Stakeholder Engagement
The Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education values the input of stakeholders and utilizes stakeholder engagement as a way to identify the needs in the field and help to implement the work of the Strategic Plan.Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs is to provide information and advice to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Secretary for Education, and the State Board of Education regarding state and federal policy and funding issues affecting before and after school programs, based on regular and systematic input from providers.
Strategic Plan 1.0
A Vision for Expanded Learning in California, the 2014–2016 Strategic Plan developed by the After School Division in collaboration with the field.
Strategic Plan 2.0
A Vision for Expanded Learning in California, Strategic Plan 2.0, 2019–2023 developed in collaboration between the Expanded Learning Division and the Expanded Learning field.
For additional resources, please visit the Expanded Learning Division Resources web page.