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Funding Rates and Information, Fiscal Year 2015–16

Principal Apportionment funding rates and other fiscal information for fiscal year 2015–16.

This page provides funding rates and other information applicable to the 2015–16 Principal Apportionment based on the 2015–16 Budget Act (Assembly Bill 93, Chapter 10, Statutes of 2015 as amended by Senate Bill 97, Chapter 11, Statutes of 2015).

Cost-of-Living Adjustment | LCFF Gap Appropriation | Education Protection Account | School District and Charter School LCFF Target Entitlement | County Office of Education LCFF Target Entitlement | School District Necessary Small Schools
Special Education Assembly Bill (AB) 602 | Special Education Infant Program | Special Education Out-of-Home Care Program | Course Based Independent Study ADA Adjustment

Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

2015–16 COLA 1.02%

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Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Gap Appropriation

The Statewide Gap Funding Rates shown below reflect actual amounts calculated by CDE. View the CDE’s LCFF Gap and COLA web page for estimated and actual gap percentages since 2013–14, the inception of LCFF, as well as gap and COLA projections provided by the Department of Finance.

2015–16 LCFF Gap Appropriation - School District and Charter School $5,994,417,000
CDE Statewide Gap Funding Rate at P-1 (Preliminary) 50.49926763%
CDE Statewide Gap Funding Rate at P-2 (Actual)1 52.55761597%
2015–16 LCFF Gap Appropriation - County Office of Education (COE) $02

1Once established at the P-2 Apportionment, the 2015–16 gap percentage will not change in subsequent apportionments (i.e. Annual, First Recertification of Annual, etc.).

2The LCFF Need for COEs has been fully funded as of 2014–15.

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Education Protection Account (EPA) Entitlement

Refer to the CDE's Education Protection Account web page for EPA apportionment information and frequently asked questions.

2015-16 DOF Preliminary EPA Revenue Estimate3 (Used for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Quarter EPA Payments) $7,336,204,140
2015-16 DOF Final EPA Revenue Estimate3 (Used for 4th Quarter EPA Payments and Prior Year Adjustments) $7,201,896,910
CDE EPA Entitlement Percentage at Advance (Used for 1st and 2nd Quarter EPA Payments) 25.07815510%
CDE EPA Entitlement Percentage at P-1 (Used for 3rd Quarter EPA Payment) 25.94735836%
CDE EPA Entitlement Percentage at P-2 (Used for 4th Quarter EPA Payment) 25.71753613%
CDE EPA Entitlement Percentage at Annual (Final) (Prior Year Adjustments) TBD in February 2017

3Once established at the Annual Apportionment, the 2015–16 EPA percentage will not change in subsequent apportionments (i.e. First Recertification of Annual, etc.).

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School District and Charter School LCFF Target Entitlement

The amounts below reflect funding levels used in the LCFF Target Entitlement calculations. Most school districts and charter schools will receive less than the LCFF target because LCFF is being phased in over a number of years. Until the LCFF is fully implemented, LEAs will receive an entitlement known as the LCFF Transition Entitlement. For most LEAs, it is based on an LEA’s 2012–13 funding level, adjusted for changes in student population, plus an additional amount each year to bridge the gap between prior funding levels and the new LCFF target levels.

Base Grant Funding, Education Code (EC) Section 42238.02(d)
Grade Span 2014−15
Base Grant per ADA
2015−16 COLA (1.02%) Grade Span Adjustments
(10.4% K-3; 2.6% 9-12)
2015−16 Base Grant/
Adjusted Base Grant
per ADA
K-3 $7,011 $72 $737 $7,820
4-6 $7,116 $73 N/A $7,189
7-8 $7,328 $75 N/A $7,403
9-12 $8,491 $87 $223 $8,801
Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funding
Funding Percentage Grant Calculation
Supplemental Grant
EC Section 42238.02(e)
20% For each grade span: Base Grant or Adjusted Base Grant per ADA, times total funded ADA, times Unduplicated Pupil Percentage (UPP), times 20 percent.
Concentration Grant
EC Section 42238.02(f)
50% For each grade span: Base Grant or Adjusted Base Grant per ADA, times total funded ADA, times portion (if any) of UPP4 that exceeds 55 percent, times 50 percent.

