Note: This list is intended to provide examples of assistive technology and should not be misconstrued as a mandate for payment by any agency, including: local educational agencies, California Children's Services, the California Departments of Rehabilitation, Developmental Services, or Education.
Mechanics of Writing
- Pencil/pen with adaptive grip
- Adapted paper (e.g., raised line, highlighted lines)
- Slant board
- Typewriter
- Portable word processor
- Computer
- Other (explain other)
Alternate Computer Access
- Keyboard with easy access
- Key guard
- Arm support
- Track ball/track pad/joystick with on screen keyboard
- Alternate keyboard
- Mouth stick/head pointer with standard/alternate keyboard
- Head mouse/head master/tracker with on screen keyboard
- Switch with Morse code
- Switch with scanning
- Voice recognition software
- Word prediction to reduce keystrokes
- Other (explain other)
Composing Written Material
- Word cards/word book/word wall
- Pocket dictionary/thesaurus
- Electronic/talking electronic dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker
- Word processor with spell checker/grammar checker
- Word processor with word prediction to facilitate spelling and sentence construction
- Talking word processor for multisensory typing
- Voice recognition software
- Multimedia software for expression of ideas (assignments)
- Other (explain other)
Reading, Studying and Math
- Changes in text size, spacing, color, background color
- Use of pictures with text
- Book adapted for page turning (e.g., page fluffers, 3-ring binder)
- Talking electronic device to pronounce challenging words
- Scanner with talking word processor
- Electronic books
- Other (explain other)
- Print or picture schedule
- Low tech aids to find materials (e.g., index tabs, color coded folders)
- Highlight text (e.g., markers, highlight tape, ruler, etc.)
- Voice output reminders for assignments, steps of task, etc.
- Software for manipulation of objects/concept development input device (e.g., switch, touch window)
- Software for organization of ideas and studying
- Recorded material (e.g., books on tape, taped lectures with number coded index)
- Other (explain other)
- Abacus/math line
- Calculator/calculator with print out
- Talking calculator
- Calculator with large keys and/or large LCD print out
- On screen calculator
- Software with templates for math computation (may use adapted input methods)
- Tactile/voice output measuring devices (e.g., clock, ruler)
- Other (explain other)
- Communication board/book with pictures/objects/letters/words
- Eye gaze board (eye gaze communication)
- Simple voice output device
- Voice output device with levels
- Device with speech synthesis for typing
- Other (explain other)
Activities of Daily Living
- Adaptive eating devices (e.g., foam handle on utensil)
- Adaptive drinking devices (e.g., cup with cut out rim)
- Adaptive dressing equipment (e.g., button hook, reacher)
- Other (explain other)
- Walker
- Grab rails
- Manual wheelchair
- Powered mobility toy
- Powered wheelchair with joystick, head switch or sip/puff control
- Other (explain other)
Environmental Control
- Light switch extension
- Use of universal link and switch to turn on electrical appliances (e.g., radio, fan, blender)
- Radio/ultra sound/remote controlled appliances
- Other (explain other)
Recreation and Leisure
- Adapted toys and games (e.g., toy with adaptive handle)
- Use of battery interrupter and switch to operate a toy
- Adaptive sporting equipment (e.g., lighted/bell ball, velcro mitt)
- Universal cuff to hold crayons, markers, paint brush
- Modified utensils (e.g., rollers, stampers, scissors)
- Arm rest to support arm for drawing/painting
- Drawing/graphic program on computer
- Playing games on the computer
- Music software on computer
- Other (explain other)
- Eye glasses
- Magnifier
- Large print books
- Screen magnifier (mounted over screen)
- Screen color cornets
- Screen magnification software
- CCTV (closed-circuit television)
- Screen reader
- Braille keyboard and note taker
- Braille translation software
- Braille printer
- Other (explain other)
- Hearing aid
- Classroom amplification
- Captioning
- Signaling device (e.g., vibrating pager)
- TDD/TTY (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf/Teletypewriters) for phone access
- Screen flash for alert signals on computer
- Other (explain other)
Positioning and Seating
- Non-slip surface on chair to prevent slipping
- Bolster, rolled towel, blocks for feet
- Adapted/alternate chair, side lyer, stander
- Custom fitted wheelchair or insert
- Other (explain other)
The Open Access Learning and Participation for ALL website
provides information about other materials that have been developed, and has available for downloading a copy of Resource Manual for Assessing
Student's Needs for Assistive Technology.
Special Education Division | | 916-445-4613
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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