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Topics include: Input and Certification Validation Errors for End-of-Year 4 - Special Education.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       May 4, 2020

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #176

Input and Certification Validation Errors for End-of-Year 4 - Special Education

In order to facilitate LEAs in certifying the data for students with disabilities (SWD) during the 2019–2020 Fall 1 submission which included, for the first time, data previously submitted to the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS), the CDE determined it was necessary to relax or disable several input and certification validations that were preventing LEAs from either posting or certifying their data in CALPADS. Many of the fatal errors were relaxed because they were triggering due to the lack of historical records in CALPADS.

In preparation for the End-of-Year (EOY) 4 submission for special education, the errors that were triggering in Fall 1 due to the lack of historical records will be re-enabled as fatal errors. In addition, other validations have been modified to accommodate additional data scenarios identified during Fall 1 and will change from warnings back to fatal errors. Also, certification validation rules (CVRs) will be implemented for EOY 4, many of which are the same as Fall 1 CVRs for special education data.


  • Table 1: Input Validation Rules: This table includes all of the SPED and SSRV input validation rules (IVRs) that have been re-enabled, changed from a warning to fatal and/or have changed. In addition, a new Student Enrollment (SENR) IVR has been implemented that warns LEAs that the student had a SPED record in a previous LEA.
  • Table 2:  EOY 4 Certification Validation Rules: This table includes all the CVRs that are being implemented for EOY 4. Of the EOY 4 CVRs, three are new in EOY 4, nine were in Fall 1 (one is moving from a warning to a fatal error), and six were disabled in Fall 1 and are being re-enabled for EOY 4.

Table 1: Modified/Re-enabled Input Validation Rules Related to SWD

Error Number Error Description Error Severity Intent Change Rationale for Change
SPED0438 Education Plan Amendment Date Mismatch Fatal

If an LEA populates the Amendment Date in a SPED record being submitted, then there must be a SPED record in CALPADS that matches on the following fields:

  • SSID
  • Education Plan Type Code
  • Special Education Meeting Type Code
  • Special Education Meeting Date
  • Special Education Referral Date
  • Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date
  • Special Education Program Type Code
  • Parental Involvement Facilitation Code
Re-enabled this validation and removed Disability 1 and 2 codes from triggering this error

If a plan is being amended, CALPADS expects to have an existing record in the system of the plan that is being amended.

Disability 1 and 2 codes were removed from the trigger because there are instances where only a student’s disability code changes because the disability can only apply to a certain age and the student is no longer that age.
SPED0441 Missing Education Plan Amendment Date Fatal

Alerts user that if any of the following fields (as compared to an existing SPED record in CALPADS) have changed, then the Amendment Date field should be populated:

  • Primary Residence Code
  • Special Education Program Setting Code
  • Preschool Program Setting Service Location Code
  • Ten or More Weekly Hours in setting Indicator
  • General Education Participation Percentage Range Code
  • IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator
  • Postsecondary Goals Updated Annually Indicator
  • Postsecondary Goals Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Indicator
  • Transition Services in IEP Indicator
  • Support Services Indicator
Modified severity from warning to fatal The noted components of a special education plan should be formally changed through the amendment process, and therefore the record requires an Amendment Date.

Table 2: EOY 4 Certification Validation Errors

Error Number Error Description Error Severity Intent Change Rationale for Change
CERT056 Special Education Exit Code for Non-Special Education Student Fatal

Prevents an LEA from submitting a School Completion Status Code that is reserved for only SWD in the enrollment record (SENR) for a student who is not on an active special education plan.

The following completion statuses can only be submitted for students with disabilities who have active SPED records on the SENR Enrollment Exit Date:

  • 120 – Special Education Certificate of Completion
  • 125 – Prior Special Education Completer
Added new validation for EOY 4 Improves data integrity.
CERT### NEW Special Education Program Exit Date Or Special Education Exit Reason Code Mismatch Fatal Prevents the same LEA from submitting two SPED records for the same student with different Special Education Program Exit Reasons or Special Education Program Exit Dates. Added new validation for EOY 4 Improves data integrity.
CERT### NEW Invalid Education Plan Type Code for student enrolled in Private School (school code 0000002) Fatal Prevents an LEA from submitting a SPED record with a Special Education Plan Type of 100 (IEP) or 150 (IFSP) for students enrolled in a private school (school code 0000002). Added new validation for EOY 4 Students with disabilities enrolled at private schools (school code 0000002) must have an Education Plan Type Code of 200 (ISP).
CERT132 Missing SPED record for Enrolled Student at Reporting LEA Warning Ensures all students with disabilities have a SPED record at each LEA in which they were enrolled in the academic year. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Increases data integrity by ensuring that each LEA in which the student was enrolled has an overlapping SPED record.

