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CALPADS Update Flash #184

Topics include: 2020-21 Work-Based Learning data; preparing for submitting the WBLR File in 2020-21 EOY 1; Work-Based Learning codes for Students with Disabilities.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       July 27, 2020

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #184

UPDATE, July 25, 2022: PLEASE NOTE:
This Flash (#184) has been replaced with Flash #229, dated July 25, 2022, which is located here:

2020–21 Work-Based Learning Data

Beginning in 2020–21, local educational agencies (LEAs), serving students in grades 9–12, will be required to submit work-based learning data that will provide additional opportunities for students to demonstrate their preparedness for college/career through the College/Career Indicator (CCI) on the California School Dashboard. This data will be collected on a new Work-Based Learning (WBLR) file that will be submitted and certified as part of the CALPADS End-of-Year (EOY) 1 submission. Through the WBLR file, LEAs will report student completion of specific work-based learning programs which are currently submitted on the Student Enrollment (SENR) and Special Education (SPED) files, and as announced in previous communications, new data related to student internships, student-led enterprises, and virtual/simulated work-based learning.

Work-Based Learning Types

There are twelve work-based learning programs/activities that LEAs should track and report to CALPADS on the WBLR file. The twelve activities are submitted as Work-Based Learning Type codes and are described in Table 1 below (refer to the CALPADS Code Sets version 12.0 for the complete definition of each code). Note that the "Federal or State Job Program" indicator currently collected on the SENR has been split into five specific work-based learning type codes. LEAs should report the Work-Based Learning program/activity in the year that the program or activity was completed. If a student participates in an internship that spans more than one academic year, LEAs should report what the student completed (for example, number of hours) in each academic year.

Table 1
Work-Based Learning Type Codes

Code Name Previous File Comment
10 Internship None
  • Internships may, but are not required to be associated with a course.
  • Internships completed in the summer should be reported in the following academic year.
  • LEAs may report more than one internship for a student in an academic year; each must have a different local internship identifier.
  • Report the number of hours completed each year for internships that span more than one year.
15 Student-Led Enterprise None Student-Led Enterprises must be associated with a course that includes specified content (see definition of Code 15 - Student-Led Enterprise).
20 Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning None Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning must be associated with a course that includes specified content (see definition of Code 20 - Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning).
25 Registered
Pre-Apprenticeship Program
SENR A "registered" pre-apprenticeship program has been registered at the state or national level.
30 Non-registered
Pre-Apprenticeship Program
SENR A "non-registered" pre-apprenticeship program has not been registered at the state or national level.
35 Job Corps SENR This was previously collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR.
40 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) SENR This was previously collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR.
45 YouthBuild SENR This was previously collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR.
50 California Conservation Corps SENR This was previously collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR.
55 Regional Occupational Center/Program SENR This was previously collected as a "State or Federal Job Program" on the SENR.
60 Transition
Work-Based Experience
  • This work-based learning type is only for Students with Disabilities (SWD) who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  • Note that the name and definition for this code was broadened from the initial name and definition.
65 Transition
Classroom-Based Work Exploration
  • This work-based learning type is only for SWD who have an IEP.
  • Note that the name and definition for this code was broaden from the initial name and definition.
  • This is defined as, “the student successfully completed the equivalent of four semesters of college and career exploration/preparation courses designed to prepare a student with an IEP for employment and independent living since 9th grade.” To meet this requirement, LEAs may determine what is the “equivalent of four semesters”, i.e. whether it includes specific courses, or portions of multiple courses.

Work-Based Learning File

Table 2 includes all the fields on the WBLR file, representing the data that LEAs will be required to maintain and submit to CALPADS for the 12 work-based learning programs/activities. LEAs should refer to the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) Version 12.0 for all the fields included on the WBLR file (the standard fields included on all CALPADS files are not displayed in the table).

Table 2
Work-Based Learning File Fields

Field # Field Name Comment Required for Work-Based Learning Type....
21.09 Work-Based Learning Type Code

There are 12 work-based learning type codes. Of the 12, two are currently collected on the SPED, and three are currently collected as indicators on the SENR. Of the three currently collected on the SENR, the State and Federal Program indicator has been broken into five separate work-based learning codes.

The following three codes are new:

10 - Internship

15 - Student-Led Enterprise

20 - Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning


21.10 Internship ID Required only for Internship (10) and allows for more than one internship to be submitted in an academic year. 10 - Internship
21.11 Work-Based Learning Hours - External A count of hours that the student spent outside the school in the work-based learning activity,

10 - Internship

15 - Student-led Enterprise

20 - Virtual/Simulated
21.12 State Course Code - Embedded Work-Based Learning Student-led Enterprise (15), and Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning (20) must be associated with a course (any course) that includes the required content. See definition of each code for required course content.

15 - Student-led Enterprise

20 - Virtual/Simulated
21.13 Internship - Employer Performance Evaluation Code See Code Set: Internship Employer Performance Evaluation.

10 - Internship

21.14 Internship - LEA Sponsored Indicator Y/N Indicator: The internship was sponsored by the county, district, or school.

10 - Internship

21.15 Internship - Certificated Supervisor Indicator Y/N Indicator: The internship was supervised by a certificated staff.

10 - Internship

Preparing for Submitting the WBLR File in 2020–21 EOY 1

The CDE has vetted the WBLR file with student information system (SIS) vendors, who will be preparing their systems to collect and maintain this data. In the meantime, LEAs should review the data requirements and implement business processes to collect and maintain the data that will be submitted from the SIS to CALPADS on the WBLR beginning in May 2021. Specifically, LEAs should consider:

  • Reviewing current business processes for creating, administering, supervising, and evaluating internships, and adjust as necessary to capture the required data (data related to number of hours, employer performance evaluation, sponsorship, and supervision).
  • Standardizing the performance evaluation conducted by employers to capture the performance levels included in the Internship Employer Performance Evaluation code set.
  • Establishing processes to collect the number of hours that students spend outside the school at the internship, working on a student-led enterprise, or engaging in virtual/simulated work-based learning.
  • Identifying (or creating) courses that include the content required for Student-led Enterprises and Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning.

Transition Work-Based Learning Codes for Students with Disabilities

LEAs must establish criteria for determining when students with disabilities (SWD) have met the definition for completing Transition Work-Based Experience and Transition Classroom-Based Work Exploration. Once the criteria are established, LEAs should establish business processes for:

  • Annually reviewing work-based experience activities and coursework to determine whether students have met the established criteria for completing Transition Work-Based Experience Transition or Classroom-Based Work Exploration.
  • Ensuring the SWD work-based learning codes are populated in the student information system.
Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 30, 2023
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