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CALPADS Update Flash #226

Data Discrepancies required for End-of-Year certification become viewable July 6, 2022; upcoming training regarding new certification data discrepancies (CDDs) functionality; known issues regarding some CDDs over-triggering.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       July 5, 2022

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #226

Data Discrepancies Required for End-of-Year Certification Become Viewable July 6, 2022

Flash 223 provided an overview of the “certification data discrepancies” (CDDs) that LEAs must resolve in order to certify their End-of-Year (EOY) submissions, and communicated that the CDE would inform LEAs when they would begin to see these new CDDs in CALPADS. LEAs are reminded that CDDs are the former Input Validation Rules (IVRs) that triggered upon input in the legacy system; in the new system, the validations trigger after the data are posted to the system. Therefore, LEAs should be familiar with these validations. Please refer to Flash 223 for more information on CDDs.

LEAs will begin to see the new CDDs on the Certification Status User Interface (UI) in CALPADS beginning some time on Wednesday, July 6, following the Tuesday, July 5 release which will occur at 5:00 PM. The CDDs will be viewable on the same screen that displays any triggered Certification Validation Rules (CVRs). The CDDs will be identified by the IVR number that existed in the legacy system; a description of the error and suggested resolution steps can be found in the CALPADS Error List by the former IVR number.

There are seventeen file types that have associated data discrepancies that total a little over 100 validations that become CDDs. Currently, there are some CDDs with known issues (validation is over-triggering) that result in the display of large numbers of errors for the CDD. Therefore, first check Table 1 below which lists the CDDs that are over-triggering, and do not work on these CDDs until the Known Issue is resolved. As LEAs may still feel overwhelmed by the number of CDDs to resolve, we suggest that the approach for the next two weeks is for staff to become comfortable with identifying the problem data and the resolution process. Data coordinators may want to first identify CDDs that have a low total count, resolve the error by referring to the Error List for the validation’s suggested resolution, and then proceed to other errors with larger counts. Data coordinators may also want to consider the availability of other internal staff when deciding which CDDs or submissions to address first.

The development team will continue to fix problems as they arise. Therefore, please continue to submit service tickets if you come across a CDD that seems to be inappropriately triggering so that it can be evaluated.


We are offering two webinars for the new CDD functionality that will be available to all and begin this week as follows:

Thursday, July 7, 2022 CDD Webinar
  • Time: 11:00 – 12:30
Monday, July 11, 2022 CDD Webinar
  • Time: 10:30 – 12:00

The webinar will be recorded and published on the YouTube Channel when ready.

Known Issues

There are some CDDs with known issues (validation is over-triggering) that result in the display of large numbers of errors for the CDD. The CDE is working to address these defects as soon as possible. In the meantime, LEAs should work on resolving other CDDs.

The CDDs that appear to be over-triggering are listed in Table 1.

Table 1
Known Issues: CDDs that Appear to be Over-Triggering
SELA0325 SPED0366 SCSC0128
SENR0320 SPED0382 (N/A - this cell is blank)
SINF0453 SPED0384 (N/A - this cell is blank)
SINF0553 SPED0397 (N/A - this cell is blank)
SPRG0070 SPED0405 (N/A - this cell is blank)
SPRG0254 SSRV0448 (N/A - this cell is blank)
SPRG0295 SPED0366 (N/A - this cell is blank)
SINC0495 (N/A - this cell is blank) (N/A - this cell is blank)
SIRS0488 (N/A - this cell is blank) (N/A - this cell is blank)


LEAs will be able to certify their EOY submissions once the approval button within CALPADS is enabled in the next two weeks.

Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Friday, September 22, 2023
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