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Topics include: Exiting students from the Special Education Program versus from a School; requirements for students with disabilities transferring into a district.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       December 6, 2019

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #166

Exiting Students from the Special Education Program versus Exiting Students from a School

With the transition of the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) collection into CALPADS, LEAs report the reason a student exits the special education program on the Special Education (SPED) file from the Special Education Data System (SEDS) to CALPADS, while the reason a student exits a school is reported on the Student Enrollment (SENR) file from the local student information system (SIS) to CALPADS. To report a special education program exit reason, LEAs populate field 14.49 – Special Education Program Exit Reason Code, on the SPED file with a code from the Special Education Program Exit Reason code set.

Currently, when a student exits a school as a dropout, some LEAs are populating field 14.49 on the SPED file with Special Education Program Exit Reason Code 74 – Dropout. Code 74 – Dropout should never be used as a special program exit reason because it causes issues when the student subsequently enrolls in another LEA and that LEA attempts to submit SPED records. The CDE plans to retire Code 74 – Dropout, from the Special Education Program Exit Reason code set (along with Code 71 – HSCompleter). However, in the meantime, special education data coordinators should not use Special Education Program Exit Reason Code 74 – Dropout.

If LEA special education data coordinators believe a student with disabilities (SWD) has dropped out, they should work with their CALPADS staff to verify whether the student has enrolled elsewhere in California. If they have not, appropriate school staff, (e.g., attendance staff) should conduct a comprehensive investigation to determine the student’s whereabouts. If the student cannot be located and it is determined that the student has dropped out, then the LEA should submit to CALPADS an SENR updated with Code E140 – NoKnownEnrollTruant; however, the special education program exit reason should not reflect Code 74 – Dropout. Students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) remain eligible for special education until they graduate with a regular high school diploma or age out.

Individualized Education Plan Requirements for Students With Disabilities Transferring into a District

Student transferring from an LEA in a different Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) or from out of state

  • When a student with disabilities (SWD) with an active Individualized Education Plan (IEP) transfers, during the school year, to an LEA from an LEA in a different SELPA or from another state, the receiving LEA must adopt the previous IEP or develop and adopt a new IEP. If the LEA decides to develop a new IEP, the LEA must adopt the previous IEP in the interim until a new IEP is adopted. If the LEA adopts the previous IEP, the LEA should submit a Special Education (SPED) record to CALPADS with the same IEP elements and the new LEA as the Reporting LEA. A meeting does not need to be held until the next scheduled annual IEP meeting.
  • If the LEA adopts the previous IEP in the interim and then subsequently develops and adopts a new IEP, then the LEA should submit a Special Education (SPED) record to CALPADS with the same IEP elements and the new LEA as the Reporting LEA; then once a meeting is held to adopt the new IEP, the new LEA should submit updated SPED and Student Services (SSRV) records reflecting the newly adopted IEP.

Student transferring from an LEA in the same SELPA

When a SWD with an active IEP transfers, during the school year, to an LEA that is in the same SELPA, the receiving LEA must continue to provide services “comparable” to those in the previous IEP. The new LEA should submit a SPED record to CALPADS with the same IEP elements and the new LEA as the Reporting LEA. An IEP meeting does not need to be held until the next scheduled IEP meeting. If the LEA and parents subsequently develop and adopt a new IEP, the LEA must submit updated SPED and SSRV records to CALPADS once the new IEP is adopted.

Student transferring during the summer

When a SWD with an active IEP transfers during the summer, the new LEA must have an IEP in effect by the start of the school year. An IEP meeting does not need to be held until the next scheduled annual IEP meeting. The new LEA should submit a record to CALPADS with the same IEP elements and the new LEA as the Reporting LEA.

However, if the parent requests an IEP meeting prior to the start of the school year, the LEA must convene a meeting or provide prior written notice as to why the LEA believes such a meeting is not necessary. If a meeting is held, and a new IEP is adopted, the LEA should submit updated SPED and SSRV records to CALPADS, and the new LEA as the Reporting LEA.

Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 06, 2024
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