DataQuest Update, Issue #21
DataQuest is an online data reporting resource that provides access to a wide variety of data reports and downloadable data files.July 12, 2024
DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s (CDE) public data reporting web site that provides meaningful data and statistics about California’s K-12 public education system that supports a wide variety of informational, research, and policy needs. The purpose of the DataQuest Update is to provide: (1) announcements regarding public data releases and availability; (2) general information and analysis on various data reporting topics; and (3) practical tips on how to effectively use DataQuest to obtain information. For questions regarding DataQuest, please submit an email to
Release of New Data Reports on DataQuest
The CDE recently released the following DataQuest reports:
2022–23 Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcomes by Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)
- Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcomes by FTE
- Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcomes by FTE (with County Data)
This is the third year of Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcome (TAMO) data. These reports were first released in July 2022 for the 2020–21 academic year and announced in the DataQuest Update – Issue #13. The TAMO reports are produced to meet federal reporting requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and to meet state reporting requirements pursuant to California Education Code Section 44258.9, which authorizes a data-sharing agreement between the CDE and California Commission on Teacher Credentialling (CTC) to facilitate the annual monitoring of teacher assignments. Detailed information about the TAMO reports and data is provided on the Information about the Teaching AMO Report web page.
2023–24 Special Education Enrollment by Program Setting
- Special Education Enrollment by Program Setting
- Special Education Enrollment by Program Setting (with County/District/School Data)
This is the second year of Special Education Enrollment by Program Setting (SEPS) data. These reports were first released in January 2024 for the 2022–23 academic year, pursuant to California Education Code sections 56049 and 56049.1
, and announced in DataQuest Update – Issue #19. Detailed information about the SEPS reports and data is provided on the Information about the Special Education Enrollment Report web page.
2021–22 College-Going Rate for High School Completers Reports
- College-Going Rate for CA High School Students
- College-Going Rate for CA High School Students (with County data)
- College-Going Rate for CA High School Students by Postsecondary Institution Type
- College-Going Rate for CA High School Students by Postsecondary Institution Type (with County data)
The College-Going Rate (CGR) was first released in July 2019 for the 2014–15, 2015–16, 2016–17, and 2017–18 academic years. The CGR is defined as the percentage of California public high school students who completed high school each year and subsequently enrolled in any public or private postsecondary institution (in-state or out-of-state) in the United States within 12 or 16 months of completing high school. Detailed information about the CGR reports and data can be found on the Information about the College-Going Rate (CGR) web page.
How to Access DataQuest Reports
Users may access these reports by performing the following steps:
- Navigate to the DataQuest Homepage
- Select the desired Level (State, County, District, or School)
- Select desired report from drop down menu
- Select "Submit"
- Select the desired Year
- 2023–24
- Select "Submit"
- Select the desired report from the menu
The DataQuest reports included in this release are also accessible through the Data Reports by Topic web page. The reports listed above include Report Description, Report Glossary, and, where applicable, Report Filters and Options sections. To change the way the data are displayed in the report, open the expandable (+) Report Options and Filters section. Within this area, users can apply a variety of data filters. Additionally, users can apply one or more filters simultaneously to view data in a variety of configurations. Applied filters are viewable in the "Filters Enabled" section above each report where the filters can also be reset.
Supporting Downloadable Data Files
As part of this DataQuest report release, the CDE is providing the following supporting downloadable data files for the above reports which can be found on the Downloadable Data Files by Topic web page. Please refer to the File Structure web pages for important details about the associated data files, which data are contained in the file, data element definitions, and the levels at which data are provided (e.g., state, county, district, and school levels).
2022–23 Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcome Downloadable Data File
2023–24 Special Education Downloadable Data File
2021–22 College-Going Rate for High School Completers Data Files
New DataQuest Schedule Web page
The CDE has released a new DataQuest Schedule web page that provides an overview of the DataQuest reports expected to be released in the coming year and a summary of the reports that have been released during the current year. This web page is intended to provide high-level information about the data being released on DataQuest and to assist data users with their planning.
Upcoming Data Releases
Later in 2024, the CDE will be releasing the following data for the 2023–24 academic year that are based on student-level data submitted, reviewed, and confirmed/certified by local educational agencies (LEAs) through CALPADS:
- New – Staff Demographic, Experience, and Education Data (multiple years): The CDE is currently working on new DataQuest reports that will provide information on the number and percent of certificated staff (i.e., administrators, teachers, and pupil services staff) disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, experience levels, and educational background. The CDE is also producing reports that will show the teacher and student demographic composition side-by-side. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2019–20 through 2023–24 data in early fall of 2024 and annually thereafter.
