Visiting Educator Program
Advertising the Visiting Educator Program in the California Department of Education..The Visiting Educator Program is a unique employment
exchange program requiring cooperation among individuals working
in public education and the California Department of Education
CDE believes that California's educational community can benefit from the assignment (at the state level) of local or national experts who can assist in the development of statewide programs and/or policies. Selected candidates for the Visiting Educator Program may be educators who have developed outstanding local programs, subject matter specialists who can provide expertise in focused areas, or school business specialists who can provide expertise in resolving problems facing school administration today.
Visiting Education Program participants are employees of qualifying governmental jurisdictions (e.g. local school districts, county offices of education, public and private universities) who work for the CDE while on loan from their current employers. In exchange, the CDE reimburses the participants' employers for costs such as salaries, benefits, and related expenses.
All supervisory professional education positions in the CDE are potential Visiting Educator opportunities. Information about current opportunities is available at Ed
. Questions about this program can be addressed to:
California Department of Education
Human Resources Division
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-8450