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New Flash #271

New Flash #271- New Education Data Collection System to collect data for ASVAB and SSCE

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE)
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:       May 09, 2024

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #271

New Education Data Collection System to collect data for ASVAB and SSCE

In the past, the CDE collected certain data required for a temporary program, or data being evaluated for potential inclusion in CALPADS, in separate, single-purpose data collection applications. For example, the Independent Study Attendance Collection (ISAC) reporting system collected data for the Pandemic-Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) program which only operated during the COVID-10 pandemic health emergency. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) reporting system has been collecting ASVAB results to enable the CDE to evaluate the potential use of these data in the College/Career Indicator (CCI) on the California School Dashboard.

The CDE has now implemented a new Education Data Collection System (EDCS) that will be able to collect data for a temporary program or to be evaluated for inclusion in CALPADS. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) will be able to sign in to this system using one set of credentials to upload data for temporary collections. The single-purpose ASVAB reporting system application is being retired, and for 2023–24, the CDE will collect both ASVAB data and State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) data through EDCS, as described in Flash #268. These two collections are described below.

Note: LEAs who have no ASVAB scores to report or who do not participate in the SSCE program may ignore this Flash. LEAs that participate in one or both programs should read the relevant section(s) below. ASVAB data collection will remain the same as in the past. The only change is that it will now be collected in EDCS.

Accessing EDCS

Access to EDCS has been provided to CALPADS LEA Administrators. CALPADS LEA Administrators, however, are not required to import data to EDCS, as it is a local decision regarding which staff will import data to EDCS. If your LEA has determined that a staff member other than the CALPADS LEA Administrator will import data to EDCS, then the CALPADS LEA Administrator must request access for that staff by sending an email to In the subject line of the email, put “Requesting EDCS Access,” and in the email, provide the following information for the staff: (1) first and last name; (2) position; (3) email; and (4) phone number.

If you are unsure whether you are the CALPADS LEA Administrator, or if you do not know who the CALPADS LEA Administrator is, you may search for your LEA’s CALPADS Administrator on the CDE Education Data Collection System “Search LEA Administrator” web page at

If you are the CALPADS LEA Administrator, or if you are another staff person who has been granted access to EDCS, you can create your own login password for EDCS by going to the CDE Education Data Collection System login page: On the login page, click the “Reset Password” button and you will be redirected to the “Reset Password” page. On this page, enter your email address, and you will receive an email with instructions for how to create/reset your password.

Submission Timelines

The submission windows are:

  • ASVAB: May 1, 2024, through August 31, 2024
  • SSCE: May 1, 2024, through August 31, 2024 (The August 31 deadline provides time for LEAs to submit any students who earned the SSCE and graduated in the summer by the August 15 Graduate Cut-Off date for reporting graduates in the 2023−24 school year.)

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Collection

LEAs are strongly encouraged to continue submitting ASVAB results to the CDE. The collection is the same as in past years, except LEAs will submit the data through the EDCS data collection system described above.

The ASVAB test is generally administered at the school site level in coordination with the Military Entrance Processing Stations. Administration of the ASVAB is often coordinated at the school site by the career technician, head school counselor, or principal, who also receive test results throughout the year in a paper or electronic file format. LEAs will need to ensure that student results include the statewide student identifiers (SSIDs) and other required elements, and then coordinate the submission of results to the EDCS.

For more information, refer to resources listed below.

New State Seal of Civic Engagement Collection

As described in Flash #268, beginning in the 2023−24 school year, LEAs participating in the SSCE program are requested to submit the individual students who earned the SSCE in 2023–24 to the EDCS. Note: As described in Flash #268, participating LEAs must still request SSCE seals for eligible students by submitting the SSCE insignia request form following that existing process. The SSCE Insignia Request Form is available from the CDE State Seal of Civic Engagement web page at

For students who completed the requirements for the SSCE and earned the seal in 2023−24, LEAs will submit the following:

  • The County-District-School (CDS) code where the student was enrolled
  • Their Statewide Student Identifier (SSID)
  • Their local student identifier
  • Their grade level
  • The document type to which the seal was/will be affixed, including diploma, transcript, General Education Development certificate, or Certificate of Completion
  • Reporting academic year (this year it must be 2023-24)

All LEAs participating in the SSCE program are strongly encouraged to submit the requested data.

Refer to resources below for more information.


The following resources are available:


EDCS Access Application:


ASVAB Instructions:


SSCE Instructions:


Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
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