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Guidance for updating records for students who are Reclassified Fluent English Proficient; retirement of two English Language Acquisition Correction Reason Codes.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       June 28, 2021

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #208

Guidance for Updating Records for Students who are Reclassified Fluent English Proficient

What should the English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) start date be for students who become Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) at the end of the school year or during the summer?

The RFEP date should reflect the date that the LEA determines the student has met all four criteria required for reclassification (California Education Code Section 313(f)), which includes parental consultation. Therefore:

Reclassifications that are Determined Towards the End of the School Year

If the determination that the student has met all four criteria for reclassification occurs before June 30, the RFEP date should reflect the date the determination was made or the last day of school, whichever comes first. Assuming the student is enrolled when the determination is made or is still enrolled on the last day of school, then the LEA will be able to submit the RFEP record and the student will be included in the school’s count of students reclassified in 2020−21.

Reclassifications that are Determined During Summer Break

When the determination that the student has met all four criteria required for reclassification occurs during the summer break (after the end of the school year and before the start of the next school year), the RFEP date should still reflect the date the determination was made.

Generally, students must have an overlapping enrollment record in order to update their Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) record. Since students do not have CALPADS enrollments in the summer, CALPADS allows LEAs to submit a SELA record with an English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) update in July or August, even if there is no overlapping enrollment. This is allowed to capture ELAS statuses that result from the administration of the Initial English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), and to accommodate reclassification decisions that occur in the summer. Newly reclassified students with no enrollments will not be included in CALPADS certification report 2.16 – English Language Acquisition Status – Els Reclassified (EOY3), which displays the count of students by school who were reclassified in 2020−21, because there are no schools tied to the students. The CDE, however, will identify students in the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) who were reclassified during the summer and who have no school enrollments, and attribute their reclassification to the school at which they were last enrolled. While these students will not be included in the school’s CALPADS certification reports, they will be included in the school’s official count of students reclassified in 2020−21 used for state and federal reporting.

Reclassifications that are Determined in the Next School Year

Any students who are enrolled and determined to meet the four criteria required for reclassification in the next school year (beginning July 1, 2021) will be included in that school’s RFEP count for 2021−22.

Retirement of Two English Language Acquisition Correction Reason Codes

As of June 30, 2021, the following two English Language Acquisition Correction Reason Codes will be retired, and LEAs will no longer be able to use these codes in online maintenance:

  • 2 – Rotating Score Validation Process Error
  • 3 – Home Language Survey Error

No changes are being made to the definitions of the remaining three correction codes; however, it should be noted that evidence collected by the LEA for Correction Code 5 – Evidence for English Learner (EL) or Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP), may include information collected from the Rotating Score Validation Process (RSVP) or Home Language Survey (HLS) results. The table below displays the correction codes that may be used in lieu of the retired codes. An updated flyer on the Correction of Classification Errors will be released in early July.

Correction Code Mapping

ELAS was: ELAS Corrected to: Correction Code

2 – RSVP (The preceding code is no longer used)

5 – Evidence for EL or IFEP

3 – HLS (The preceding code is no longer used)

4 – Ineligible Student Tested

3 – HLS (The preceding code is no longer used)

4 – Ineligible Student Tested

2 – RSVP (The preceding code is no longer used)

5 – Evidence for EL or IFEP

Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 23, 2023
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