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Topics include: Reporting multilingual and English learner programs; new language instruction codes; reporting EL participation and services in CALPADS.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       September 25, 2019

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #163

Reporting Multilingual and English Learner Programs

This FLASH summarizes how local educational agencies (LEAs) will report multilingual and English learner programs in 2019–20.This information was provided in the April 2019 CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM), in various training sessions, and in communications from the California Department of Education’s (CDE’s) Language Policy and Leadership program office.

In November 2016, California voters approved Proposition 58, also known as CA Ed.G.E. (California Education for a Global Economy, pronounced California “Edge”). The purpose of this initiative is to ensure that all children in California public schools receive the highest quality education, master the English language, and access high-quality, innovative, and research-based language programs that prepare them to fully participate in a global economy.

More information on the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative, including links to the law and regulations, can be found on the CDE CA Education for a Global Economy Initiative web page at: Further information is provided in the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative Handbook for School Districts and County Offices of Education, available on the CDE website here:

New Language Instruction Program Codes for Native and Non-Native English Speakers

Reflecting the policy direction of CA Ed.G.E., the CDE has developed a comprehensive list of language instruction programs (LIPs) for English learners seeking English language acquisition, students seeking proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English, and students participating in programs designed to develop English language proficiency and meet the academic and transitional needs of newly arrived immigrants or “newcomers.”

LEAs may now report student participation in LIPs for both native and non-native English speakers by submitting Education Program records on the Student Program (SPRG) file using the following codes:

New Education Program Code Name of New Education Program Code
LIP – Developmental Bilingual Program
LIP – Dual-Language Immersion Program
LIP – Heritage or Indigenous Language
LIP – Newcomer Program (Various Models)
LIP – One-Way Immersion Program
LIP – Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models
LIP – Transitional Bilingual Program

LEAs should refer to the CALPADS Code Sets for the definitions of these programs.

Reporting English Learner Participation in Language Acquisition Programs

Previously, LEAs reported English learner participation in English language acquisition programs by “course” and not by student. Specifically, LEAs reported in Field 9.22 – Instructional Strategy Code on the Course Section (CRSE) file, the English language acquisition instructional strategy being used to instruct English learner (EL) students enrolled in that course. LEAs will no longer report this data by course, and will instead report this data by student in the SPRG file. (Note: Field 9.22 still exists on the CRSE file, but the EL instructional strategy codes were retired as of June 30, 2019, and the codes for the instructional strategies of home and hospital, and special education remain active.)

LEAs must now submit Education Program codes in Field 3.13 – Education Program Code on the Student Program (SPRG) file. LEAs must also populate Field 3.15 – Education Program Membership Start Date when the student enters the program, and Field 3.16 – Education Program Membership End Date when the student exits the program. The LEA does not need to close out these program records at the end of each school year if students will continue in the programs the next year. The table below maps the new education program codes included in the Education Program code set to the retired instructional strategy codes.

New Education Program Code Name of New Education Program Code Retired Instructional Strategy Code Name of Retired Instructional Strategy Code
LIP – Developmental Bilingual Program
English Learner Bilingual Program
LIP – Dual-Language Immersion Program
Dual Language Immersion Program
LIP – Heritage or Indigenous Language
LIP – Newcomer Program (various models)
LIP – Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models
Structured English Immersion/Other English Model
LIP – Transitional Bilingual Program
English Learner Bilingual Program

LEAs should refer to the CALPADS Code Set for the definitions of each of these programs.

All English learners should be placed in a language acquisition program. A new Certification Validation Rule (CVR) will be implemented that triggers a warning if an EL student does not have a language acquisition program record.

Reporting English Learner Services

There has been no change as to how LEAs submit English Learner Services. LEAs will continue to report EL services through the course in which the service is being provided. LEAs are required to populate Field 9.20 – Education Service Code on the Course Section (CRSE) file with an EL Service from the Education Service English Learners code set when an EL student is enrolled in the course. It should be noted that the names of the codes in this code set have been updated to reflect current terminology. The codes in the Education Service English Learners code set are listed below.

It should be noted that while students may receive Designated English Language Development (ELD) instruction or Integrated ELD instruction within a single course, English learners must receive both Designated and Integrated English ELD instructional services as a part of a language acquisition program [California Code of Regulations sections 11300(d) and 11309(c)(1)].

Coded Value Code Name
Primary Language Instruction and Designated and Integrated English Language Development (ELD) Instruction
Designated ELD Instruction Only
Integrated ELD Instruction Only
Designated and Integrated ELD Instruction But Not Primary Language Instruction
No English Learner Services
Other English Learner Service


Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Monday, February 5, 2024
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