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Topics include: 2023−24 Fall 1 Submission Opens

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:      October 3, 2023

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #261

2023−24 Fall 1 Submission Opens

The 2023−24 Fall 1 Submission opens on Census Day, Wednesday October 4, 2023. The Fall 1 Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) and Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs) will run and LEAs will be able to view and resolve any errors. LEAs will also be able to view their Fall 1 certification reports.

The Fall 1 certification deadline and close of the amendment window are posted on the CALPADS Calendar page at: LEAs are reminded that LEA approval is required by the December 15, 2023 certification deadline, and Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) approval is strongly encouraged but not required by this date. Both LEA and SELPA approval are required by the close of the amendment window on January 26, 2024.

Fall 1 Certification Reports

All LEA certification and supporting reports that include a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) column or filter have been updated so that LEAs can view students in the new grade level TK. Supporting report extracts have also been updated. As described in Flash 260, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) reports have been updated to include students in grade TK who will turn five by April 2, 2024, as these students are eligible for average daily attendance funding and are included in the Unduplicated Pupil Count. Specifically, the following LCFF reports have been updated:

  • Report 1.17 – LCFF Unduplicated Pupil – Count
  • Report 1.18 – LCFF Unduplicated Pupil – Student List
  • Report 1.19 – COE LCFF Unduplicated Pupil – Count
  • Report 1.20 – COE LCFF Unduplicated Pupil – Student List

Fall 1 County Authorizing and Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) reports are not yet updated and will be updated in the next few weeks. Operational Data Store (ODS) reports are also in the process of being updated; All ODS foster reports, including Foster Reports 5.6 – Foster Youth Enrolled – Count and 5.7 Foster Youth Enrolled – Student List have been prioritized to ensure those reports include TK students.

Fall 1 CVRs and CDDs

The CDE will gradually move any record level CVRs to a Data Discrepancy (DD) which will become Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs) when a submission opens. The benefit of moving CVRs to DDs is that LEAs will be able to view and resolve the DDs at any time and not just during a submission. Some CVRs, however, will remain CVRs because they are triggered based on an aggregate count and not a single record.

The following table: (1) maps two previous CVRs to the new corresponding CDD, and (2) displays two new CDDs that were not CVRs: SINF0453F1 and SINF0635F1 (refer to Flash 260 for more information).

Current CVR# New CDD# Error Level Error Message (Short)
CERT112 (now disabled) SENR0317F1 Fatal Student Enrollment Record in Previous AY Not Exited
CERT114 (now disabled) SENR0286F1 Fatal No Enrollment following E150 exit
N/A SINF0453F1 Fatal Missing Parent Guardian 1 High Education Level Code
N/A SINF0635F1 Fatal Missing Parent Guardian 2 Highest Education Level Code

DD User Interface (UI) Functionality Updates

The CDE is wrapping up the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the DD User Interface (UI) functionality and will be implementing some enhancements based on UAT feedback in the next few weeks. The CDE plans to release the DD UI functionality to the production environment in early November. Once the DD UI functionality is released to the production environment, LEAs will be able to view and resolve DDs throughout the year, and not just during a submission window. Providing the DD UI functionality this November will enable LEAs that submit their Course Section Enrollment (CRSE) and Student Course Section Enrollment (SCSE) files this fall prior to the opening of Fall 2 in early January, to view and resolve their Fall 2 DDs before the submission window opens.

2023-24 Fall 2 Submission

The CDE will provide an update on changes related to the Fall 2 submission in an upcoming Flash.

Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, August 21, 2024