Employment - Collaboration
Collaboration with programs and agencies that support youth with disabilities enhances the potential for students to be prepared for employment.Collaboration with programs and agencies that support youth with disabilities enhances the potential for students to be prepared for employment. Collaboration with general education also assists students to participate in programs with a career focus. It is important to research what is available at your local school site regarding career technical education pathways, dual enrollment classes (high school/community college), and career-related student organizations. Evidence-based practices that have proven effective in leading youth to successful employment are inclusion in general education, providing student support, and ongoing interagency collaboration.
Transition Planning: The Basics
(PDF; 54MB)
Interagency collaboration is referenced on pages 16-19 and 24-26.
These pages also provide information on how to comply with elements 1-6 of the Indicator 13 requirements of the California Annual Performance Report (APR)
General Education Programs and Options
The Four A’s of Managing the Placement and Service of Students with Disabilities in the Career Technical Education (CTE) Classroom
A brief that provides strategies for working collaboratively with CTE teachers to accommodate youth with disabilities.
Career and College Awareness Lesson Plans
A set of age-appropriate lessons for grades 5 through 12 based on California resources and educational standards.
Agencies that Provide Support for Employment to Youth with Disabilities
California Department of Rehabilitation
The California Department of Rehabilitation works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living, and equality for individuals with disabilities.
California Department of Developmental Services-Information Packet for Consumers and Families
The California Department of Developmental Services is the agency through which the State of California provides services and supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Social Security
Provides information and resources for youth, family and professionals regarding Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, benefits planning, and employment issues.