- Graduation and Dropout Data: The CDE annually produces the Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) and the Five-Year Cohort Graduation Rate reports and downloadable data files, both of which include information about high school graduates and other outcomes, such as dropouts and non-completers. The CDE also produces a One-Year Graduate Count downloadable data file, which provides information about the number of students who graduate in an academic year, regardless of their expected year of graduation. These data include disaggregation by race/ethnicity, gender, and multiple student groups, including for students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, foster, and migrant students. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2023–24 graduation and outcome data by December 2024.
- Stability Rate: The CDE annually produces the Stability Rate reports and downloadable files, which includes information about the number and percentage of students enrolled during the academic year who completed a "full year" of learning in one school. The Stability Rate report was developed in response to requests from educators, policy makers, and stakeholders across the state and to fulfill a recommendation stemming from the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Improving Data Collection Workgroup that was convened in 2019. The initial release of the Stability Rate report in October 2021 included three years of data from 2017–18 through 2019–20, and the CDE has subsequently released these data each year. Pursuant to Education Code 42238.024
, the Stability Rate data are now used as the funding basis for the annual Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Equity Multiplier, which amounted to $300,000,000 in 2023–24. These data include disaggregation by race/ethnicity, gender, and multiple student groups, including for students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, foster, and migrant students, and disaggregation by grade span. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2023–24 stability rate data by December 2024.
- Homeless Student Enrollment: The CDE annually produces the Homeless Student Enrollment by Dwelling Type reports and downloadable file, which includes information about the number of homeless students enrolled during the academic year and information about their dwelling type. The initial release of the Homeless Student Enrollment report in November 2023 included three years of data from 2019–20 through 2021–22, and the CDE has subsequently released these data each year. The Homeless Student Enrollment report was developed in conjunction with federal reporting requirements and to spotlight the issue of student homelessness in California and its impact on educational outcomes. These data include disaggregation by race/ethnicity, gender, and multiple student groups, including for students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, and migrant students, and disaggregation by grade and unaccompanied youth status. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2023–24 homeless data by December 2024.
- Discipline Data: The CDE annually produces the Suspension and Expulsion Rate and Suspension and Expulsion Counts by Most Serious Offense reports and downloadable data files. The CDE also produces a Restraint & Seclusion downloadable data file, which provides information about the number of students who are restrained or secluded during the academic year. These data include disaggregation by race/ethnicity, gender, and multiple student groups, including for students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, foster, and migrant students, and disaggregation by grade span. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2023–24 discipline data in December 2024.
- Absenteeism Data: The CDE annually produces the Chronic Absenteeism Rate and Absenteeism by Reason reports and downloadable data files, which include information about the number and percent of students who were absent for 10 percent or more of the days they were expected to attend during the academic year, and the reasons they were absent. These data include disaggregation by race/ethnicity, gender, and multiple student groups, including for students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, foster, and migrant students, and disaggregation by grade span. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2023–24 absenteeism data by December 2024.
- Cumulative Enrollment Data File: The CDE annually produces the Cumulative Enrollment data file, which includes information about the number of unduplicated students who are cumulatively enrolled during the academic year. These data include disaggregation by race/ethnicity, gender, and multiple student groups, including for students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, foster, and migrant students. The cumulative enrollment is an important stand-alone data product, but it is also used in the calculation of numerous rates, including the annual suspension rate, chronic absenteeism rate, and stability rate, among other things. The cumulative enrollment is also the foundation of many accountability indicators on the California School Dashboard, including the academic indicator. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2023–24 cumulative enrollment data by December 2024.
- Restraint and Seclusion Data File: The CDE annually produces the Restraint and Seclusion data file, which includes information about the number of students who are subjected to mechanical/physical restraints and seclusion during the academic year. These data, which are produced in compliance with Education Code Section 49006
, include disaggregation by race/ethnicity, gender, and multiple student groups, including for students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, foster, migrant students, and students with a 504 Accommodation Plan. The CDE anticipates the release of the 2023–24 restraint and seclusion data by December 2024.
In addition to the data above, the CDE will be working on developing reports that provide the following data:
- New Annual Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Counts and Rates (multiple years)
- New Course Enrollment and Class Size Data (multiple years)
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