Invalid Student Special Education Exit Reason and Student Enrollment Exit Reason combination

Fatal Prevents an LEA from submitting an exit reason in the SENR that conflicts with the Special Education Program Exit Reason Code submitted in the SPED record. Disabled in Fall 1, being re-enabled for EOY 4

CDE requested that special education data system vendors cease sending up the following Special Education Exit Reason Codes after the Fall 1 submission concluded; however, there may be erroneous data currently in the system that will have to be cleaned up for EOY 4:

  • 76 - Transfer
  • 71 - HSCompleter
  • 74 - Dropout
CERT134 Missing Student Exit Reason Code for Student with Disabilities who left program after Completing HS Fatal If an LEA has indicated in the SPED record that a student exited special education because they are a high school completer, then the SENR record should reflect an Exit Code or Completion Status Code that is equivalent to high school completion. Disabled for Fall 1, being re-enabled for EOY 4

CDE requested that special education data system vendors cease sending up the following Special Education Exit Reason Codes after the Fall 1 submission concluded; however, there may be erroneous data currently in the system that will have to be cleaned up for EOY 4:

  • 76 - Transfer
  • 71 - HSCompleter
  • 74 - Dropout
CERT135 Part B Initial Evaluation for a student with an IFSP occurred late (after child's 3rd Birthday) Warning Warns an LEA that based on information in the SPED records in CALPADS the student’s Initial Evaluation for Part B appears to be late. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Warns an LEA about a compliance issue. (Data Identified Non-compliant [DINC]).
CERT136 Special Education Meeting Should Occur within 60 Days from Parental Consent Warning Warns an LEA that based on information in the SPED records in CALPADS the student’s Initial Evaluation for Part B or Part C appears to be late. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Warns an LEA about a compliance issue. (Data Identified Non-compliant [DINC].)
CERT137 Late Triennial Meeting Warning Warns an LEA that based on information in the SPED records in CALPADS the student’s Triennial evaluation appears to be late. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Warns an LEA about a compliance issue. (Data Identified Non-compliant [DINC].)
CERT138 Missing Student Enrollment Exit Reason for Student With Disabilities Dropping from Program Fatal If an LEA has indicated in the SPED record that a student exited special education because they are a dropout, then the SENR record should reflect an Exit Code or Completion Status Code that is equivalent to a dropout. Disabled for Fall 1, being re-enabled for EOY 4

CDE requested that special education data system vendors cease sending up the following Special Education Exit Reason Codes after the Fall 1 submission concluded; however, there may be erroneous data currently in the system that will have to be cleaned up for EOY 4:

  • 76 - Transfer
  • 71 - HSCompleter
  • 74 - Dropout
CERT139 Late Annual Meeting Warning Warns an LEA that based on information in the SPED records in CALPADS the student’s annual meeting appears to be late. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Warns an LEA about a compliance issue. (Data Identified Non-compliant [DINC].)
CERT140 Missing SPED record for a student with a SSRV record Fatal Prevents an SSRV record from being certified if it does not have an associated SPED record. Disabled in Fall 1, being re-enabled for EOY 4 Services were not required to be certified for Fall 1 but will be required to be certified for EOY 4.
CERT141 Invalid Enrollment Information for Student with Disabilities leaving program due to Max Age Reached Warning If an LEA has a SPED record with a Special Education Program Exit Reason Code of MaxAge then the student should have an Exit Reason Code in the enrollment record (SENR) that reflects the student’s exit from the school. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Enforces data integrity between the enrollment exit reason and the special education program exit reason.
CERT142 Missing Special Education Service for Education Plan Type Code 100, 150, or 200 Fatal For students on IEPs, ISPs, and IFSPs, all of their associated SPED records must have associated services (SSRV) submitted. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 and changed severity from warning to fatal Services were not required to be certified for Fall 1 but will be required to be certified for EOY 4.
CERT143 Missing SENR Record for a student with SPED Record Fatal Ensures every SPED record has an overlapping SENR record. Disabled in Fall 1, being re-enabled for EOY 4 For LEAs that inadvertently delete enrollment records for students that have SPED records that overlapped that enrollment, this forces the LEA to create corresponding enrollments. All SPED records must have overlapping SENR records.
CERT144 SPED record missing for student enrolled at NPS school Fatal Ensures all students at NPS schools in CALPADS (school code 0000001) have corresponding SPED records with a plan type of 100 (IEP) at the same LEA. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Needed for EOY 4 certification.
CERT145 SPED record missing for student enrolled in Private School Fatal Ensures all students enrolled in private schools in CALPADS (school code 0000002) have corresponding SPED records with a plan type of 200 (ISP). Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 4 Needed for EOY 4 certification.
CERT147 Invalid Postsecondary/Transition Status Indicator Fatal Ensures students who are adult age students with disabilities in transition programs are appropriately identified in CALPADS. Existing Fall 1 validation added to EOY 3 and EOY 4 Ensures students in transition are appropriately identified for purposes of calculating the graduation rate for schools with a Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS).


Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
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