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Strategic Plan 2.0

The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has worked in collaboration with over 200 field stakeholders to develop and implement the EXLD Strategic Plan 2.0.

The EXLD is wrapping up the implementation of the initial strategic plan and moving into a Strategic Planning 2.0 process. On September 27, 2018, the EXLD hosted a large convening of over 120 CDE staff and field stakeholders to identify goals and objectives for four outlined strategic initiative areas (Quality Programs, Policy and Grant Administration, Collaborative Partnerships, and Workforce). The EXLD will be working on a detailed action plan for implementation activities sometime in 2019. As a result, the EXLD compiled the work from the convening into a Five-Year Expanded Learning Strategic Plan 2.0 which was released in November 2018.

A Vision for Expanded Learning in California—Strategic Plan: 2019–23 (PDF)

Developed by the California Department of Education (CDE) in collaboration with kindergarten through twelfth grade educators, program practitioners, and support providers. From the four strategic initiatives, the EXLD has formed the following committees to help implement the work of the strategic plan: Policy Committee, Social Emotional Learning Planning Team, Workforce Strategy Committee, Communication Systems Work Group, and Research and Evaluation.


Objectives 2.1.1 & 2.1.2

This committee will develop and disseminate clear policy guidance that support quality programs. Guidance will identify regulatory sources and corresponding levels of program accountability. The committee will develop and implement a timely and collaborative process for reviewing, revising, and notifying the field of new and existing policy guidance.

The committee began meeting in September 2014 and has been established as a permanent committee of the EXLD, where they reviewed statutory requirements of policy making related to their work, discussed a process for reviewing policy and began analyzing the impact of Chapter 370, Statutes of 2014 (Senate Bill 1221, Hancock) on the work of the committee. For more on the work of the Policy Committee, view the Policy Committee Progress Report External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF).

Current Committee Members


Kelly Faustino—EXLD (2015–Present )
Danielle Jones—Stanislaus County Office of Education (Member 2014-2017, Chair 2017–Present)

Team Members

Beth Bartholomew—Adelanto Unified School District (2018–Present)
​Brad Lupien—arc (2018–Present)
Brian Lee—Fight Crime, Invest in Kids (2016–Present)
Erin Sipes—Elk Grove Unified School District (2015–Present)
George Hernandez—EduCare Foundation (2015–Present)
Heather Williams—California AfterSchool Network (2019–Present)
Helena Silva—Fresno County Office of Education (2019–Present)
Iqbal Badwalz—EXLD (2017–Present)
JJ Lynch—San Rafeal City School District (2019–Present)
John Han—Beyond the Bell, Los Angeles Unified School District (2019–Present)
Josh Brady—EXLD (2016–Present)
Kimi Toya—EXLD (2018–Present)
Liz Gonzalez (2019–Present)
Lori Salters—Siskiyou County Office of Education (2015–Present)
Mike Snell—California Teaching Fellows Foundation (2016–Present)
Nate Houston—Center For Fathers and Families (2018–Present)
Steve Amick—Think Together (2018–Present)
Teng Xiong—EXLD (2018–Present)
Tom McFadden—Monrovia Unified School District (2019–Present)

Former Committee Members


Iqbal Badwalz—EXLD (2015–2017)
Lisa McClung (Backup)—EXLD (2014)
Marlena Uhrik—EXLD (2014 - 2015)
Tavi Popp (Backup)—EXLD (2015)
Mike Snell—CaliforniaTeaching Fellows Foundation (2016–2017)
Nora Zamora—Alameda County Office of Education (2014–2016)

Team Members

Barbara Bell—EXLD (2014–2018)
Briana Downey—Napa County of Education (2014–2015)
Daymon Beach—San Diego County Office of Education (2014–2018)
​Fred Sharp—EXLD (2016–2018)
Harry Talbot—Beyond the Bell, Los Angeles Unified School District (2015–2018)​
Janet Henner—EXLD (2014–2016)
Katherine Sullivan—West Contra Costa (2014–2018)
Martha Hall—Orange County Department of Education (2014–2015)
Mele Lau-Smith—San Francisco Unified School District (2014–2018)
Michelle Perrenoud—Los Angeles County Office of Education (2014–2018)
Nora Zamora—Alameda County Office of Education (2016–2017)
Tiina Rosselle—Boys and Girls Clubs of San Leandro (2014–2017)
Tim Bower—Beyond the Bell, Los Angeles Unified School District (2014–2015)

Social Emotional Learning

Objectives 4.5.1

The work of this committee supports several different key objectives to the California Expanded Learning Strategic Plan. Details about the committee, including commitment and responsibilities, are outlined below.


