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CALPADS Update Flash #266

2023-24 CALPADS Fall 2 Submission Deadline Moved to March 15, 2024.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE)
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       March 11, 2024

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #266

2023–24 CALPADS Fall 2 Submission Deadline Moved to March 15, 2024

The 2023–24 CALPADS Fall 2 submission deadline has moved from March 1, 2024, to Friday, March 15, 2024, in order for the CDE to address recent report issues and to provide local educational agencies (LEAs) time to review those reports to ensure data quality. The defects that impact Fall 2 have been addressed, and LEAs should be reviewing their reports and be able to certify their submission by the March 15, 2024, deadline.

It is important for LEAs to certify their Fall 2 submission by this deadline, and LEAs are reminded that there will be no opportunity to amend or certify their 2023–24 Fall 2 submission after March 15, 2024. The uses of Fall 2 data and consequences for failing to certify by the deadline are described below.

Data Uses and Consequences for Failing to Certify

The Fall 2 data collection includes the following Census Day data:

  • Staff demographics: Race/ethnicity, gender, degree, employment status, and years of service (experience).
  • Staff assignments and full-time equivalency (FTE): School-level assignment and FTE information for certificated staff (i.e., administrators, pupil services, teachers, and itinerant or pull-out/push-in teachers), non-certificated staff with statewide educator identifiers (SEIDs) (i.e., non-certificated administrator and charter school non-certificated teachers), and non-classroom-based/support assignments.
  • Course and student enrollments: School-level course offerings (classroom-based assignments), including state course codes, state course names, and course attributes (including English learner services), the SEIDs of teachers assigned to courses, and student course enrollments.

These CALPADS Fall 2 data are used for assignment monitoring purposes, to meet state and federal reporting requirements, and for public reporting on DataQuest. Specifically:

  • Assignment Monitoring: The certified CALPADS Fall 2 data are provided to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) to conduct annual assignment monitoring through the California Statewide Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS). Therefore, failure to certify the Fall 2 submission will result in no assignment monitoring determinations or outcomes from the CCTC.

  • Accountability Reporting: The results of the CCTC’s monitoring are used for a number of reports. Therefore, failure to certify the CALPADS Fall 2 data will result in the following:

    • No data available on the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) regarding teacher preparation and placement, teachers without credentials, and teachers with misassignments.

    • No assignment monitoring outcome data for the CDE to report on the Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcome (TAMO) report on DataQuest.

    • No data available to populate the Priority 1 local indicator on the California School Dashboard.

  • Inclusion in Williams Monitoring: Beginning this year, a district’s failure to certify the CALPADS Fall 2 submission will result in the automatic inclusion of its schools (excluding schools with a Dashboard Alternative School Status [DASS]) on the Williams Monitoring list which will come out in 2025.

  • Placement in Differential Assistance: LEAs that fail to approve their Fall 2 submission by the Fall 2 certification deadline will receive a letter addressed to their Superintendent notifying them about the failure to meet the deadline and notifying them that these LEAs may be placed on a differentiated assistance plan.

Should you require assistance in completing your Fall 2 submission, please contact the CALPADS Service Desk at:

Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 21, 2024
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