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2024–25 Title I Nonprofit Low Income Count

Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Winter Release data entry instructions for the 2024–25 Title I, Part A Nonprofit Private School Low Income Count data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

To identify nonprofit private schools that will participate in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title I, Part A services.

This data collection form will not display for county offices of education or direct funded charters. This data collection form is relevant to local educational agencies (LEAs) that are public school districts, awarded a Title I, Part A allocation. A public school district must complete the Spring Release Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection form accurately with the results of private school consultation in order for nonprofit private schools to be populated into this form.

Note: The California Department of Education (CDE) county-district-school (CDS) database informs the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) as to whether an active nonprofit private school is located within or outside of a district’s boundaries to determine in which district’s school list the active nonprofit private school belongs so it will automatically populate into that district’s Spring Release Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection form. The option to add active nonprofit private schools from outside a district’s boundaries to the district’s school list in CARS can only be done via the Spring Release Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection form.

Program Information

The ES SA, Title I, Part A, Section 1117 requires LEAs to provide equitable services to eligible students attending nonprofit private schools. These equitable services must be comparable to the services provided for students in public schools.

Additional information and resources are found on the CDE Title I Services for Students in Private Schools web page. The LEAs must maintain and provide to the CDE upon request, a written affirmation signed by the officials of the participating private schools that the consultation required by ESSA Title I, Part A, Section 1117(b) has occurred.

It is expected that districts engaged in private school consultation verify nonprofit status and the accuracy of student enrollment data if it is being used for the purpose of providing equitable services. If a discrepancy is found, the LEA should notify the CDE by sending an email to Additional information (including a link to the Private School Directory) is available on the CDE Private School Data web page.

The enrollment numbers are reported under penalty of perjury by each private school on its annual Private School Affidavit. The information filed in the Private School Affidavit is not verified, and the CDE takes no position as to its accuracy.

CDE Program Staff Contact
Title I, Part A and Ombudsman

Sylvia Hanna
Education Programs Consultant
Equitable Services Ombudsman
Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Displayed Data – School Grid

School name and School code: Displayed data sourced through the CDE CDS database, as reflected in the CDE California School Directory web-based application .

Note: Active nonprofit private schools with the “Signed Written Affirmation on File” option marked as “Yes” in the Spring Release Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection form are included in this data collection form.

Enrollment: Displayed data sourced through the CDE CDS database.

Procedures – Participation and Low Income
Step Action Program Instructions


The LEA must indicate whether the school is Participating.

Required field. Participation will not display if the school does not have a signed written affirmation on file.


The LEA must enter the Low Income Student Count.

If the school is participating, then this field is required.

Displayed Data – Added Schools

School added: A displayed “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No) flag identifying whether an active nonprofit private school was added to the district’s nonprofit private school list via the Spring Release Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection form.

Note: If the school added record in this data collection form indicates “N”, then that means the active nonprofit private school is located within the district’s boundaries, per the CDE CDS database, and would have automatically populated into the district’s Spring Release Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection form. If the school added record in this data collection form indicates “Y”, then that means the active nonprofit private school is located outside the district’s boundaries, per the CDE CDS database, did not automatically populate into the district’s Spring Release Nonprofit Private School Consultation data collection form, and therefore had to be added to that spring form.

Optional Function

Download schools template: Select this option to download school data from the data collection form into an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet.

Choose file / Upload schools file: Select this option to upload school data from an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet into the data collection form.

Note: This optional function to work offline in a spreadsheet, rather than manually entering data directly into the data collection form, may be useful if a district has more schools than can display in a single view of the data collection form on-screen.

Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution

Not Field Name Specific

School: [School Name] cannot participate, the school does not have a signed written affirmation on file.

Return to the form and re-save it.

Not Field Name Specific

School: [School Name] has a signed written affirmation on file. Participating is a required field.

Select Participating “Yes” or “No.”

Low Income Student Count

School: [School Name] is electing to participate. To participate, a low income student count must be entered.

If school participation is “Yes,” then a low income student count is required.

Low Income Student Count School: [School Name] The low income student count cannot be greater than the total school enrollment. The low income student count cannot be greater than the total school enrollment.
Not Field Name Specific Title I, Part A LEA Allocation and Reservations has been certified with data from this form. If a change was made that impacts school participation or low income student counts, then Title I, Part A LEA Allocation and Reservations must be saved and certified again. If data previously certified in Title I, Part A LEA Allocation and Reservations is affected by a change made in this form, then return to Title I, Part A LEA Allocation and Reservations again, update as appropriate, re-save, then recertify when appropriate.
Not Field Name Specific Nonprofit Private School Consultation has been recertified. Title I, Part A Nonprofit Private School Low Income Count must be saved and certified again. Re-save Title I, Part A Nonprofit Private School Low Income Count.

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Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 27, 2024
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