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Instruction, Measurement & Administration Branch

Oversees programs promoting innovation and improved student achievement. Programs include statewide student assessment, school and district interventions, state and federal accountability, and the collection and reporting of educational data.

Cheryl Cotton
Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction

Phone: 916-319-0812
Fax: 916-319-0100


Assessment Development & Administration Division
Manages the development and administration for all statewide assessments.

Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division
Supports the Instructional Quality Commission, develops curriculum frameworks, oversees the adoption of instructional materials, produces and distributes instructional materials in specialized media.

Office of Equal Opportunity
Responsible for ensuring compliance with State and Federal civil rights laws and regulations, Title IX, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Section 504, and Methods of Administration (MOA) in California Department of Education (CDE) employment and delivery of education services.

Professional Learning Support Division
Supports and promotes high quality professional learning for educators so every student has access to teachers and leaders who can support their academic achievement and social, emotional, and physical well-being.

State Special Schools and Services Division
Provides services to deaf, hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired students in addition to offering local educational agency (LEA) special education programs with assessment services, technical assistance and staff development.

Questions:   Instruction, Measurement & Administration Branch | 916-319-0812
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, January 2, 2024