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CALPADS Update Flash #213

Fall 1 Submission, Roll Over, Codes, and File Specification Changes

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       September 28, 2021

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #213

2021−22 Fall 1 Submission

The 2021−22 Fall 1 Submission opens Wednesday, October 6, 2021. LEAs are reminded that the Fall 1 Certification deadline is December 17, 2021. The CDE will use the Fall 1 data that LEAs approve by the December 17, 2021 Certification Deadline for the First Principal Apportionment (P–1) calculations, even if the submission has not yet been approved by the Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs). For LEAs striving for SELPA approval by the December 17 certification deadline, it is suggested that LEAs work to approve their Fall 1 submission by November 24, 2021 in order to provide SELPAs time to review and approve the special education reports by the certification deadline.

The major certification changes for 2021−22 Fall 1 include the following:

  1. Certification Report 1.17 – FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count reverts back to pre-COVID rules:
    In 2020−21, Certification Report 1.17 – FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count, was modified to reflect the additional time provided to LEAs to conduct certain activities due to the administrative challenges posed by COVID-19. In 2021−22, date ranges revert to what they were prior to COVID-19. Accordingly, Report 1.17 has changed to include students enrolled on Census Day, who have any one of the following:

    • A Free or Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) education program record of 181 –Free Meal Program, or 182 –Reduced-Price Meal Program,with an Education Program Membership Start Date any time between July 1, 2021 and October 31, 2021.
    • An English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) of English Learner (EL) or Adult English Learner (ADEL) with an ELAS Start Date on or before October 6, 2021.
    • A 2021–22 CALPADS direct certification match in the July, August, September, October, or November CALPADS direct certification match.

    Additionally Report 1.17 has been modified to include, in the school and LEA’s count of students with an FRPM program record, any students who were enrolled at a school in the LEA on Census Day with an FRPM program record from any school within the Reporting LEA with a start date on or before October 31, 2021. Therefore, if a student enrolled in school A on Census Day, transfers to school B in the same LEA after Census Day, and school B submits an FRPM program record for the student with a start date on or before October 31, 2021, Report 1.17 will include that student in the count of FRPM students for school A which would then be included in the LEA’s count of FRPM students.

  2. New One-Year Dropout Certification Report: Report 1.24 – Dropouts by Subgroup – Count:
    Since the certification of official one-year graduate and completer counts moved from the Fall 1 submission to the End-of-Year (EOY) 3 submission, certification reports 1.6 – Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup and 1.9 Completers and Dropouts – Count, have been removed, and LEAs will certify a new report, Report 1.24 – Dropouts by Subgroup – Count.  A new supporting report, C/A 1.24 – Dropouts by Subgroup – Count will also be available for county offices of education.

    The following existing Fall 1 supporting reports will continue to be available:

    • 1.8 – Dropouts by Subgroup – Student List
    • 1.12 – Dropouts – Count Disaggregated
    • 1.13 – Exits – Count Disaggregated
    • 1.14 – Dropouts Count – State View*
    • 8.1b – Student Profile Dropouts – List*
    • 8.1c – Student Profile Dropouts – State View – List*

    *Note: These reports were adjusted to include as dropouts (lost transfers), students who were exited with new exit codes E156 – Grade12Continued Education or T168 – Alternative or Independent Study School Discharge, and who do not re-enroll. See next section (2021−22 Roll Over Changes) for a description of these new exit codes.

  3. Removal of Certification Report 2.12 – English Language Acquisition Status – ELs Reclassified RFEP (Fall 1):
    In 2020−21, the count of new Re-designated Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students transitioned from a count of students who were reclassified from Census Day plus one day to Census Day, to a count of students reclassified during the school year, from July 1 to June 30. Therefore, for Fall 1 2021−22, Certification Report 2.12 – English Language Acquisition Status – ELs Reclassified RFEP has been removed, along with supporting report 2.13 – English Language Acquisition Status – ELs Reclassified RFEP Student List.

2021−22 Roll Over Changes

The section below highlights the changes included in the 2021−22 rollover release that impacts the submission of CALPADS data, including:

  • Changes to the following files:
    • Student Information (SINF)
    • Student Program (SPRG)
    • Course Section (CRSE/CRSC)
  • Changes to the following CALPADS Code Sets:
    • Student Exit Category Codes (SENR)
    • English Language Acquisition Status Correction Reason Code (Online)
    • Special Education Meeting Type (SPED)
    • Course Group State Codes (CRSE/CRSC)
    • Internship Employer Performance Evaluation (WBLR)
  • Modifications to input validation rules

2021−22 CALPADS File Specifications Changes

Student Information (SINF) File

  • New fields: 2.45 – 2.49 – Mailing Address: Existing Fields 2.31 – 2.35 – Address, have been renamed “Residential Address”, and a second set of address fields, 2.45 – 2.49 – Mailing Address, have been added to the SINF in order to collect both the student residential and mailing addresses.

Previously LEAs were instructed to populate fields 2.31 – 2.35 – Address, with either the student’s residential or mailing address. Due to the increasing need for both addresses, a second set of address fields have been added to the SINF to distinctly capture students’ residential and mailing addresses. Accurate student mailing addresses in particular have become increasingly important as they may be used to mail assessment score reports and Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Cards (P-EBT) directly to students. If a student only has a residential address populated in the student information system, that address should be sent up as the residential address, and will be used as the mailing address for the student if the mailing address is not populated in CALPADS.

