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After School Support & Information System

The After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) is an automated grant administration system for After School Education and Safety and 21st Century Community Learning Center Programs.

What is ASSIST?

The ASSIST online reporting system is used to track information for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program grantees. The system allows interested applicants to obtain funding information and forms, and allows authorized grantees to log into the system and maintain grant contact information, revise grant budgets, submit quarterly expenditures and semi-annual attendance reports, and check payment status and history.

Login to ASSIST
ASSIST Reporting Instructions

ASSIST Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How is ASSIST used?

Answer: Applicable to ASES, 21st CCLC and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs).

The ASSIST is used to apply for before and after school funds administered by the California Department of Education (CDE). Upon funding, each authorized agent is granted secure access with the ability to create additional accounts for after school staff. Registered users can maintain grant contact information, revise grant budgets, submit quarterly expenditures and semi-annual attendance reports, as well as check payment status and history.

Question: "I am a new grantee. How can I get an ASSIST login/account?"

Answer: Please contact your agency’s authorized signatory (Superintendent for a school district, county office of education; board authorized agent for a direct-funded charter school; and chief executive officer of a non-profit organization or a government agency) to request a secure ASSIST login (unique user name and temporary password). The CDE can only assign ASSIST access to the authorized signatory. All subsequent accounts have to be created from the grantee’s Super User account.

Question: "I am an ASSIST Super User. How do I create an additional account for a new staff member?"

Answer: Log into ASSIST;
Click the User Maintenance link at the top of the screen;
From the User Maintenance screen, click the Add button to add a User;
Enter a unique username and password for the new User, along with pertinent contact information;
Designate the Role as User or Super User (Super Users have the ability to create login identifications for others within the agency, as well as reset passwords for all agency account owners);
Once complete, click Save.

Question: Is there a limit to the number of ASSIST accounts we can have?

Answer: No. The ASSIST will allow you to create as many user accounts as your agency needs.

Question: How do I get onto the Expanded Learning Mailing list?

Answer: Applicable to: ASES, 21st CCLC, and ASSETs

We use a grantee’s Grant Contacts list for our mailing list.  Any ASSIST User or Super User can update the contact list using the following instructions:
Log into ASSIST;
Click the appropriate grant identification link(s);
Click the Contacts tab;
Click the Delete link to the right of the name you wish to change;
Click the Add button;
Input new contact information and contact Type;
Make sure the message at the top says Save Successful.

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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