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ESSER III Fund Frequently Asked Questions

American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) fund frequently asked questions and responses.


Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA); American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act); Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act); California Department of Education (CDE); Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); county office of education (COE); Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act); Career and Technical Education (CTE); Community Violence Intervention (CVI); Emergency Assistance for Non-public Schools (EANS); U.S. Department of Education (ED); U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General (ED-OIG); Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA); Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA); Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER); Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); Fiscal Year (FY); Full-Time Equivalent (FTE); Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER); heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); local educational agency (LEA); Maintenance of Equity (MOEquity); Program Cost Account (PCA); Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS); state educational agency (SEA); School Emergency Response to Violence (SERV); science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM); Uniform Grants Guidance (UGG)

Note on Guidance

Please note that the information below is intended as guidance only, not legal advice, and is updated as more guidance is made available by ED. The CDE recommends that LEAs discuss their specific situations with legal counsel to determine the most appropriate action, in line with applicable State and federal requirements.


  1. Do LEAs need to apply for ESSER III funds?
  2. When is the last date that ESSER III Assurances can be signed?
  3. Do any supplement not supplant requirements apply to ESSER III funds?
  4. What are the allowable uses of ESSER III funds? (Updated 9-Jan-2023)
  5. What does it mean for ESSER and GEER funds to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? (Added 7-Jan-2022)
  6. What does it mean for an intervention to be “evidence-based?”
  1. Are there any other special requirements or best practices my LEA should be aware of for the ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, funds? (Added 16-Oct-2023)
  2. How long do LEAs have to use ESSER III funds?
  3. Are ESSER III funds subject to an equitable services requirement?
  4. Can Federal Stimulus Funds be used for CVI programs and strategies? (Added 2-Nov-2021)
  5. Can ESSER funds be used toward strategies for hiring and retaining qualified and effective educators and other staff? (Updated 21-Dec-2023)
  6. Can ESSER funds be used to support college and career readiness opportunities for students? (Added 18-Nov-2022)
  7. What are some examples of allowable expenditures LEAs are using stimulus funds for? (Added 10-Jan-2022)
  1. How have other LEAs used Federal Stimulus Funds to support students? (Added 17-May-2022)
  2. How may an LEA use ESSER and GEER funds to address chronic absenteeism? Can we offer incentives? (Added 9-Jan-2023)
  3. How may an LEA use ESSER and GEER funds to support English learners (also referred to as multilingual learners)? (Added 9-Jan-2023)
  4. Can LEAs use ESSER and GEER funds to provide meals for students or cover the cost of waiving outstanding school meals balances of students from low-income backgrounds? (Added 9-Jan-2023)
  5. Can ESSER and GEER funds be used to support STEM education? (Added 9-Jan-2023)


  1. How much funding was California awarded for ESSER III funds?
  2. Will the CDE post preliminary allocations?
  3. Are LEAs that did not receive Title I funds in fiscal year 2020–21 eligible for ESSER III Funds?
  4. Why is the CDE not apportioning an LEA’s full allocation? How will payments be calculated?
  5. How often will LEAs receive payment?
  6. Why am I not receiving payments of ESSER III (Resource Code 3214) funds? (Added 30-Aug-2023)
  7. Can we charge indirect costs to ESSER III? (Added 16-Oct-2023)


  1. Will LEAs be required to track ESSER I, ESSER II and ESSER III funds separately?
  2. Why are there two resource codes for ESSER III funds? (Updated 30-Aug-2023)
  3. Can LEAs use funds to reimburse previous expenses?
  4. Will LEAs be required to report to CDE on these funds?


  1. Is there anything other than the ESSER III Assurances that must be submitted in order to receive ESSER III funds?
  2. How do we submit our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan?
  3. How do we submit our Expenditure Plan?
  4. Will these ESSER III Plans be reviewed during federal audits? (Added 9-Jan-2023)


  1. Can ESSER and GEER funds be used to conduct vaccine clinics?
  2. Are administrative costs associated with providing vaccinations allowable under ESSER and GEER funds?
  3. Can we give students incentives for getting vaccinated?
  4. Is it just students, or can families get vaccinated at an ESSER or GEER funded vaccination clinic?
  5. Is COVID-19 screening and testing allowable under ESSER and GEER?


  1. May an LEA use ESSER or GEER funds to provide transportation for students to and from school? (Added 18-Nov-2021)
  2. May an LEA use ESSER or GEER funds to provide transportation for students participating in after-school learning and enrichment activities provided by the LEA? (Added 18-Nov-2021)
  3. May an LEA use ESSER or GEER funds to address a shortage of school bus drivers due to the pandemic? (Added 18-Nov-2021)
  4. May an LEA facing a shortage of school bus drivers use ESSER or GEER funds to compensate parents or guardians for transporting their students to and from school? (Added 18-Nov-2021)

Local MOEquity Requirements

  1. Which LEAs are required to comply with local MOEquity requirements? (Added 15-Feb-2022)
  2. How can an LEA qualify for an exception from local MOEquity requirements? (Updated 12-Aug-2022)
  3. My LEA qualifies for an exception from local MOEquity requirements. Do I need to perform and report local MOEquity calculations? (Added 15-Feb-2022)
  4. When does my LEA need to report exceptions and/or local MOEquity calculations? (Added 15-Feb-2022)
  5. My LEA qualifies for an exception as an LEA that did not implement aggregate reductions in per-pupil funding (option 4). What kind of documentation should I maintain to justify this exception? (Added 15-Feb-2022)
  6. My LEA does not qualify for an exception from local MOEquity requirements. What is my LEA required to report? (Updated 12-Aug-2022)
  7. How does my LEA determine which of its schools are considered “high-poverty” for purposes of local MOEquity requirements? (Added 15-Feb-2022)
  8. My LEA is not excepted from local MOEquity requirements. Where can I find guidance and examples on how to perform these local MOEquity calculations? (Updated 25-Oct-2022)


Questions:   CDE Federal Stimulus Team |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, January 7, 2025
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