The U.S. Congress has passed three federal stimulus funding relief packages in response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act was enacted on December 27, 2020. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law on March 11, 2021.
The Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal was created by the California Department of Education (CDE) to gather required data for purposes of state and federal reporting on CARES Act, CRRSA Act, ARP Act, and other COVID-19 related funds. Local educational agencies (LEAs) must report on these funds within the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
For blank templates of required reports for preparation purposes only, please see the resources below. The required information must be submitted within the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
CDE Year 5 ESSER Annual Report Template (DOCX, Updated 21-Feb-2025)
CDE Year 5 GEER Annual Report Template (DOCX)
CDE Year 4 ESSER Annual Report Template (DOCX, Updated 23-Feb-2024)
CDE Year 4 GEER Annual Report Template (DOCX)
CDE Year 3 ESSER Annual Report Template (DOCX)
CDE Year 3 GEER Annual Report Template (DOCX)
CDE Year 2 ESSER Annual Report Template (DOCX)
CDE Year 2 GEER Annual Report Template (DOCX)
This help page is for the annual reporting of Federal Stimulus funds. Please see the Federal Stimulus Quarterly Reporting Help Page for more information on the quarterly reports.
Back to Federal Stimulus Funding home page
ESSER Funds Annual Reporting Overview | ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions | General ESSER Information Collection | ESSER I, Resource Code 3210 | ESSER II, Resource Code 3212 | ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216 | ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214 | ESSER III SEA Reserve | School Full-Time Equivalent Counts | GEER I Fund Annual Reporting | GEER II Fund Annual Reporting
ESSER Funds Annual Reporting Overview
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund Annual Reporting Template for Year 5 (Fiscal Year 2023–24).Annual Reporting is a federal requirement, as a condition of receiving ESSER funds. This reporting is authorized by federal regulation, posted in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 1810–0749.
ESSER Annual Reporting is applicable to subrecipients of at least one of the ESSER mandatory subgrant or state educational agency (SEA) reserve funds.
The ESSER I Fund is a subset of the federal Education Stabilization Fund (ESF) and was created by the CARES Act. Pursuant to Section 18003 of the CARES Act, funding is allocated to states based on their share of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) funding in fiscal year 2019–20.
The ESSER II Fund was created by the CRRSA Act as part of an additional appropriation to the ESF. Pursuant to Section 313 of the CRRSA Act, funding is allocated to states based on their share of Title I of the ESEA funding in fiscal year 2020–21.
The ESSER III Fund was created by the ARP Act. Pursuant to Section 2001 of the ARP Act, funding is allocated to states based on their share of Title I of the ESEA funding in fiscal year 2020–21. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act, LEAs must reserve at least 20% of their mandatory subgrant funding to address the impact of lost instructional time on student academic success and social-emotional and mental health, and may use any remaining funds for purposes specified in Section 2001(e)(2).
Not less than 90 percent of each of the funds received by the state must be disbursed to LEAs in proportion to the funds received under Part A of Title I of the ESEA. This is referred to as the mandatory subgrant, and is reflected in the following resource codes:
- ESSER I, Resource Code 3210
- ESSER II, Resource Code 3212
- ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214 (20% set aside to address learning loss)
The remaining funds are known as the SEA Reserve, and may be allocated for allowable purposes at the state’s discretion. The 2020–21 Budget Act appropriated $112.2 million of the ESSER I SEA Reserve to increase reimbursement for meals served between March 2020 and August 2020, inclusive, at a rate not to exceed an additional $0.75 per meal. The Budget Act additionally appropriated $45 million for the California Community Schools Partnership Program.
