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April 2022 Advisory Committee Minutes

The Advisory Committee on Before and After School Program minutes were approved in the August 2022 meeting.

Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs

April 19, 2022 - 9:30 a.m. to Noon

Members Present:

  • Sandy McBrayer—Chair
  • Jennifer Cisneros
  • Tiffany Gipson
  • Tony Brown
  • Brad Lupien
  • Eric Gurna

Members Absent

  • Luis Santana
  • Beth Chaton

Others Present

  • Michael Funk, California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) Director
  • Joshua Brady, CDE, EXLD Administrator
  • Fred Buggs, CDE, EXLD Consultant
  • Jeff Davis, Executive Director, California Afterschool Network


The meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m.

Member Updates

Sandy welcomed everyone and asked everyone to introduce themselves.   

Review of Meeting Materials

The meeting materials were reviewed by members.

Approval of Minutes

Sandy asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Tony made a motion to accept the minutes and Eric seconded the motion. All members were in favor of accepting the January 18, 2022, Before and After School Advisory Committee minutes.

Legislative Update: Sandra and Michael

Assembly Bill (AB) 2501 establishes the California After schools Workgroup and changing it from Expanded Learning Opportunities Program to Universal Afterschool.

AB 2507 requires all new grants beginning in 2023-24 that 30% be allocated to middle school pupils for After School Education and Safety (ASES). Adds a cola to ASES and 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and requires a 100% of federal funds to be allocated on a priority basis for high schools. Last heard on April 7, 2022.

All members agreed that changing the name would not be beneficial to the field.

Public Comment: Steve Fowler – California definition of expanded learning may be the norm but for other states it is more confusing. Brand what Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) is and what it is not to ensure that those funds cannot be used for normal school costs. More communication is needed regarding the language that is in the current ELOP education code.

Expanded Learning Division Staff Report

ASES Universal: The EXLD received 58 applications and EXLD has completed the screening process. There are 13 proposed disqualification applications and the team will be briefing Michael on the list and the reasons for disqualifying the applications.

ASES Renewal: The EXLD is in the process of completing the screening of renewal applications. They have a due date to complete the screening by April 29, 2022.

21st (CCLC): The Intent to Award for 21st CCLC and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) was released to the field on April 13, 2022. This starts the 30-day appeal period. In addition, all applicants and co-applicants received a subsequent eblast regarding the training assessments that each will have to complete. Below is the Intent to Award cut-off for 21st CCLC and ASSETs:

After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens After School Base

  • North-Urban: Priority 4 with an Free and Reduced Price Meal (FRPM) Percentage of 86.08
  • North-Rural: Priority 2 with an FRPM Percentage of 67.16
  • Central-Urban: Priority 2 with an FRPM Percentage of 83.40
  • Central-Rural: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 89.77
  • South-Urban: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 93.61
  • South-Rural: Priority 3 with an FRPM Percentage of 97.09

21st Century Community Learning Centers Elementary/Middle Schools

  • North-urban: Priority 5 with an FRPM Percentage of 84.83
  • North-rural: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 78.28
  • Central-urban: Priority 5 with an FRPM Percentage of 64.39
  • Central-rural: Priority 5 with an FRPM Percentage of 94.66
  • South-urban: Priority 5 with an FRPM Percentage of 84.18
  • South-rural: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 97.95

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Summer Request For Applications (RFA): The EXLD submitted the RFA to the Executive Office for review and approval.  

Payment Issues: Michael communicated to the Advisory Committee the challenges for issuing payments and some of the reasons why there was a delay. One of the biggest reasons was including the rate increase with federal ESSER III funds. The state plan was approved November 12, 2021.

Tiffany: Commented on creating a process and visual diagram for the field regarding how and when grant funds get into their account.

Michael provided an update regarding the challenges with the current ASSIST database and how EXLD is looking into a new Grants Management System.

Expanded Learning Opportunities Program: EXLD has been working to submit several amendments in addition to what is in the trailer bill. Many staff has been doing presentation regarding ELOP on a weekly basis as well as meeting with individual districts.

California Afterschool Network Updates – Tiffany Gipson

Site Coordinator Symposium June 14-17, 2022

ELOP convening on May 11, 2022

Pilot explorations with statewide strategies and leverage the connection

Another Pilot Program with parks and recreation, Sacramento Kings and other localized partners for access and opportunity for youth. May 7, 2022 event to have parents and other Community Based Organizations (CBO) be trained as mentors and coaches.

Current ideation of the Workforce Improvement Committee (WIC) is wrapping up and what have we learned. Will redefine the California Afterschool Network’s (CAN) website regarding workforce. Looking at apprenticeship models with girls inc. for CAN to be a statewide intermediary.

Sandy asked if there are any other issues that the members would like to discuss at the August 2022 meeting.

Emerging Issues for January 2022 Meeting:

Eric Gurna – issue regarding the forgiveness regarding attendance.

Michael – received the greenlight to suspend grant reductions from Governmental Affairs. Both Department of Finance and Legislative staff would not approve at the time as they were still working with LEAs on regular school day funding and declining enrollment issues. Looking at a possible formula for funding so cannot allow ASES and 21st CCLC grantees a hold harmless pass until the other issue is resolved.

Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be held on August 16, 2022 and will be virtual.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 a.m. by Sandra McBrayer.

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Recently Posted in Expanded Learning