California Science Test
California's statewide science assessment for students in grades five and eight and once in high school.Program Overview
The statewide California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System includes federally required science assessments in grades five and eight and once in high school (i.e., grade ten, eleven, or twelve). Since the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (CA NGSS) in 2013, the California Department of Education developed the California Science Test (CAST), which is aligned with these standards.
High school students will have only one opportunity to take a science test (i.e., in grade ten, eleven, or twelve). Local educational agencies (LEAs) can elect to administer a science test to students in grade ten or eleven. Students in grade twelve, who have not yet taken a science test, will automatically be registered to test. Students repeating grade twelve are not eligible to test.
The following links provide additional information about the program.
- CAASPP–CalEdFacts web page provides a more detailed overview of the tests.
- California Assessment Timeline (PDF) presents the assessment administration timeline.
- Assessment System Chart webpage lists the tests of the California Assessment System by subject, content, test name, test type, student participant groups, grade levels, and testing window timeframe.
Resources and Communication Materials
Resources for Communication with Parents/Guardians
CAST Assessment Fact Sheet Flyer (PDF)
Introducing CAST Item Specifications Flyer (PDF)
2024–25 California Student Assessment Accessibility Graphic for Science
CAST Practice and Training Tests Flyer (PDF)
CAST Training Tests, Practice Tests, and Interim Assessments At-a-Glance Flyer (PDF)
Partner Organizations
- California Science Project
- California Association of Science Educators
- National K–12 Science Framework
- National Science Teachers Association
- Next Generation Science Standards
Test Administration
Test Administration Coordination website
CAST Practice and Training Tests
CAST Practice Test Scoring Guides
How to Access a Practice or Training Test Through the Student Interface Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
How to Administer a Practice or Training Test with a Session ID Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
How to Start a Test Session Quick Reference Guide (PDF) (This resource is intended for California educators and requires district log-in credentials.)
CAASPP Portal CAST web page
includes online science resources available to all students:
- Periodic table of elements
- Reference sheets that include formulas and constants
Organization of the California Science Test
Science Test Administration for High School Students (PDF)
Student Accessibility Resources web page
Scores and Results Reporting
Test Results for California's Assessments website
—For directions on how to view results, go to the Quick Reference Guides.
CAASPP Starting Smarter website
The CAST Reporting Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) (PDF) document provides descriptions of the four levels possible for a student’s overall performance on the CAST and the three levels possible for a student’s performance by science domain.
CAST Scale Score Ranges provides the scale score ranges by grade and achievement level.
Research Files for California Science Test web page
, which provides research files from previous administrations of the CAST.
CAST 2017–18 administration research files contain the results from the 2017–18 field test. CAST aggregated results are reported by the state, county, LEA, and school levels as well as by student groups. These research files are intended for use by educators or researchers to perform analyses and prepare customized reports. Caution should be used when interpreting the preliminary indicator results, given that these results are from an assessment that was not operational.
Laws, Regulations, and Requirements
California Education Code Section 60640
Assessment Apportionment Reimbursements to LEAs
Technical Documents
CAST Blueprint (PDF) was used to build the 2018–19 through 2020–21 administrations of the CAST.
Revised CAST Blueprint (PDF; 2MB) will be implemented with the 2021–22 administration of the CAST.
CAST Range Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs)
Accessibility Supports for Operational Testing (PDF)
CAASPP Technical Reports and Studies
CAST Interim Assessments
The CAST Interim Assessments (IA) in grades three, four, and five will each assess all three science domains. Middle school and high school will each have three interim assessments that assess a single science domain. Each CAST IA will consist of two segments: one discrete segment and one performance task (PT) segment. The PT consists of four to six items, including one constructed response item worth 2 points that must be hand-scored.