The 2021–22 Budget Act appropriated $670,963,000 of the ESSER II SEA Reserve to partially fund the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (ELO-G). The 2021–22 Budget Act additionally appropriated $437,067,000 of the ESSER III SEA Reserve for emergency needs and $753,444,000 of the ESSER III SEA Reserve for learning loss to partially fund the ELO-G. These funds are reflected in the following resource codes:
- ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve, Resource Code 3216
- ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218
- ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss, Resource Code 3219
The 2021–22 Budget Act appropriated $94,951,000 of the ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool set-aside to increase rates for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program in 2021–22 and $53,847,000 of the ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool set-aside to increase rates for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program. These funds are reflected in the following resource codes:
- ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program, Resource Code 3226
- ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program, Resource Code 3227
The 2021–22 Budget Act appropriated $150,797,000 of the ESSER III SEA Reserve Summer Enrichment set-aside to increase rates for the ASES and 21st CCLC Programs through the ESSER III Summer Grant Program. These funds are reflected in the following resource codes:
- ESSER III SEA Reserve Summer Grant ASES Program, Resource Code 3225
- ESSER III SEA Reserve Summer Grant 21st CCLC Program, Resource Code 3228
Additional information about each of the ESSER funds, including preliminary allocations, may be found on the ESSER I web page, the ESSER II section of the CRRSA Act Funding web page, and the ESSER III section of the ARP Act Funding web page.
All following information is relevant to Year 2 of the ESSER Annual Report open in May 2022, Year 3 of the ESSER Annual Report open in March 2023, and Year 4 of the ESSER Annual Report open in March 2024, adapted to align with changes to reporting requirements from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). To reference instructions provided for the Year 1 ESSER Annual Report that occurred in 2021, please visit the Year 1 ESSER I Fund Annual Reporting web page.
ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions
The following definitions are consolidated from the ESSER Annual Reporting guidance provided by ED, through the ESF Grantee Help Page
. These definitions are for the purposes of this reporting only.
General Terms
Contractors/Contracted Services: Third party entities providing goods or services that enable the subrecipient of a Federal award to carry out a programmatic activity that is the purpose of the Federal award.
Evidence-based: The ARP Act defines the term “evidence-based” as having the meaning in section 8101(21) of the ESEA. Accordingly, “evidence-based” includes several tiers of evidence. Specifically, “evidence-based,” when used with respect to an SEA, LEA, or school activity, means an activity, strategy, or intervention that:
- Demonstrates a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes or other relevant outcomes based on—
- Strong evidence from at least one well-designed and well-implemented experimental study (“tier 1”);
- Moderate evidence from at least one well-designed and well-implemented quasi experimental study (“tier 2”); or
- Promising evidence from at least one well-designed and well-implemented correlational study with statistical controls for selection bias (“tier 3”); or
- Demonstrates a rationale based on high-quality research findings or positive evaluation that such activity, strategy, or intervention is likely to improve student outcomes or other relevant outcomes and includes ongoing efforts to examine the effects of such activity, strategy, or intervention (“tier 4”).
Given the novel context created by the COVID-19 pandemic, an activity need not have generated such evidence during the COVID-19 pandemic to be considered evidence-based.
Expended: The actual spending of money; an outlay.
Full Capacity: The maximum number of students a program could serve, as determined by the LEA. Constraints that may limit the number of students a program can serve may include the number of seats and/or the number of instructors and an SEA or LEA-determined maximum staff/student ratio.
Planned Uses of Funds: Remaining funds that have been earmarked or budgeted for specific purposes are considered “Planned Uses” of Remaining Funds. ED acknowledges these plans may change and asks that LEAs please provide the most current information regarding budgeted or earmarked uses of remaining funds.
Qualified Educator: For the purposes of this document, “qualified” means an educator has met all requirements to earn a state license or certification in the area they are assigned to teach (and does not include substitute or provisional license or certification).
Staff Categories
Special educators and related service personnel: Special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and personnel employed and contracted to provide related services for children with disabilities including but not limited to audiologists, speech-language pathologists, interpreters, psychologists, and social workers.
Paraprofessionals: Staff members assigned to assist a teacher with routine activities associated with teaching, including activities requiring minor decisions regarding students, such as monitoring, conducting rote exercises, operating equipment, and clerking.
Bilingual or English as a second language educators: Teachers that provide English as a second language instruction or bilingual education. Other non-teaching positions should not be included in this count.
School counselors, school psychologists and/or social workers: School counselors are defined as professional staff assigned specific duties and school time for: counseling students and parents, addressing learning problems, evaluating students’ abilities and assisting students in career and personal development. School psychologists are defined as Professional staff member who provides direct and indirect support, including prevention and intervention, to evaluate and address student’s intellectual development, academic success, social-emotional learning, and mental and behavioral health.
