RDRSSP April 2024 Meeting Draft Minutes
RDRSSP April 2024 Meeting Draft Minutes to consider for approval on June 6, 2024 meeting.Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel
draft Minutes of Meeting: April 19, 2024
(Panel will consider for approval on June 6, 2024)
Preliminary Report of Action
Friday, April 19, 2024
Panelists Present:
- Young-Suk Kim, Chair
- Yesenia Guerrero, Vice Chair
- Dominic Grasso
- Carlin Graveline
- Martha Martinez
- Jessica Niessen
- Gisela O’Brien
- Tamara Wilson
Panelists Participating Remotely:
- Timothy Odegard
Please note that the complete proceedings of the April 19, 2024, Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel (Panel or RDRSSP) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available on the RDRSSP web page.
California Department of Education (CDE)
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, CA 95814
- Call to Order
Chair Kim called the meeting to order at approximately 9:01 a.m.
- Salute to the Flag
Panelist Graveline led the salute to the flag.
- Communications
- Announcements
- Special Presentations.
- Public notice is hereby given that special presentations for informational purposes may take place during this session.
- Public notice is hereby given that special presentations for informational purposes may take place during this session.
- Agenda Items
- Adjournment
Agenda Items
Item 01:
Subject: Opening Remarks of Chair and Vice-Chair
Type of Action: Information
Chair Kim and Vice-Chair Guerrero did not provide opening remarks.
Action: No action was taken.
Item 02:
Subject: Approve March Meeting Minutes
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: The CDE recommends that the Panel approve the minutes of the March 15, 2024, RDRSSP meeting.
Action: Vice-Chair Guerrero moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.
Panelist Wilson seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.
Item 03:
Subject: Review of the Statute and Panel Process
Type of Action: Information
State Board of Education (SBE) staff gave a presentation that provided the Panel an opportunity to learn the statute that governs the Panel and their processes.
Action: No action was taken.
Item 04:
Subject: Approve and Recommend the Review Process to the SBE
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: The CDE recommends that the Panel approve and recommend the review process to the SBE as presented.
Action: Panelist Niessen moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.
Vice-Chair Guerrero seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.
Item 05:
Subject: Approve and Recommend the Review Elements and Evaluation Criteria to the SBE
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Panel approve and recommend the Review Elements and Evaluation Criteria to the SBE, with the following changes, as specified:
- Page 3, clarify what is meant by “exceptionality status” using parenthetical examples
- Pages 2 and 3, clearly describe what is meant by “language background”
- Page 4, replace the reference to “decoded” to “interpreted”,
- Page 2, replace reference to “linguistic” on to “language”
- Page 2, remove reference to “identity”
- Simplify document by removing duplicative references to subgroups within “Psychometrics” section
- Page 2, correct alphanumeric error
Action: Panelist Niessen moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.
Panelist Grasso seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.
Item 06:
Subject: Draft Scoring Rubric
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Panel approve and recommend the draft Scoring Rubric to the SBE, with the following changes, as specified:
- Incorporate changes from Item 05 to the Rubric
- Reconcile numbering of Rubric and Evaluation Criteria
- Add the name of each review element as a header to the corresponding section of the Rubric
- Make formatting changes, as specified, to provide emphasis
- Hyperlink student demographics to subgroups in criterion 5
Make wording changes, as specified, for criteria 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4a.1, 4d.1, 5.1, and 5.2.
Action: Panelist Wilson moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.
Panelist Graveline seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.
Item 07:
Subject: Discussion of the Implementation of the Scoring Rubric
WestEd staff gave a presentation and led a study session on the implementation of the Scoring Rubric.
Type of Action: Information
Action: No action was taken.
Item 08:
Subject: General Public Comment.
Public Comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Public comment will be limited to one minute.
Type of Action: Information
Adjournment of Meeting
Chair Kim adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:46 p.m.