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Annual Performance Report Measures

Short summaries of special education program and student outcome data for California local educational agencies (LEAs).

Overall Purpose

The Special Education Annual Performance Report Measures are a series of reports by the California Department of Education (CDE), Special Education Division (SED) to disseminate educational data and improve the quality of education for all students, with an emphasis on students with disabilities.

These reports are required by Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) External link opens in new window or tab. [20 United States Code 1416(b)(2)(C)(ii) and 34 Code of Federal Regulations 300.602] and are directly connected to the CDE's Belief and Purpose, Quality Assurance Process, and Focused Monitoring of special education programs. The report has been formatted to align with the California Special Education Part B State Performance Plan (SPP) and the subsequent Part B Annual Performance Report (APR). Local educational agency (LEA) consist of school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools acting as LEAs. LEA reports based on data from school year 2022–23 are available at the bottom of this page.

The performance report measures mirror the measures reported in the SPP and APR. In addition to the SPP and APR, these measures are used to determine the compliance status of each LEA as required by IDEA and to select LEAs, each year, for participation in the Focused Monitoring process. Detailed descriptions of the data elements used to calculate the measures are available in the SPP and APR. For some of the required measures, the number of students served at the LEA level is too small for meaningful calculations. The specific data and calculations underlying the results for an individual LEA or Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) are available upon request from the Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance consultant for that LEA or SELPA.

Data Measures

The 14 SPP Indicators found in the 2022–23 performance reports should not be viewed as the sole determinants of the quality of a LEA's special education program. In addition to the uses outlined above, the reports provide information that can be used by LEA officials and others to help them examine their programs and focus efforts in areas most in need of improvement. Small year-to-year changes are to be expected and may merely reflect the normal phenomena within the educational process. Large differences may reflect a systemic difference in the special education program and may also result from changes in the data gathering and reporting process in the LEA. In any event, the meaning of any changes can only be determined by a closer examination, at the LEA level, of the activities that underlie each measure.

Data Calculations

Calculations may be affected by the placement in licensed children's institutions (LCI) of children whose residences were other than the current LEA. When students are placed in LCIs, their LEA of residence may change to the LEA in which the LCI is located. LCI placements may affect the proportion of children in one or more of the measures because the calculations are based on LEA of residence.

In the past, a very small number of LEAs noted that the data they reported to CDE contained errors. None of the known errors is large enough to appreciably distort measures at the state level, but they could make a difference for some individual LEAs. Measurements for LEAs are not included when the volume of errors in the data submitted precludes calculation of the measure or measures. For all indicators and measures, a "NC" indicates there were too few students to calculate a meaningful measure. A "NA" indicates that the measure is not applicable to the LEA (e.g., graduation percent for an elementary LEA). A zero indicates the calculated value for that measure is zero. For example, a "NC" in measure 5A indicates there were fewer than 20 students receiving special education in that LEA; a zero in the same block would indicate none of the 20 or more receiving special education in that LEA are educated with their nondisabled peers more than 20 percent of the time.

Questions on reported data should be directed to the LEA. In some instances, the LEA may have become aware of problems in the data submitted to CDE and now have more accurate figures available. In some cases, what could appear to be inaccurate data is merely a reflection of unique circumstances in a particular program or community.

Local Educational Agency Reports for 2022–23

To expedite access and search functions, the report has been divided into nine files. The reports are in alphabetical order by LEA name.

To access the report for a LEA, click on the link containing the first letter of that LEA. When the report opens, use the "Find" function to search for the name of the LEA. You may then view the report on the screen or print it. In the Print dialogue box, use the Print Range to select and limit the printout to only the pages of the LEA(s) being viewed.

If you experience difficulties viewing or printing a specific report, contact the Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance consultant for that LEA to request a hardcopy.

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with A-B (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with C-D (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with E-G (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with H-K (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with L-M (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with N-O (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with P-R (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with S (DOCX)

2022–23 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with T-Z (DOCX)

Local Educational Agency Reports for 2021–22

To expedite access and search functions, the report has been divided into nine files. The reports are in alphabetical order by LEA name.

To access the report for a LEA, click on the link containing the first letter of that LEA. When the report opens, use the "Find" function to search for the name of the LEA. You may then view the report on the screen or print it. In the Print dialogue box, use the Print Range to select and limit the printout to only the pages of the LEA(s) being viewed.

If you experience difficulties viewing or printing a specific report, contact the Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance consultant for that LEA to request a hardcopy.

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with A-B (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with C-D (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with E-G (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with H-K (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with L-M (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with N-O (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with P-R (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with S (DOCX)

2021–22 Indicator report for LEA name beginning with T-Z (DOCX)

If you have questions regarding the Indicator Reports please contact the Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance Consultant for the LEA.

Questions:   Special Education Division | 916-445-4613
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
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