Nurses: Staff that are credentialed to provide nursing services. For example, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nursing assistants should be considered “Nurses.”
Short term contractors: Any non-permanent staff with a limited and specified employment duration. Examples of short-term contractors may include but are not limited to cleaning personnel contracted to disinfect schools during a school year that are not permanent employees of the LEA and mental health personnel contracted to provide services during a summer break that are not permanent employees of the LEA.
Classroom educators, not covered by previous categories: Teachers or other staff that provide classroom instruction that are not covered by previous categories.
Support personnel, not covered by previous categories: All other support staff not reported in instructional or student support including but not limited to plant and equipment maintenance, bus drivers, security, and food service workers.
Administrative staff, not covered by previous categories: Staff members providing direct support to LEA administrators, business office support, data processing, secretarial and other clerical staff; staff implementing software solutions and staff providing hardware and software maintenance and data user support.
Evidence-based summer learning or summer enrichment programs: Evidence-based interventions and/or enrichment programs that support accelerated learning in the core curriculum based on the State’s challenging academic standards during the summer months.
Evidence-based afterschool programs: Voluntary programs that assist students in meeting the challenging State academic standards by providing students with academic enrichment activities and other activities during non-school hours or periods when school is not in session (not including summer months). If the program occurs during summer months, report the associated data under “summer learning or summer enrichment programs” instead.
Extended instructional time: Use of a longer school day, week, or year schedule to significantly increase the total number of school hours to include additional time for a) instruction in core academic subjects including English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography; and/or b) instruction in other subjects and enrichment in activities that contribute to a well-rounded education. Participation is considered mandatory.
High-dosage tutoring: Voluntary intensive tutoring aligned with an evidence-based core curriculum and led by highly trained tutors or certified teachers that occurs one-to-one or in very small groups at least 3 days per week on a sustained basis to help students accelerate their learning in the core curriculum based on the State's challenging academic standards.
Full-service community school: A public elementary school or secondary school that participates in a community-based effort to coordinate and integrate educational, developmental, family, health, and other comprehensive services through community-based organizations and public and private partnerships; and provides access to such services in school to students, families, and the community, such as access during the school year (including before- and after-school hours and weekends), as well as during the summer.
Educational technology: Mobile technology devices such as tablets and laptops; providing off-campus access to reliable, high-speed internet for students and teachers through the purchase of internet-connected devices/equipment, mobile hotspots, wireless service plans, or installation of community Wi-Fi hotspots, especially in underserved communities; teleconferencing applications or programs; software/online/virtual programs, screen capture/recording software, online/virtual cultural curriculum/programs, online/virtual tutoring curriculum/programs, learning management systems; technology accessories, such as headphones, speakers, laptop cameras; and assistive technology devices, such as dedicated communication devices and applications for text-to-speech, graphic organizers, or word prediction.
Student Subpopulations
Students with one or more disabilities: Children having intellectual disability; hearing impairment, including deafness; speech or language impairment; visual impairment, including blindness; serious emotional disturbance (hereafter referred to as emotional disturbance); orthopedic impairment; autism; traumatic brain injury; developmental delay; other health impairment; specific learning disability; deaf-blindness; or multiple disabilities and who, by reason thereof, receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) according to an individualized education program, individualized family service plan, or a similar services plan.
Low-income students: Students at the school who are eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch and/or other indicators of low-income background.
English learners: In coordination with the state’s definition based on Section 8101(20) of the ESEA, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the term "English learner," when used with respect to an individual, means an individual
- who is aged 3 through 21;
- who is enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary school or a secondary school;
- (who is i, ii, or iii)
- who was not born in the United States or whose native languages are languages other than English;
- (who is I and II)
- who is a Native American or Alaska Native, or a native resident of the outlying areas; and
- who comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual’s level of English language proficiency; or
- who is migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who come from an environment where a language other than English is dominant; and
- whose difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual (who is denied i or ii or iii)
- the ability to meet the challenging State academic standards;
- the ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English; or
- the opportunity to participate fully in society.
