

EOY 4 CERT160 Changes

CERT160 is being updated to what is described in the table below. These changes were released to production on June 16, 2020. The validation rule name and trigger of CERT160 will be updated to reflect the opposite of CERT145. CERT145 ensures that Private School enrollments have an associated SPED record indicating either Individual Service Plan (200), Pending (300), or Not Eligible (900). CERT160 is being updated to ensure that students on an Individual Service Plan (200) have a private school enrollment.

CVR# Name Description Trigger
CERT160 Missing Private School enrollment record for Education Plan Type Code 200 (ISP) Students with an Education Plan Type Code = 200 (ISP) must have a Private School enrollment (0000002) If student has a SPED record where Meeting Date or Amendment Date is in Reporting year and Education Plan Type Code = 200 (ISP) And no SENR records exist for student at the same reporting LEA where School of Attendance = 0000002

SPED GERR0005 and Impact of Exiting Students Prior to Posting SPED Data

Currently, if a student is exited with exit code E155 (YearEndEnrlmntExitSameSchl) or E170 (NonPrimaryEnrlExit), the GERR0005 ownership error will trigger on SPED records. In a future release, the GERR0005 error will be relaxed to allow for these scenarios. If the LEA has already conducted its end of year rollover, users may choose from the following options while waiting for the change to be implemented:

  • Temporarily exclude the SPED record or ignore the error, or
  • Temporarily remove the exit date and reason from the enrollment record, post the SPED record, then re-post the exit information.

Other EOY Updates

Carnegie Unit IVR SCSC0513 Changed Severity to a Warning

While the majority of courses are worth one Carnegie Unit, there are instances where a course is worth up to two Carnegie Units. Therefore, the severity of IVR SCSC0513 was changed from a fatal to a warning on June 16, 2020. In the future this IVR will be modified to allow no more than 2 Carnegie Units.

Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 30, 2023
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