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CALPADS Update Flash #195

Topics include: Resolving Certification Validation Rule (CRV) CERT132.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       November 19, 2020

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #195

Resolving CERT132

Based on an analysis of current validation error data, the CDE recognizes that Certification Validation Rule (CRV) CERT132 – Missing SPED Record for Enrolled Student at Reporting LEA is a significant pain point for LEAs. This validation triggers when a student enrolls at an LEA and has no associated/overlapping Special Education (SPED) record at that LEA in CALPADS, but has an active SPED plan from the previous LEA. This typically happens when a student transfers into an LEA and the receiving LEA fails to send up a SPED record for the student representing their most current active special education plan (interim placement) until either an amendment is made or a full Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting is held. Last year, this certification validation was only a warning; this year, CERT132 is a fatal error that LEAs must resolve in order to “approve” their Fall 1 submission. These data are needed to provide an accurate count of students with disabilities enrolled at the LEA on Census Day. Students without an active SPED record at the reporting LEA where they are enrolled on Census Day are not counted on the 16.x reports in Fall 1.

To assist LEAs to resolve this error, the CDE has identified a few common data scenarios which trigger the validation and provides resolution steps for each scenario. The table below summarizes the common data scenarios that trigger CERT132, and the suggested resolution. LEAs should identify the data scenarios that are causing CERT132 to trigger, and then resolve the errors that they can address by submitting the necessary records. Once all of those errors are resolved, for any remaining errors that are due to scenarios 4 or 5, LEAs should then submit a Service Desk ticket with the appropriate message in the subject line (see table below) for assistance.

Table 1
CERT132 Triggering Data Scenarios and Resolutions

No. Triggering Data Scenario Description of Scenario Resolution/Workaround
1 Current LEA Only Adopted the Triennial Record When the only record that was adopted from the previous LEA was a Triennial (40), CERT132 may trigger because there is a missing Annual (20) or Initial (10/15)/IEP (100) record.

Adopt the most current Annual (20) or Initial (10/15)/ IEP (100) record that is on or before Census Day.

Contact your Special Education Data System (SEDS) vendor if you need assistance with this step.
2 Missing SPED Record on or Before Census Day When the Annual (20) or Initial (10/15)/IEP (100) record that is submitted, is after Census Day and there is a gap between the enrollment start date and the meeting date, CERT132 may trigger because there is no SPED record from the Reporting LEA where the student is enrolled on Census Day.

Adopt the most current Annual (20) or Initial (10/15) record from the previous LEA that is on or before Census Day.

Contact your Special Education Data System (SEDS) vendor if you need assistance with this step.
3 Prior LEA Did Not Exit the SPED Record for Student Who Exited Special Education When a student was exited from the special education program at the prior LEA, but the Annual (20)/IEP (100) meeting record was not exited by the LEA, CERT132 may trigger because in CALPADS it appears the student is still in the special education program.

If a student exited special education PRIOR to transferring into an LEA, the prior LEA MUST exit the student’s most recent Annual (20) or Initial (10/15). CALPADS will not allow the current LEA to submit a SPED record with an exit date before the enrollment start date.

The current LEA should reachout to the previous LEA and the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) to exit the record. LEA and SELPA contacts can be found here:
4 Plan Type Changes Triggering Even if Exit Reason and Exit Date Prior to Census is Populated When a student transitions from one Plan Type to another Plan Type (e.g. ISP (200) to IEP (100) or vice versa), CERT132 may inappropriately trigger for each plan type. CERT132 should not trigger in this scenario. If you receive a CERT132 for this reason, submit a Service Desk ticket with “CERT132 Triggering Data Scenario 4” in the subject line so we can assist.
5 Active Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) (150) Transitions to No Education Plan Type (700, 800, 900)

When a student on an IFSP (150) has a Part B Initial Evaluation (10) meeting, CERT132 may inappropriately trigger when the resulting Education Plan Type is one that indicates the student is:

  • Eligible but has no education plan because the parent has declined (700),
  • Eligible but has no education plan for other reasons (800), or
  • Not eligible (900).
CERT132 should not trigger in this scenario. If you receive a CERT132 for this reason, submit a Service Desk ticket with “CERT132 Triggering Data Scenario 5” in the subject line so we can assist.


Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 02, 2024
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