Students in foster care: ‘‘Foster care’’ means 24-hour substitute care for children placed away from their parents and for whom the agency under Title IV–E of the Social Security Act has placement and care responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, placements in foster family homes, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, childcare institutions, and proadaptive homes. A child is in foster care in accordance with this definition regardless of whether the foster care facility is licensed and payments are made by the State, tribal, or local agency for the care of the child, whether adoption subsidy payments are being made prior to the finalization of an adoption, or whether there is federal matching of any payments that are made.
Migratory students: According to sections 1115(c)(1)(A) incorporated into the Migrant Education Program (MEP) by virtue of sections 1304(c)(2), 1115(b), and 1309(2) of the statute and 200.103(a) of the regulations, a child is a "migratory child" and is eligible for MEP services if all of the following conditions are met:
- The child is not older than 21 years of age; and
- The child is entitled to a free public education (through grade 12) under State law or the child is not yet at a grade level at which the LEA provides a free public education; and
- The child made a qualifying move in the preceding 36 months as a migratory agricultural worker or a migratory fisher, or did so with, or to join a parent/guardian or spouse who is a migratory agricultural worker or a migratory fisher; and
- With regard to the qualifying move identified in paragraph 3 above, the child moved due to economic necessity from one residence to another residence, and:
- From one school district to another; or
- In a State that is comprised of a single school district, has moved from one administrative area to another within such district; or
- Resides in a school district of more than 15,000 square miles and migrates a distance of 20 miles or more to a temporary residence.
Students experiencing homelessness: Children/youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes:
- Students who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals;
- Students who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (within the meaning of section 103[a][2][C]);
- Students who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and
- Migratory students who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this subtitle because they are living in circumstances described in (1) through (3) above.
For more information on race/ethnicity categories in this report, including American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, and Other, see final guidance issued in the Federal Register on October 19, 2007 (72 Fed. Reg. 59267), on the collection and reporting of racial and ethnic data by educational institutions and other grantees.
General Allowable Use Categories
Addressing Physical Health and Safety: Examples of expenditures for this general allowable use category to include the following:
- Building and facilities upgrades and maintenance, including ventilation systems and new construction
- Assistance with meals for students
- Cleaning and/or sanitization supplies
- Temporary classroom space to support social distancing
- Temporary or additional transportation services to support social distancing to and from school
- Capacity-building to improve disaster preparedness and response efforts, including coordination with State, local, Tribal, and territorial public health departments, and other relevant agencies to improve coordinated responses to prevent, prepare for, or respond to COVID-19
- Other health protocols not listed above and aligned to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) such as vaccines for staff and/or students, COVID-19 testing for staff and/or students, contact-tracing, masks
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports): Examples of expenditures for this general allowable use category to include the following:
- Extended learning and/or summer learning
- High-dosage intensive tutoring
- Additional staffing and/or activities to identify and/or respond to unique student needs and/or provide targeted support for underserved student groups, including each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English learners, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ+) students, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, youth in foster care, and other groups disproportionately impacted by the pandemic that have been identified by the SEA
- Universal screening, academic assessments, and intervention data systems, such as early warning systems and/or opportunities to learn data systems
- Improved coordination of services for students with multiple types of needs, such as full-service community schools or improved coordination with partner agencies, such as the foster care services
- Early Childhood Programs
- Hardware and software
- Wi-Fi, broadband, or other connectivity
- Curriculum adoption and learning materials
- Core staff capacity building / training to increase instructional quality and advance equity
- Investments in talent pipelines for teachers and/or classified staff
- Social emotional learning activities conducted by non-licensed practitioners or professionals
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff: Expenditures in this category must be related to services provided by a licensed practitioner or professional. Examples of expenditures for this general allowable use category to include the following:
- Additional staffing and/or activities to assess and support social-emotional well-being, including mental health, for students, educators, and/or families
Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses: Examples of expenditures for this general allowable use category to include the following, as part of the LEA’s plan to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Any activity not described above that is authorized by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- Any activity not described above that is authorized by the ESEA
- Any activity not described above that is authorized by the IDEA
- Any activity not described above that is authorized by the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act
- Any activity not described above that is authorized by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006
- Other activities not described above that are necessary to maintain the operation of and continuity of services in LEAs and continuing to employ existing staff of the LEA
Accounting Objects
The following definitions are from the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems in Objects 100–490
and Objects 500–960
, published by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). ED recommends using these definitions when providing expenditure information by accounting object for this report.
