Assessment Apportionments
Information regarding apportionment to reimburse local educational agencies (LEAs) for specified annual assessment administration.Purpose
Assessment Apportionment funding is provided to LEAs to reimburse the costs associated with administering the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System assessments and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). The amount to be apportioned to each LEA is based on the number of pupils tested during each school year. The LEA apportionment rate per pupil per test is established by the State Board of Education.
Apportionments are not paid to LEAs until the following fiscal year (FY), after all testing has been completed for the school year. Funds are considered unrestricted and should be accounted for as Income Account or Revenue Object Code 8590 (Resource Code 0000) of the General Fund. Assessment Apportionments are separate and not included in the Local Control Funding Formula.State Assessment Apportionment System
State regulations require each LEA to certify the accuracy of their student data in order to receive their apportionment. Following the close of the assessment window, the California Department of Education (CDE) will send out an email to all LEA coordinators instructing them to log on to the CDE's State Assessment Apportionment System (SAAS) in order to certify their LEA's student data. Coordinators can search for their LEA's data on the Test Results for California's Assessments
website, which they can use to certify.
CAASPP Apportionments
Funding is provided to LEAs and charter schools to reimburse the costs associated with administering the CAASPP. The amount apportioned per pupil per test is established by the State Board of Education (SBE).
SBE agenda items providing information about annual per pupil reimbursement rates.
Funding Results providing information about past CAASPP and ELPAC apportionment certification.
Related Resources
- Grade Two Diagnostic Assessments Reporting:
Beginning with the 2014–15 school year LEAs are to annually report the number of grade two pupils administered an optional CDE-certified grade two diagnostic assessment per California Education Code Section 60644. The ability to self-report the data is a feature of the SAAS, and should be completed when certifying an LEAs CAASPP student data for apportionment.
ELPAC Apportionments
Funding is provided to LEAs and charter schools to reimburse the costs associated with administering the ELPAC. The amount apportioned per pupil per test is established by the State Board of Education.