The Social Emotional Learning Planning Team will provide recommendations to the EXLD regarding the types of supports and structures the EXLD should design and execute to better integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into the System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL) system that is funded by the EXLD. This will result in Expanded Learning Programs across the state receiving technical assistance to deepen SEL opportunities for students and foster alignment around SEL strategies with the school day.

Scope and Context

The EXLD is focused on helping high quality Expanded Learning Programs (EXLP) increase the quality and frequency of opportunities for students to develop Social and Emotional Skills.

California is one of seven states selected to be part of the Center for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) Collaborating States Initiative. The CDE was the applicant. The CDE/CASEL state team is working to inform state policy around the implementation of SEL in the California education.It involves several Expanded Learning leaders from across the state.

With School Climate as one of the state’s priorities for local school districts, there is a new opportunity for high quality EXLP’s to become strong collaborative partners with kindergarten through twelfth grade leadership to help students succeed.

There is support for Expanded Learning opportunities in the recently approved federal reauthorization of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), as well as significantly more flexibility in the use of those funds. Recently, the California State Board of Education chose to assess School Climate as part of the required ESSA Academic Assessment.

The group began meeting in April 2017 and held its final meeting in February 2018.

View the page 2 of the Social Emotional Learning Planning Team Recommendations Executive Summary External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF).


Michael Funk—EXLD
Katie Brackenridge—Partnership for Children and Youth
Heather Williams—EXLD

Team Members

Amy Cranston—Ventura County Office of Education
Anissa Sonnenburg—EXLD
Deborah Moroney—American Institute for Research
Ella Graham—EXLD
Erin Browder—Consultant
Fred Buggs—EXLD
Jeff Davis—California Afterschool Network
Jenel Lao—University of California Irvine, School of Education
Josh Blecha—Fresno County Office of Education
Julia Ma—Oakland Unified School District
Julie Sesser—ASAPconnect
Julie White—Core Districts
Kim Richards—Boys and Girls Club of Carson
Lupita Cruz—Orange County Department of Education
Lynell Johnson—EXLD
Mai Xi Lee—Sacramento City Unified School District
Matt Emerzian—Every Monday Matters
Mele Lau-Smith—San Francisco Unified School District
Nate Houston—Center for Fathers and Families
Nora Hana—San Joaquin County Office of Education
Robert Diaz—Beyond the Bell, Los Angeles Unified School District
Stacy Daraio—Temescal Associates
Stu Semigran—EduCare Foundation
Tiffany Knuckles—Oakland Leaf
Zak Parpia—CalSAC

Workforce Strategy

The purpose of the Committee is to identify data collection needs, strategies, and target audiences to better understand the Expanded Learning workforce. This will advance the development of a diverse Expanded Learning workforce that is prepared to support the growth of children and youth, and deliver high-quality programming.

The Committee will advance the goals and activities set forth in the CDE-EXLD Strategic Plan 2.0, and continue and expand the work of the California Expanded Learning Workforce Advisory Group.

The Committee is primarily responsible for providing recommendations to the CDE-EXLD pertaining to Expanded Learning workforce development and implementing an annual work plan, which may include (but not be limited to) activities such as: informing possible labor market analyses, policy recommendations, and recommendations for needed research.

Recommendations are being developed under the following goal areas:

  • Incentivize and attract a diverse Expanded Learning workforce through a flexible and accessible college-credit system.

  • Strengthen career pathways and professional development for Expanded Learning workforce. (including: Build the capacity of Site Coordinators through professional development and peer support).

  • Develop a data collection system that informs initial and ongoing work related to workforce development.

  • Influence policy that advances the workforce.

  • Address barriers to economic mobility and success to ensure the Expanded Learning workforce is reflective of the diversity of California's children and youth.


Susie Morikawa, EXLD
Ruth Obel-Jorgensen, California School-Age Consortium

Supported by Foundation for California Community Colleges Staff

Aleah Rosario, Senior Specialist
Haden Springer, Manager
Tim Aldinger, Executive Director

