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Advisory Committee Minutes January 18, 2022

The Advisory Committee on Before and After School Program minutes were approved in the April 2022 meeting.

Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs

January 18, 20229:30 a.m. to Noon


Members Present

  • Sandy McBrayer—Chair
  • Luis Santana
  • Jennifer Cisneros
  • Tiffany Gipson
  • Tony Brown
  • Eric Gurna

Members Absent


Others Present

  • Michael Funk, California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) Director
  • Joshua Brady, CDE, EXLD Administrator
  • Fred Buggs, CDE, EXLD Consultant
  • Jeff Davis, Executive Director, California Afterschool Network


The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m.

Member Updates

Sandy welcomed everyone and asked everyone to introduce themselves and provide an update of the work they are doing in their various regions.   

Review of Meeting Materials

The meeting materials were reviewed by members.

Approval of Minutes

Sandy asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Luis made a motion to accept the minutes and Tiffany seconded the motion. All members were in favor of accepting the August 24, 2021, Before and After School Advisory Committee minutes.

Legislative Update: Sandy and Michael

December 2, 2021 the house and senate passed a funding measure and will continue to fund the federal government through February 18, 2022. Both asked for increases to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program.

Expanded Learning Division Staff Report

After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal: The Request for Applications (RFAs) has been approved by the California Department of Education (CDE) Executive Office. The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is waiting for After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) to be built with the data as working internally with budgets on the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Program Cost Accounts (PCAs).

ASES Renewal: The EXLD shared that most Program Plans were submitted by the January 7, 2022 due date. The ASES renewal forms are waiting for the ASSIST system to be built. Once this is completed and eblast will be sent to the field informing the renewal grantees to submit their ASES renewal forms.

21st CCLC: The EXLD provided data regarding how many applications were submitted along with the total sites and amount requested for 21st CCLC elementary/middle, Equitable Access (EA) and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) grant programs. Below is the information:

  • Total amount requested for 21st CCLC and number of sites

1170 sites  |  $88,142,181.62 requested

  • Total amount requested for EA and number of sites

183 sites  |  $4,421,643.00 requested

  • Total amount requested for ASSETs and number of sites

206 sites  |  $48,662,563.00 requested

ESSER III Summer RFA: The EXLD shared the geographic breakdown that is included in the draft RFA and that EXLD is working internally to finalize the PCA prior to releasing the RFA. The performance period will be available for two summers and expire around September 2023. All local educational agencies (LEAs) will be eligible to apply for this funding.

Governor’s Budget: The Budget proposes an additional $3.4 billion ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P), increasing per pupil funding for the program and expanding the number of local educational agencies offering no-cost services. This brings total ongoing program funding to an historic before/after school investment of $4.4 billion, with additional funds anticipated in future years. The Budget also proposes $937 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to support Expanded Learning Opportunities Program infrastructure, with a focus on integrating arts and music programming into the enrichment options for students. Finally, the Budget continues one-time reimbursement rate increases (at a cost of $148.7 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund) from the 2021 Budget Act for the After School Education and Safety and 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs.

Expanded Learning Opportunities Program:

Tony: What are some best practices for Districts. Michael shared about the latest Fireside Chat and asked Jennifer Cisneros to respond as well. Jennifer shared her insights about staff shortages and how they will build ELO-P by bringing in many stakeholders and doing their best to manage small pieces. Asked themselves, “What can they realistically do this year.” They are meeting weekly with their Pilot taskforce.

Grant Reductions: Michael shared to watch the Fireside chat and shared an update on where the EXLD is regarding grant reductions for 2022. EXLD has received many letters and e-mails advocating for the suspension of grant reductions for 2022. EXLD believes that we have the authority to suspend grant reductions, however, EXLD has been asked to not make that decision yet. The decision will not be made until early 2023. Michael shared information regarding regular day hold harmless of ADA issues and some bills dealing with this issue. The EXLD does hear the concerns of the field and are listening and are asking the field to not worry at this time.

California Afterschool Network Presentation—Jeff Davis


Emerging Issues for January 2022 Meeting:

Jennifer: Issue of Average Daily Attendance (ADA) and hold harmless which Michael previously addressed.

Luis: Guidance about the use of the increased funding to LEAs. Sandy directed Luis to connect with their Regional Lead within the System of Support for Expanded Learning. Michael asked Fred Buggs to share some information from the Region 9 perspective and a few examples of what he recently saw regarding ELO-P with districts doing it well and one where they broke up ASES and ELO-P into two separate programs.  

Josh: Shared information with meeting with the County of San Mateo Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention Commission regarding the ELO-P. I have presented to their stakeholders regarding the funding and requirements of the program.

Tiffany: Is there a way for EXLD to create a flow chart about the process for Grant Award Notifications (GANs) to share with the field so they understand the complexities of the process. In addition, sharing information regarding “What is local control?” In addition, brought up how ADA funding is not a good way to fund schools and is an equity issue. Michael responded that EXLD is open to a better way for accountability for ASES and 21st CCLC regarding grant reductions. Michael shared how a flow chart would be helpful but it may be too complex and that EXLD can work on some document so we completely understand the process.

Jennifer: Shared how their System of Support challenged them regarding ASES requirements and their own procedures. Redefine some things based on local control. Initially they took a conservative approach regarding some of the requirements and redefining them with using ELO-P funds.

Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be held on April 19, 2022 and will be virtual.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:28 a.m. by Sandy McBrayer.

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Recently Posted in Expanded Learning