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Topics include: Fall 2 deadline approaching; supporting report 2.14 available in 2020-21; middle school core course vs middle school core setting.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       March 11, 2020

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #170

Fall 2 Deadline Approaching

LEAs are reminded that the Fall 2 certification deadline is March 20, 2020. LEAs will not be able to amend Fall 2 data after this deadline.

Supporting Report for Report 2.14 – Language Instruction Program - Count Available 2020–21

With the transition from Instructional Strategy settings to Language Instruction Programs (LIP) for English learners, CALPADS has a new report, 2.14 – Language Instruction Program – Count, that displays the count of students with a language instruction program record. All English learners are required to participate in a LIP that provides English language development instruction. LEAs currently receive a warning if an English learner does not have an overlapping LIP record. The detail report for the 2.14 aggregates, however, will not be available until Fall 2, 2020–21, when the warning may become a fatal error.

Middle School Core Course vs Middle School Core Setting

LEAs must specify the Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range (ELM, MID, NOT, SEC)* being covered in a departmentalized course, particularly if the standards grade level range is MID (Middle Grades 5–8). When selecting a standards grade level range of MID (5–8), you must also indicate in Field 9.34 - Middle School Core Course Indicator, whether or not the course is being taught as part of a Middle School Core Setting (Yes or No). A teacher is teaching in a Middle School Core Setting when they teach two or more subject areas to the same students (in any grades five through eight), in the same day. For example:

Core Setting 1:
Period 1:  English to Class A
Period 2:  History/Social Science to Class A
Period 3:  English to Class B
Period 4:  History/Social Science to Class B
Period 5:  English to Class C

Core Setting 2:
Period 1:  English to Class A
Period 2:  History/Social Science to Class A
Period 3:  Science to Class A
Period 4:  English to Class B
Period 5:  History/Social Science to Class B
Period 6:  Science to Class B

Populating this field is required for assignment monitoring purposes, as teachers in a Middle School Core Setting may teach in these settings with either a multiple subject credential or single subject authorizations.

*The abbreviations used are CALPADS Codes pulled from the CALPADS Code Sets.

CALPADS Coded Values and their Corresponding Names:

ELM – Elementary K–4
MID – Middle Grades 5–8
NOT – Not Applicable
SEC – Secondary 9–12

Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
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