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Section IV - State Administration

Section 608(a) of the IDEA requires each State that receives funds under this title to:

(1) ensure that any State rules, regulations, and policies relating to this title conform to the purposes of this title;

(2) identify in writing to local educational agencies located in the State and the Secretary any such rule, regulation, or policy as a State-imposed requirement that is not required by this title and Federal regulations; and

(3) minimize the number of rules, regulations, and policies to which the local educational agencies and schools located in the State are subject under this title.

States must attach to this application a list identifying any rule, regulation, or policy that is State-imposed (not required by IDEA or Federal regulations). If there are no such State-imposed rules, regulations, or policies, please so indicate. In addition, the State is required to inform local education agencies in writing of such State-imposed rules, regulation or policy. (20 U.S.C. 1407(a); 34 CFR §300.199)

Questions:   Nora Parella | | 916-327-3731
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
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