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2022-23 End-of-Year (EOY) Updates; 2022-23 EOY Submission Deadlines.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:      April 18, 2023

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #249

2022-23 End-of-Year Updates

2022-23 End-of-Year Submission Deadlines

The 2022−23 End-of-Year (EOY) submission window opens on May 8, 2023. The certification deadline isJuly 28, 2023. LEAs are expected to approve their EOY 1 - 4 submissions by this deadline; Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) are strongly encouraged to approve the EOY 3 and 4 submissions by this date. LEAs and SELPAs must approve all EOY submissions by the final amendment deadline of August 25, 2023. Certified EOY data are used to calculate the accountability indicators on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) and to determine LEAs and schools eligible for support. The EOY data are also used by recognition programs such as the California Distinguished Schools programs, to identify schools for recognition.

A letter dated April 12, 2023 was sent to County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators stressing the importance of meeting the EOY of deadlines. This letter can be found on the CDE CALPADS Communications page under the Letters to Superintendents heading:

End-of-Year 1: State Course Code Not Required for Internships

LEAs will not be required to submit a State Course Code for Work-Based Learning Code 10 - Internships in their 2022−23 End-of-Year (EOY) 1 submission. This Flash provides an update to an implementation discussed in CALPADS Flash #229 which states, in the second bullet at the top of the Flash, “Beginning in 2022−23, LEAs will be required to tie Work-Based Learning (WBLR) Type Code 10 – Internship to a State Course Code.”

Additionally in the first row of Table 1 of Flash #229, Work-Based Learning Type Codes, it states, “Note: Beginning in 2022−23, LEAs must tie internships to a course and instructor, and will be required to submit a state course code for each internship in WBLR Field 21.12 –State Course Code - Embedded Work-Based Learning.”

We are delaying this implementation until further notice. LEAs may send up a code, but it will not be required this academic year.

End-of-Year 4: Issues with Exited Students on Reports 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3

The following special education reports during the EOY 4 submission currently have a defect that erroneously includes students in the reports who previously exited the special education program in a prior LEA:

  • 16.1 – Students with Disabilities Count by Primary Disability
  • 16.2 – Students with Disabilities Count by Federal Setting
  • 16.3 – Students with Disabilities Student Profile List

The discrepancy occurs when a student is on an active Individualized Education Program (IEP) at an LEA, and then transfers to a different LEA where the student is exited from special education. The student then returns to the prior LEA where they had been on an active IEP when they exited. These students who exited special education at a different district are now erroneously appearing on the initial LEAs’ 16.x reports as students on an active IEP. This is occurring because CALPADS is pulling the most recent records from the initial LEA’s snapshot revision, without evaluating records from the other district that exited the student. In this situation, the most recent records for the initial LEA reflect when the student was there on an active IEP. Unfortunately, fixing this issue requires major modifications to the snapshot revision process which cannot be implemented in time for the 2022−23 EOY 4 submission. Therefore, this issue will not be resolved for this academic year, but it will be addressed with the 2023−24 Special Education (SPED) Redesign effort.

Certifying these data will not impact federal reporting. For those specific circumstances, when the data are processed by the Special Education Division for federal reporting purposes, those exited students will be removed from the LEA’s counts.

Available Resources to Support 2022-23 EOY

The California School Information Services (CSIS) has opened registration for live EOY training sessions. In addition, recorded training sessions are currently available on the CSIS Training Channel on YouTube, which can be found at All training is free, and new and experienced staff are strongly encouraged to attend the sessions geared toward their level. LEAs can also download the EOY Roadmap from the link in the CALPADS User Manual: [Note: The preceding URL is no longer valid]. The EOY Roadmap includes an EOY Checklist that will assist LEAs in completing EOY by the July 28, 2023 deadline.

During the last submissions, the CDE provided student information system (SIS) and special education data system (SEDS) vendors data on the validations that were most often triggering for their LEAs, so that they can support their LEAs in sending up cleaner data that will not trigger validations requiring arduous cleanup efforts prior to certification. The CDE continues to encourage SIS and SEDS vendors to support their LEAs in this manner, and LEAs should reach out to their system vendors for support.

In addition:

  • The CDE will hold its next set of regional quarterly CALPADS meetings on May 2 and 3. All staff are encouraged to attend these sessions which will focus on the EOY submissions. Information on the CALPADS quarterly updates and a registration link can be found here:
  • CSIS continues to hold Q&A/Office Hours every Wednesday at 3:00 pm on Zoom. All LEAs are welcome to attend and ask any questions that they may have about EOY or other CALPADS related issues.
  • The Special Education Division staff will be conducting a special education-specific webinar for special education data coordinators and SELPA-level staff in late May for CALPADS EOY 3 (specifically, incident reporting for students with disabilities) and EOY 4 reporting. A date and specific registration information are expected to be announced at the end of April.
Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 02, 2025
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