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Topics include: 2023-24 Fall 2 update; Fall 2 submission window.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:      December 7, 2023

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #263

2023−24 Fall 2 Update

During the Fall 2 submission, LEAs submit and certify as of Census Day (the first Wednesday in October):

  • Courses LEAs offered
  • Attributes of the courses offered, such as the English Learner services provided
  • Certificated staff assigned to the courses
  • Students enrolled in the courses
  • Certificated staff assignments in non-classroom based assignments
  • Demographic data on all submitted certificated staff

Fall 2 also includes the submission of postsecondary outcomes for Career Technical Education (CTE) completers who graduated in the prior year

Fall 2 Submission Window

The Fall 2 submission window will open on December 18, 2023, which is a few weeks earlier than past years. When the window opens:

  • Fall 2 Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) and the data discrepancies (DDs) that must be resolved to certify Fall 2 will be viewable as Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs) on the certification screen.
  • Fall 2 certification reports and supporting reports will be available for LEAs to review.

LEAs should already be uploading Fall 2 data and reviewing the Fall 2 DDs viewable in the new DD screens. In particular, LEAs should be reviewing Operational Data Store (ODS) Report 4.3 – Staff Teaching Assignments – Detail, and working with their LEA credential analyst staff to address any data issues identified during review of data in the California State Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS) from the 2022−23 school year.

When the Fall 2 submission window opens on December 18, 2023, the LEAs that have uploaded all of their Fall 2 data will be able to see all the errors they must resolve in order to certify their Fall 2 submission by the March 1 certification deadline. In order to certify by the deadline, LEAs should strive to resolve all fatal errors by February 16, 2024. This will provide LEAs time to review certification reports for accuracy.
Note: There is no Amendment Window for Fall 2.

Changes to Fall 2 CVRs and CDDs

The CDE is gradually moving record level CVRs to a data discrepancy (DD) which will become Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs) when a submission window opens. The benefit of moving CVRs to DDs is that LEAs will be able to view and resolve the DDs at any time and not just during a submission. Some CVRs, however, will remain CVRs because they are triggered based on an aggregate count and not a single record.

The following table: (1) maps two previous CVRs to the new corresponding CDD, and (2) displays one new CDD, and (3) one existing CDD that is being changed from a warning to a fatal error.

Current CVR # New/Existing
Error Level Error Message (Short)
CERT077 SCSE0641F2 Fatal No Student Course Section Data for a Primarily Enrolled Student
CERT174 CRSE0640F2 Fatal Course identified as Special Education with Gen Ed Students enrolled
N/A CRSE0639F2 Fatal More than one Class ID submitted for the same Course Section ID
N/A SCSE0139F2 Fatal (Changing from Warning) Missing Course Section Record

Fall 2 Training

Fall 2 training is now available. The following table summarizes available Fall 2 courses for the CALPADS 2023–24 academic year, along with the recommended target audience for each course and the training format. Live training sessions are only available to CALPADS Administrators/Data Coordinators with Bridge accounts (described below).

For those who do not have a Bridge account, the courses will be recorded and published on the California School Information Services (CSIS) CALPADS Training Channel on YouTube: By subscribing to the CSIS YouTube Channel, you will be alerted when new content is added.

Course Title Recommended Target Audience Live training and Videos Available to CALPADS Data Coordinators/Admins in Bridge Available on YouTube to All Users PowerPoint available on CSIS Resource page
Fall 2 Data Population New staff and experienced staff Yes, beginning December 6

Yes, following live training. Prior year training sessions are available now.

Fall 2 Reporting and Certification New staff and experienced staff needing a refresher Yes, beginning
January 11
Yes, following live training Yes: Available January 11
Fall 2 Advanced – Reporting & Certification Overview and Changes Experienced staff who completed Fall 2 submissions previously Yes, beginning
January 10
Yes, following live training Yes: Available January 10

Bridge Accounts

Bridge is the Learning Management System (LMS) used for CALPADS training. Only CALPADS LEA Administrators or their designee are issued a Bridge account. Our training model is to train the LEA Administrator or their designated data coordinator so that they can train local users.

If you are the CALPADS Data Coordinator/LEA Administrator and you do not yet have a Bridge account established, view this quick video entitled “CSIS Bridge Login Process” on the CSIS CALPADS Training Channel: (Video; 6:44).

Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 5, 2024