Team Members

Anissa Sonnenburg—EXLD
Ava Elliott—Public Profit
David Anderson—Think Together
Kourtney Andrada—Girls Inc. of Alameda County
Julee Brooks—Woodcraft Rangers
Carlos Martinez—Los Angeles Unified School District-Beyond the Bell
Darrell Parsons—EXLD
Diana Rodriguez—Youth Policy Institute
Gizzele Linayao—Moreland School District
Juan Sanchez—EXLD
Judith Munter—College Career Transitions Program
Julie Jarrett—Butte County Office of Education
Kathleen White—City College of San Francisco
Larrah Feliciano—Monterey Trail High School
Mary Willis—Think Together
Michelle Perrenoud—Los Angeles County Office of Education
Mike Snell—California Teaching Fellows Foundation
Monica Gonzalez-Williams—Sacramento County Office of Education
Roshni Wadhwani—Public Profit
Sandy McBrayer—The Children's Initiative
Steve Fowler—FowlerHoffman
Tammy Gregory—Employment Development Department
Troy Selvey—California AfterSchool Network
Zachary Wilson—LA's BEST

Communication Systems

The purpose of the Communication Systems Work Group (Work Group) is to develop multi-directional communication systems within the Expanded Learning and kindergarten through twelfth grade field to provide better supports for developing and maintaining high-quality Expanded Learning programs. The Work Group will be made up of representatives from the CDE EXLD, technical assistance partners, grantees, and other stakeholders engaged in communications within the field in California. This Work Group will utilize Systems Thinking strategies (building on our work with the Society for Organizational Learning) to establish a more comprehensive and coordinated system of communications that will result in responsive and relevant communication strategies. This work will consist of auditing and redesigning current communication systems and strategies.

The Work Group will advance the goals and activities set forth in the EXLD Strategic Plans as outlined in the section below.

Work Group Context

Communications was one of the original four strategic initiatives of EXLD’s Strategic Plan 1.0 (A Vision for Expanded Learning in California [PDF]) and a number of the implementation committees have made additional recommendations regarding communications within the Expanded Learning field. One such example is from the SEL Planning Team's set of recommendations -

SEL Recommendation: Improve EXLD’s communications channels to multiple stakeholders within and beyond the Expanded Learning field.

Context: The EXLD manages and/or influences multiple communication channels to its grantees and stakeholders. However, communication across California’s broader education and Expanded Learning landscape is an ongoing challenge due to the nature of the workforce as well as to the size and breadth of the field. It has been a consistent theme among many of the implementation committees that the current communication channels within the Expanded Learning field are inadequate, and often crucial information does not reach the intended stakeholders. Strengthening the system to ensure two-way communication between the field and CDE reaches across district, site, and community stakeholders is a priority.

Communications is also embedded in the EXLD Strategic Plan 2.0 (A Vision for Expanded Learning in California - Strategic Plan 2.0 [PDF]), particularly in Strategic Initiative 3, Collaborative Partnerships. In particular this work will be guided by Goal 3.4: Improve communication systems to ensure a well-informed field and increase awareness and engagement, and it’s subsequent objectives.

NOTE: While messaging is a key activity of communications work, this work group will not be focusing on that task, but it will likely be embedded in future committee/work group efforts.

Work Group Composition

The Work Group is comprised of members representing the diversity of the Expanded Learning and kindergarten through twelfth grade field and stakeholders, including those with expertise in the field of communications systems. Members bring unique perspectives, background and experience, and represent multiple parts of the state, urban and rural areas, different program or organization types and sizes, and varied levels and positions within or supporting the Expanded Learning system.


Erin Koepke – EXLD
Heather Williams– California AfterSchool Network


Michael Funk - Advisor
Josh Brady - Advisor

Team Members

Beatriz Gonzalez
Deborah Denico
DeeAnn Rivera
Elena Kosareff
Ginger Shea
Gionovan Bean
John Duran
Jon Bernson
Julie Maxwell-Jolly
Julie Sesser
Kelly Faustino
Kristine MacDonald
Lupine Reppert
Lupita Perez
Mara Mahmood
Melea Meyer
Melissa Perez
Paul Simpson Jones
Philip James
Rob Bergan
Taihvoochi Colegrove

Research and Evaluation


The Research and Evaluation Strategy Committee will provide analysis of current Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) research, and make recommendations to EXLD for using the research to inform program quality processes. Specifically, the committee will (1) examine the strengths and gaps of the First Biennial Report to the Legislature; (2) identify ways to hone future data collection and/or research to address the gaps; and (3) make recommendations for how the outcomes of the current report can be used to help drive quality in the field and inform the next Biennial Report to the Legislature.


Barbara Bell
Janel Lao

Team Members

Darlene Mosher
Ginger Shea
Greg Austin
Jane Liang
Jeff Davis
Jessica Manta-Meyer
Juan Sanchez
Kara Johnson
Kimi Toya
Mara Wold
Michelle Perrenoud
Mylou Moua
Patrick Lundh
Regino Chavez
Shelby Feliciano-Sabala
Staci Wendt
Stephen Price
Tiffany Berry

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Recently Posted in Expanded Learning