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RDRSSP July 2024 Meeting Draft Minutes

RDRSSP July 2024 Meeting Draft Minutes to consider for approval on August 23, 2024 meeting.
Draft Minutes of Meeting: July 26, 2024
Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel

(Panel will consider for approval on August 23, 2024)

Preliminary Report of Action
Friday, July 26, 2024
Panelists Present:
  • Young-Suk Kim, Chair
  • Yesenia Guerrero, Vice Chair
  • Dominic Grasso
  • Carlin Graveline
  • Martha Martinez
  • Jessica Niessen
  • Gisela O’Brien
  • Timothy Odegard
  • Tamara Wilson
Panelists Absent:
  • Tamara Wilson (Item 06 and portions of Item 05 only)
  • Dominic Grasso (Item 06 and portions of Item 05 only)

Please note that the complete proceedings of the July 26, 2024, Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel (Panel or RDRSSP) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available on the RDRSSP web page.


California Department of Public Health
1500 Capitol Avenue, Auditorium
Sacramento, CA 95814

  1. Call to Order
    Chair Kim called the meeting to order at approximately 9:03 a.m.

  2. Salute to the Flag
    Panelist Niessen led the salute to the flag.

  3. Communications

  4. Announcements

  5. Special Presentations.
    • Public notice is hereby given that special presentations for informational purposes may take place during this session.

  6. Agenda Items

  7. Adjournment

Agenda Items
Item 01:

Subject: Opening Remarks of Chair and Vice-Chair
Type of Action: Information
Chair Kim provided opening remarks.
Vice-Chair Guerrero did not provide opening remarks.
Action: No action was taken.

Item 02:

Subject: Approve June Meeting Minutes
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the Panel approve the minutes of the June 6, 2024, RDRSSP meeting.
Action: Panelist Martinez moved to approve the CDE staff recommendation.
Panelist Wilson seconded the motion.
Yes votes: Panelists Grasso, Graveline, Guerrero, Kim, O’Brien, Odegard, Niessen, Martinez, and Wilson
No votes: None
Members Absent: None
Abstentions: None
Recusals: None
The motion passed with nine votes.

Item 03:

Subject: Review of the Statute and Panel Process
Type of Action: Information
State Board of Education (SBE) staff gave a presentation that provided the Panel an opportunity to learn the statute that governs the Panel and their processes.
Action: No action was taken.

Item 04:

Subject: Discussion of Evaluation Process
WestEd staff gave a presentation and led two study sessions on the evaluation process for considering applications that are submitted to the Panel.
Type of Action: Information
Action: No action was taken.

Item 05:

Subject: Discussion of Screener Information Template
WestEd staff gave a presentation and led a study session to discuss the screener information template.
Type of Action: Information
Action: No action was taken.

Item 06:

Subject: General Public Comment.
Public Comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Public comment will be limited to one minute.
Type of Action: Information

Adjournment of the Meeting

Chair Kim adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:19 p.m.

Questions:   Reading Difficulties Risk Screener Selection Panel | | 916-445-7098
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, August 13, 2024
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