4For charter schools the UPP used for Concentration Grant Funding is the lesser of its own UPP or the UPP of its determinative school district.

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County Office of Education (COE) LCFF Target Entitlements

Operations and Alternative Education Base Grant Funding, EC Section 2574
Grant Multiplier 2014−15 Rate 2015−16 COLA (1.02%) 2015−16 Rate
Operations Grant Per County $661,495 $6,747 $668,242
Operations Grant Per School District $110,249 $1,125 $111,374
Operations Grant Per Countywide ADA (1-30,000) $70.60 $0.72 $71.32
Operations Grant Per Countywide ADA (30,001-60,000) $60.51 $0.62 $61.13
Operations Grant Per Countywide ADA (60,001-140,000) $50.43 $0.51 $50.94
Operations Grant Per Countywide ADA (over 140,000) $40.34 $0.41 $40.75
Alternative Education Base Grant Per ADA $11,313.16 $115.39 $11,428.55
Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funding, EC Section 2574(c)
Funding Percentage Grant Calculation
Supplemental Grant - County Funded Non-Juvenile Court School 35% Alternative Education Base Grant per ADA, times total ADA, times UPP, times 35 percent.
Supplemental Grant - Juvenile Court School 35% Alternative Education Base Grant per ADA, times total ADA, times 100 percent, times 35 percent.
Concentration Grant - County Funded Non-Juvenile Court 35% Alternative Education Base Grant per ADA, times total ADA, times portion (if any) of UPP that exceeds 50 percent, times 35 percent.
Concentration Grant - Juvenile Court Schools 17.50% Alternative Education Base Grant per ADA, times total ADA, times 100 percent, times 17.50 percent.

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School District Necessary Small Schools (NSS)

NSS allowance is based on the combination of ADA, and the number of full-time teachers for elementary schools or the number of full-time equivalent certificated employees for high schools, whichever provides the lesser amount. COE Foster Youth Necessary Small High School also utilizes these rates.

2015–16 NSS Funding Bands for School District NSS Allowance for the LCFF Target

The amounts below reflect funding levels used in the LCFF Target Entitlement Calculations. Most school districts and charter schools will receive less than the LCFF Target because LCFF is being phased in over a number of years.

Necessary Small Elementary Schools, EC Section 42282
Number of Teacher(s) Average Daily Attendance Funding Amount Includes 2015–16 COLA (1.02%)
1 1 to 24 $150,700
2 25 to 48 $301,400
3 49 to 72 $452,100
4 73 to 96 $602,800
Necessary Small High Schools, EC Section 42284
Number of Certificated Employee(s) Average Daily Attendance Funding Amount Includes 2015–16 COLA (1.02%)
1 1 to 19 $122,340
2 1 to 19 $244,680
3 1 to 19 $543,720
4 20 to 38 $666,060
5 39 to 57 $788,400
6 58 to 71 $910,740
7 72 to 86 $1,033,080
8 87 to 100 $1,155,420
9 101 to 114 $1,277,760
10 115 to 129 $1,400,100
11 130 to 143 $1,522,440
12 144 to 171 $1,644,780
13 172 to 210 $1,767,120
14 211 to 248 $1,889,460
15 249 to 286 $2,011,800

Note that fractional ADA units of 0.5 and above are rounded up, and those below 0.5 are rounded down.

2012–13 Deficited NSS Funding Bands for the School District NSS Allowance for the LCFF Floor
Necessary Small Elementary Schools, EC Section 42238.03
Number of Teacher(s) Average Daily Attendance Funding Amount Adjusted for 2012–13 Deficit Factor of 22.272 Percent
1 1 to 24 $113,211
2 25 to 48 $226,422
3 49 to 72 $339,632
4 73 to 96 $452,843
Necessary Small High Schools, EC Section 42238.03
Minimum Number of Certificated Employee(s) Average Daily Attendance Funding Amount Adjusted for 2012–13 Deficit Factor of 22.272 Percent
1 1 to 19 $91,898
2 1 to 19 $183,796
3 1 to 19 $408,259
4 20 to 38 $500,156
5 39 to 57 $592,054
6 58 to 71 $683,952
7 72 to 86 $775,850
8 87 to 100 $867,748
9 101 to 114 $959,645
10 115 to 129 $1,051,543
11 130 to 143 $1,143,441
12 144 to 171 $1,235,339
13 172 to 210 $1,327,237
14 211 to 248 $1,419,135
15 249 to 286 $1,511,032

Note that fractional ADA units of 0.5 and above are rounded up, and those below 0.5 are rounded down.

