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CALPADS Update Flash #222

Topics include: 2021−22 End-of-Year submission.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       June 2, 2022

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #222

2021−22 End-of-Year Submission

The 2021−22 End-of-Year (EOY) submission window opens today, Thursday, June 2, 2022. With the opening of the submission window, data from the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) are pulled, the EOY certification validation rules (CVRs) that existed in the legacy system are run, and certification reports become viewable. LEAs will be able to see their certification reports when their revisions complete during the day.

The EOY submission will open with known issues that impact the submission of EOY files. The Known Issues list is updated daily and is accessible in the footer within CALPADS, or from the CDE’s CALPADS web page at LEAs should review the known issues to determine how they may impact the submission of your LEA’s EOY files. Note that the next release, scheduled for June 7, 2022, will include additional defect fixes on EOY files.

What Files Should Be Submitted First?

In addition to the files that they have been successfully submitting, and based on the current known issues, the CDE suggests that LEAs may want to focus on submitting the following files:

  • Student Absence Summary (STAS)
  • Student Incident (SINC)
  • Student Offense (SOFF)
  • Student Incident Results (SIRS)*

Uploading this data may allow LEAs to share certification reports with site staff prior to the summer break. (*Note: SIRS0507 should be included in the June 7, 2022 release.)

One important issue that will be resolved this weekend is Problem Management (PM) issue #6105 (PM 6105), which may cause the creation of duplicate Student Program (SPRG) records, which will be reflected in reports. As part of the resolution, the CDE will be deleting the duplicate records; the CDE suggests that LEAs hold off on submitting SPRG records until Monday, June 6, 2022, when this issue is scheduled to be resolved, in order to avoid creating more duplicate records. The CDE will confirm that the issue has been resolved on Monday, June 6, 2022.

When Can We Begin Certifying?

There were a number of Input Validation Rules (IVRs) that triggered on input in the legacy system. These IVRs required data in the file to be compared to data in the CALPADS ODS, which slowed file upload. To improve performance, these IVRs were moved to trigger after data are posted to the ODS. Therefore, any data that would have triggered these IVRs, are now allowed into CALPADS. These IVRs will eventually display as “data discrepancies” when the Data Discrepancy User Interface (UI) becomes available in CALPADS, enabling LEAs to resolve them at any time. Once a submission window opens, the Certification UI will include the data discrepancies that LEAs must resolve in order to certify.

For this EOY, these new CVRs will not be viewable in the Data Discrepancy UI.  They will appear in the Certification UI, along with previously existing CVRs. They will be identified by the IVR number that existed in the legacy system. When the EOY window opens, only a few of these new CVRs will be visible in the Certification UI. The CDE fully recognizes that LEAs will need time to resolve any new CVRs that trigger, and is working to have all the new CVRs implemented as early in the submission window as possible. 

The CDE will provide additional information on these new CVRs and guidance for identifying the records that need to be resolved in an upcoming Flash. In the meantime, the CDE requests that LEAs focus on submitting and reviewing data and hold off on certifying submissions until the CVRs are fully implemented. Thank you for your patience through this important update.

Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
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