  • Retired record type: Student Address Record Sub-type (SIAD): After soliciting input from LEAs and student information system (SIS) vendors, the CDE decided to retire the SIAD record type due to a general lack of use and confusion related to effective dates of the addresses submitted through the SIAD.

Student Program (SPRG) File

  • Retired Field: 3.25 – Runaway Youth Indicator: This data element is retired (remains as a filler field) because the information is no longer required for federal reporting.

Course Section (CRSE/CRSC) Files

  • Retired Field: 9.31 – Charter Non-Core Non-College Prep Indicator: This data element has been retired (remains as a filler field) because it is no longer needed due to a change in statute that requires all charter school teachers to acquire a Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) and to hold appropriate credentials.

2021−22 CALPADS Code Changes

Student Exit Category (SENR)

Change Code Name Comment
New E156 Grade12ContinuedEducation

E156 is to be used for students who, while in Grade 12, exited during the last 14 days of the current academic year because of summer break or year-end intersession, and is thought to be returning to the same school after the summer break or intersession to continue Grade 12 education.

If the student is completing the school year, but known to be transferring to another school or some other type of exit, use the appropriate exit code (for example: T160 – Transfer to another California school, T260 – Transfer to Adult Education Program, or T280 – Transfer to College.)

New T168 Alternative or Independent Study School Discharge

T168 should be used when:

  • A student is attending an alternative school but is not meeting the requirements to continue attending and must be referred back to their home school or another alternative school.
  • A student is enrolled in a juvenile court school and finishes their sentence.
  • A student is enrolled in an independent study school but is not meeting the requirements to continue attending and must be referred back to their home school.

English Language Acquisition Status Correction Reason Code (Online)

Change Code Name Comment
None 1 Evidence of Non-English Primary Language No change
Retired 2 Rotating Score Validation Process Error This code has been retired; use Code 5
Retired 3 Home Language Survey Error This code has been retired; use Code 4
None 4 Ineligible Student Tested LEAs may use this code for retired correction reason code 3
None 5 Evidence for EL or IFEP LEAs may use this code for retired correction reason code 2

Special Education Meeting Type (SPED)

Code Former Name New Name Reason for Change
20 Annual Education or Service Plan Meeting Plan Review Meeting To more accurately describe the purpose of the meeting which is to review whether the plan is meeting the needs and goals of the student.
40 Triennial Evaluation Eligibility Evaluation Meeting To more accurately describe the purpose of the meeting which is to evaluate the students’ continued eligibility for special education.

Course Group State Codes (CRSE/CRSC)

Change Code Name Comment
Changes to Name and Definition 9216

Former Name: Teacher Preparation/Student Assistant

New Name: Student Assistant – Elective Credits or Grades

This course code should only be used for courses in which a student receives credit/grades. This course code should no longer be used for periods where a teacher prepares lesson plans and curricular activities, or when a student provides assistance to a teacher, or other school personnel (student assistant) but does not receive credit.

Changes to Name and Definition 9217

Former Name: Homeroom, Study Hall

New Name: Homeroom, Study Hall – Elective Credits or Grades

Definition modified to specify that Course Code 9217 is a course in which the student earns credit/grades, and therefore requires a fully credentialed teacher. All other homeroom courses in which no credit/grades are earned, should be mapped to the new course code 9207 – Homeroom, Study Hall – no Credit or Grades

New 9207 Homeroom, Study Hall – no Credit or Grades See Code Set for definition.
Change to definition 9373 Leadership/Military Science

Definition modified to specifically exclude Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC). JROTC courses should now be mapped to new Course Code 9374.

New 9374 Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) See Code Set for definition.
Clarification to definition 9214 (Teacher Librarian) Information and Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship

Definition clarified that this course is taught by a teacher librarian and requires a Special Class Authorization.

Internship Employer Performance Evaluation Codes

Code Former Name New Name Change to Definition
1 Unsatisfactory or Unacceptable Does Not Meet Expectations

Former definition specified that students should be evaluated in four categories. The new definition deletes evaluation category four, “Knowledge of the Field and Organizational Context”, because it is difficult for employers to evaluate students in this category. The code names were changed to more appropriately reflect the intent of the evaluation.

2 Less than Satisfactory Partially Meets Expectations Same as described for Code 1
3 Satisfactory Meets Expectations Same as described for Code 1
4 Exceptional Above Expectations Same as described for Code 1

Input Validation Rules (IVR) Changes

File IVR # Name Change
SENR 0287 E155 Exit Valid only between March 31 - Aug. 15. (Modified name) Modified IVR to allow use of E155 and E156 from March 31 to August 15. (Former range was May 15 to August 15.)
SENR 0225 Invalid student age for Adult Ed exit or completion code Modified IVR to remove retired code T270.
SELA 0326 Duplicate SELA Records Submitted for the Same Student (Changed name) Modified error name (ELAS Start Date already exists for Student), description and trigger to not allow a student to have more than one SELA record with the same ELAS Start Date.
SPED/SSRV 0009 Invalid Characters in Field Applied IVR to Meeting/Amendment ID to prevent scientific notation from coming into the system.
SPED 0399 Missing Infant Regional Center Services Eligibility Indicator Modified trigger to remove Age and added Education Plan 150 because the Infant Regional Center Eligibility Indicator is only required when Education Plan is 150, and Meeting Type is not 40.
SPED 0360 Invalid Disability 2 Code This IVR triggers when Disability Code 2 is populated with 310 – Multiple Disabilities (MD). This IVR was disabled in October 2019, and will be enabled in 2021−22.
Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Thursday, December 07, 2023
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