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Special Education Assembly Bill (AB) 602, EC Section 56836.11(f)

2014–15 Statewide Target Rate 2015–16 COLA (1.02%) 2015–16 Statewide Target Rate
$527.3018785881 $5.3784791616 $532.6803577497

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Special Education Infant (Ages Two and Younger) Program, EC sections 56428-56432

The COLA rate increase for each instructional setting will be added to the LEA's 2014–15 rate. Amounts below do not reflect changes that may happen as a result of provisional language in the Budget Act.

Instructional Settings 2014–15 Statewide Average Rate Rate Increase for 2015–16 COLA (1.02%)
Special Day Class $58,318 $595
Resource Specialist $61,486 $627
Designated Instruction $57,595 $587
Aide $23,681 $242

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Special Education Out-of-Home Care Program, EC Section 56836.165(c)

Group Home Severity Level 2014–15 Rate per Bed 2015–16 COLA (1.02%) 2015–16 Rate per Bed
Group Home Level 1 $593 $6 $599
Group Home Level 2 $722 $7 $729
Group Home Level 3 $1,696 $17 $1,713
Group Home Level 4 $1,949 $20 $1,969
Group Home Level 5 $2,205 $22 $2,227
Group Home Level 6 $2,459 $25 $2,484
Group Home Level 7 $2,714 $28 $2,742
Group Home Level 8 $2,967 $30 $2,997
Group Home Level 9 $6,444 $66 $6,510
Group Home Level 10 $6,953 $71 $7,024
Group Home Level 11 $11,190 $114 $11,304
Group Home Level 12 $15,937 $163 $16,100
Group Home Level 13 $16,955 $173 $17,128
Group Home Level 14 $23,737 $242 $23,979


Facility Types 2014–15 Rate per Facility Types 2015–16 COLA (1.02%) 2015–16 Rate per Facility Types
Foster Family Home and Small Family Home $593 $6 $599
Foster Family Agency $722 $7 $729
Community Care Facility $2,967 $30 $2,997
Intermediate Care Facility $11,190 $114 $11,304
Skilled Nursing Facility $23,737 $242 $23,979

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Course Based Independent Study ADA Adjustment

The following should be used by school districts, charter schools, and COEs for reporting any Course Based Independent Study (CBIS) ADA that exceeds 10 percent of the total ADA of the LEA, pursuant to EC Section 51749.5(b)(5). For detailed instructions specific to each type of LEA, refer to the Principal Apportionment Data Collection (PADC) Software Data Reporting Instruction Manual for the applicable fiscal year. This calculation must be done prior to reporting ADA in the PADC Software.

Grade Level Statewide Absence Rate for Course Based Independent Study Percentage of CBIS ADA, in excess of 10% of Total ADA, to be Reported
Elementary (K–8) 4.50% 95.50%
High (9–12) 6.56% 93.44%

The statewide absence rates were calculated using 2014–15 elementary school district (K–8) and high school district (9–12) ADA reported as of the Second Principal Apportionment, divided by Fall Census Day enrollment (October 2014).

The following example illustrates the calculation for a hypothetical high school district.

CBIS Calculation Example (Revised 3-11-2016)
Calculation CBIS ADA All Other ADA Total 9–12 ADA
9–12 Regular ADA (before adjustment) 120.00 880.00 1000.00
10% Threshold 1000 × 10% = 100.00 N/A N/A
ADA Exceeding Threshold Adjusted per EC 51749.5(b)(5)(rounded to the nearest 10th) (120.00 − 100.00) x 93.44% = 18.70 N/A N/A
Adjusted Regular ADA to Be Reported as Eligible for Funding 100.00 + 18.70 = 118.70 880.00 998.70
ADA to Be Reported as Not Eligible for Funding (rounded to the nearest 10th) (120.00 − 100.00) x 6.56% = 1.30 N/A N/A

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Questions:   Principal Apportionment Section | | 916-324-4541
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 25, 2023
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