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CALPADS Update Flash #241

This flash addresses: 2022-23 Fall Submissions; Best Practices to Meet Deadlines; SSID Matching Tool and MID Functionality.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:      October 4, 2022

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #241

2022-23 Fall Submissions

The 2022-23 Fall 1 and Fall 2 submission window opens on Census Day, October 5, 2022. The Fall 1 and 2 deadlines are posted on the CDE CALPADS Calendar web page here: Please refer to the following sections in this Flash for information specific for the opening of each submission.

NOTE: Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) approval is NOT required by the December 16, 2022 Fall 1 certification deadline. As long as LEAs approve their Fall 1 submission by this deadline, their data will be used to determine the First Principal Apportionment (P1).

Fall 1 Submission

On October 5, 2022, the Fall 1 certification validation rules (CVRs) will run, and the certification reports will be available except for the following reports:

Certification Reports

  • Report 1.1 – Enrollment Primary Status by Subgroup
  • Report 1.17 – LCFF Unduplicated Pupil Count
  • Report 1.19 – LCFF COE Unduplicated Pupil Count

Supporting Reports

  • Report 1.2 – Enrollment – Primary Status Student List
  • Report 1.18 – LCFF Unduplicated Pupil Student List
  • Report 1.20 – COE LCFF Unduplicated Pupil Student List
  • C/A 1.1 – C/A Enrollment – Primary Status by Subgroup
  • C/A 1.17 – C/A – LCFF Unduplicated Pupil Count

These reports are being modified as described in Flash 240, and will be available with the October 11, 2022 release. The County Authorizing (C/A) reports will become available in early November.

Implementation of Fall 1 Certification Data Discrepancies

The Input Validation Rules (IVRs) that moved to Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs) in the End-of-Year Submissions are being written specifically for Fall 1 and Fall 2 in order to ensure that they trigger appropriately. Therefore, on October 5, 2022, the LEA approval button will be unavailable until all the Fall 1 CDDs have been implemented and well tested. The CDDs will be made available in two groups:

  • All CDDs related to data submitted through the Student Enrollment (SENR), Student Information (SINF), and Student Program (SPRG) files will be available in mid-October. This includes a total of 14 CDDs. (There are no CDDs on data submitted through the Student English Language Acquisition [SELA] file).
  • All CDDs related to data submitted through the Special Education (SPED) and Student Services (SSRV) files will be available in early November. This includes a total of 52 CDDs.

Once all CDDs are implemented, the LEA approval button will be enabled.

Note that two IVRs that were CDDs in End-of-Year (EOY) submissions are reverting back to validate on input as they had in the legacy system. These two IVRs are:

  • SPRG 0070 – Overlapping Records
  • SPRG 0254 – Invalid NSLP Program Record

Fall 1 Certification Deadline and Amendment Window

SELPA approval is NOT required by the December 16, 2022 Fall 1 certification deadline. LEAs that approve their Fall 1 submission by this deadline will benefit from the use of their approved 2022 Fall 1 data in calculating their First Principal Apportionment (P-1). Approval by this deadline will also enable SELPA review during the amendment window which closes on January 20, 2023. LEAs are reminded that they will not be able to amend their data following the close of the amendment window, and any apportionment related changes would need to occur through the audit process.

Fall 2 Submission

LEAs may begin submitting Fall 2 data at any time. The Fall 2 CVRs and CDDs will begin running and the Fall 2 certification reports will be available beginning January 2, 2023. While the Fall 2 certification reports will not be available until January 2, 2023, LEAs should upload Fall 2 data well before January and then review Operational Data Store (ODS) report 4.3 – Staff Teaching Assignments – Detail. Providing appropriate staff time to review the staff assignment data in report 4.3 will help ensure there is accurate data provided to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for assignment monitoring purposes.

LEAs are reminded that there is no amendment window for Fall 2, and certification of the Fall 2 submission is required by the February 24, 2023 deadline in order for the CDE to meet state and federal reporting requirements, and to provide the CTC the necessary data to conduct assignment monitoring. After the certification deadline, there will be no opportunity to amend certified data or to submit and certify the Fall 2 submission.

Best Practices to Meet Deadlines

Start Early and Plan

To ensure that LEAs are able to successfully certify by the submission deadlines, LEAs should be updating their student information system (SIS), and submitting SENR, SINF, SPRG and SELA files to CALPADS. LEAs should set milestones for:

  • Completing the population of student profile data in the local SIS and Special Education Data System (SEDS)
  • Submitting and posting the SENR, SINF, SPRG, SPED and SSRV records, resolving any errors
  • Reviewing CVRs and resolve any errors
  • Reviewing CDDs when they become available and resolve any errors
  • Reviewing certification reports and updating records as needed
  • Sending reports to local data stewards, site leaders, and administrators for review and approval
  • Approving the submission

For Fall 1, LEAs should also:

  • Coordinate a schedule with their SELPA(s) to ensure the SELPAs have time to review and approve Fall 1 submissions by the January 20, 2023 close of the Fall 1 amendment window.
  • Be resolving Concurrent Enrollment (CCE) and Multiple Identifier (MID) anomalies, as certification of the Fall 1 submission requires an anomaly rate of 2 percent or less. See the section below for the status on the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Matching Tool and MID functionality.

For Fall 2, LEAs should upload Fall 2 data well before January and appropriate staff should review ODS report 4.3 – Staff Teaching Assignments – Detail, to ensure data are accurate for assignment monitoring purposes.

Attend Training

The Fall 1 training schedule was announced in a listserv message on Friday, September 30, 2022. The first training session, Fall 1 Advanced – Reporting & Certification Overview and Changes, will open October 6, 2022, followed by Fall 1 Data Population Online Maintenance (OM), Fall 1 Data Population Batch, SSID Anomalies, Fall 1 Reporting and Certification. The number of sessions offered is based on demand, with additional sessions offered as needed.

All training sessions are available to CALPADS Data Coordinators/LEA Administrators through Bridge, the Learning Management System (LMS) used for CALPADS training. The training schedule is listed on Bridge. The CALPADS training model is to train the CALPADS Data Coordinator, who in turn trains local users. If you are the CALPADS Data Coordinator/LEA Administrator and you do not yet have a Bridge account established, view this quick video entitled “CSIS Bridge Login Process” on the CSIS CALPADS Training Channel: (YouTube; 6 mins 44 seconds).

For those who do not have a Bridge account, the courses will be recorded and published on the CSIS CALPADS Training Channel on YouTube: By subscribing to the CSIS YouTube Channel, you will be alerted when new content is added.

Update: SSID Matching Tool and MID Functionality

The SSID Matching Tool has been updated and is now producing improved results. In addition, only candidates with 80 percent matching are displayed, and results are listed from highest to lowest. LEAs are encouraged to use this tool before sending up the SENR with blank SSIDs.

Additionally, the MID process is now working satisfactorily, and LEAs should actively resolve MIDs as soon as they can.

Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 2, 2024
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