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CALPADS Update Flash #294

New and revised frequently asked questions related to Fall 2.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:      February 12, 2025

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #294

New and Revised FAQs Related to Fall 2

The following updated CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will soon be posted on the CDE CALPADS FAQs page at; you will find these FAQs below in Fall 2 Topics, “Staff Data and Statewide Educator Identifiers (SEIDs),” “Career Technical Education Courses (Fall 2),” and in General Topics, “English Learners.”

Notes Regarding this Flash: Italicized text in this Flash is being used to illustrate new, updated language that will be written into a current FAQ. Strikethrough formatting is used to illustrate language that exists in a current FAQ but will be removed from that FAQ.

Fall 2 Topics

The following existing FAQs under “Staff Data and SEIDs” are being deleted, and the responses can be found in a new FAQ (below), which also addresses scenarios not previously addressed in a FAQ.

  • What SEID (Statewide Educator Identifier) should be used for a teaching assignment and course section that is currently vacant?
  • Which teacher should be reported on the course section record for purposes of Fall 2 reporting if the teacher of record is on leave or there is no teacher of record on Census Day?

New Consolidated FAQ: How should Teaching Assignments Be Reported for Teachers of Record who are on Leave or when there is no Teacher of Record?

Table 1 below provides specific scenarios regarding how to report teaching assignments for Fall 2 when the Teacher of Record (TOR) is on leave or when there is no TOR.

Table 1

Scenarios for Reporting Teaching Assignments when TOR is on Leave or there is No TOR

# Scenario Report on the CRSE... Report SDEM and SAAS...
1 The TOR is on statutory leave (no matter the duration) and the course is assigned to a teacher with a Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (TPSL). The TOR The TOR

The TOR is on leave and has no assignments; assignments have been redistributed to:

  • Other permanent teachers (not substitutes)


  • One permanent teacher

The teachers in the assignments (class) on Census Day (not the teacher on leave).

DO NOT report the teacher on leave to CALPADS (since they have no assignments, reporting them on the Course Section Enrollment (CRSE) File will trigger a validation error).

For the teachers in the assignments on Census Day (not the teacher on leave).

For the teacher on leave, close the Staff Demographic (SDEM) record with a Staff Employment End Date at least one day before Census Day. When the teacher returns, reopen the SDEM record. If the teacher was on leave for the whole year, do not update staff service years to include the year the teacher was on leave.
3 The TOR is on leave on Census Day but is permanently assigned to the position for the school year, and the course is taught by a substitute on Census Day. The TOR The TOR
4 No TOR exists, and the course is taught by a substitute on Census Day.

The short-term or long-term substitute serving in the assignment on Census Day.

Do NOT use a generic SEID*.

The short-term or long-term substitute serving on Census Day.

*Note: A SEID is required for all certificated staff records (including substitute teachers) submitted to CALPADS in the SDEM and Staff Assignment (SASS) files. If your substitute teacher does not have a SEID, then they are not legally authorized to provide instruction to students, as a SEID is issued upon application for a document issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Substitute teachers must, at a minimum, hold a Commission-issued substitute teaching permit; Refer to the CTC’s Substitute Permits Requirements web page at SEID-related inquiries can be directed to the CTC at

Other Fall 2 Topics

Current FAQ (Staff Data and SEIDs): How should LEAs report Non-Classroom-Based or Support Assignment Positions (e.g., principals, superintendents, counselors, school psychologists) that are currently vacant to CALPADS?

Updated Answer: LEAs should use the SEID of the certificated employee serving in the assignment on Census Day for Non-Classroom-Based or Support Assignment positions. If there is no individual/SEID serving in the position, no assignment should be reported. Verified vacancies are reported by LEA Human Resources/Talent Teams to the proper agency for Non-Classroom-Based or Support Assignment positions. However, such vacancies can be [Deletion: reported] indicated during the Assignment Monitoring reporting cycle in the California State Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS).

Current FAQ (Career Technical Education Courses [Fall 2]): Can an LEA use a Career Technical Education (CTE) State Course Code (7000–8999 series) for a course if the school does not run a CTE Program? [Deletion: If so, then what should an LEA select for the CTE Course Provider Code field?]

Updated Answer: Yes. If the content of the course matches the description of one of the CTE State Course Codes and the course is delivering CTE pathway standards, then it can be used even if the school does not run a formal CTE program. If courses are provided by a Regional Occupational Center/Program (ROC/P) the LEA must have a current agreement with the ROC/P. Since course section records require SEIDs, we encourage LEAs to include capturing this information in their agreements with the ROC/P. However, if the LEAs does not maintain the SEIDs for teachers employed by ROC/Ps, LEAs may use a “9999999999” for the SEIDs of these teachers in order to enable the submission of course section records.  [Deletion: Because the CTE Course Provider Code field is required when using one of the CTE State Course Codes, LEAs should select the “District” option.]

Current FAQ (Career Technical Education Courses [Fall 2]): Should another element be used to indicate that Agriculture or any other Career Technical Education class is being provided by an ROC/P?

Updated Answer: No, it is no longer necessary to indicate whether a CTE course is being provided a by an ROC/P. [Deletion: All Career Technical Education Classes, including Agriculture, that are being provided by an ROC/P must be identified using element 9.27 CTE Course Section Provider Code. LEAs should enter the code value for “Regional Occupational Centers and Programs.” In addition, since course section records require SEIDs, and the LEAs may not maintain the SEIDs for teachers employed by ROC/Ps, LEAs may use a “9999999999” for the SEIDs of these teachers in order to enable the submission of course section records.]

General Topics

Current FAQ (English Learners [General]): How should an LEA report English Learner (EL) students who receive English learner services via pull-out or push-in instruction?

Updated Answer: In order to properly account for the services being provided to English learner (EL) students by pull-out or push-in teachers, it is necessary to do the following:

  • Submit a Course Section Record indicating a State Course Code of 9103 - English Support OR 9104 - English Language Development.
  • Indicate the EL services being received in that course section (usually representative of the EL services the teacher is authorized to provide).
  • Submit Student Course Section records for all EL students receiving that instruction.
  • Student course section records for 9103 - English Support and 9104 - English Language Development are required if ELs are receiving services in this format.
  • [Deletion: Submit a Course Section Record indicating a State Course Code of 3020 (Consultation/Instructional Support).
  • Indicate the EL services being received in that course section (usually representative of the EL services the teacher is authorized to provide).
  • Submit Student Course Section records for all of the EL students receiving that instruction.]

[Deletion: Normally, student course section records for the 3020 State Course Codes are not required, but if ELs are receiving services in this format, the LEA must report the student course section records.]

Questions:   CALPADS Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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