For a comparison of the NCES accounting objects with the CDE's Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Objects for the purposes of ESSER Annual Reporting, please see the CDE NCES-SACS Object Code Crosswalk (XLSX).
Personnel Services – Salaries: Amounts paid to both permanent and temporary LEA employees, including personnel substituting for those in permanent positions. This includes gross salary for personal services rendered while on the payroll of the LEA. For more information, see codes 100–153 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
Personnel Services – Benefits: Amounts paid by the LEA on behalf of employees (amounts not included in gross salary but in addition to that amount). Such payments are fringe benefit payments and, although not paid directly to employees, nevertheless are part of the cost of personal services. For more information, see codes 200–293 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
Purchased Professional and Technical Services: Services that by their nature can be performed only by persons or firms with specialized skills and knowledge. Although a product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase is the service provided. Included are the services of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, and accountants. For more information, see codes 300–352 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
Purchased Property Services: Services purchased to operate, repair, maintain, and rent property owned or used by the LEA. These services are performed by persons other than LEA employees. Although a product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase is the service provided. This may include utility services, cleaning services, repairs and maintenance services, rentals of land, buildings, or equipment, or construction services not performed by LEA employees. For more information, see codes 400–490 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
Other Purchased Services: Amounts paid for services rendered by organizations or personnel not on the payroll of the LEA (separate from Professional and Technical Services or Property Services). Although a product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase is the service provided. This may include student transportation services, services purchased from another LEA or from other government sources, insurance, communications, advertising, printing and binding, food service management, or travel. For more information, see codes 500–592 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
Supplies: Amounts paid for items that are consumed, are worn out, or have deteriorated through use or items that lose their identity through fabrication or incorporation into different or more complex units or substances. For more information, see codes 600–650 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems. Refer to Appendix E for the criteria for distinguishing between a supply item and an equipment item. Equipment that has a cost lower than the LEA's capitalization threshold should be coded in this series instead of Property.
Property: Expenditures for acquiring capital assets, including land, existing buildings, existing infrastructure assets, and equipment that exceeds the capitalization threshold. For more information, see codes 700–790 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
Debt Service and Miscellaneous: Amounts paid for goods and services not otherwise classified above. For more information, see codes 800–890 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
Other Items: Used to classify transactions that are not properly recorded as expenditures/expenses but require control and reporting by the LEA. For more information, see codes 900–960 in the Account Classification Descriptions for Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems.
General ESSER Information Collection
This collection will gather information across all ESSER funds and information not specific to any ESSER fund. To access this collection, please enter the same password used to access the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
Please note: the full collection must be submitted for data to be saved. Do not close the website until you have reached the end and submitted the collection. Progress on each page will not be saved until the full collection is submitted.
Overview Section
Please ensure that all responses are based on the applicable reporting period. For the Year 2 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only ESSER I activities that occurred October 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021, and ESSER II and/or ESSER III activities that occurred March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2021. For the Year 3 ESSER Annual Report, please only consider activities that occurred July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please only consider activities that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 3023.
Maintaining Safe In-Person Instruction
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if any ESSER funds were used for each of the following during the applicable reporting period: promoting vaccination, consistent and correct mask use, physical distancing, screening testing to promptly identify cases, clusters, and outbreaks, ventilation, handwashing and respiratory etiquette, staying home when sick and getting tested, contact tracing, and cleaning and disinfecting. A response must be selected from each row to save data.
Please mark “Yes” only if ESSER funds were expended on the activity during the applicable reporting period.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Home Internet Access
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if any ESSER funds were used to provide home internet access for any students in the applicable reporting period. Examples of providing home internet access may include mobile hotspots with paid data plans, internet connected devices with paid data plans, paying for the cost of home internet subscriptions for students, providing home internet access through an LEA-managed wireless network, or others. A response must be selected to save data.
Please mark “Yes” only if ESSER funds were expended on the activity during the applicable reporting period.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Also note: selecting “Yes” to this question will generate an additional question on a future page to collect information on the types of home internet access supports the LEA provided.
Reengaging Students
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if the LEA made efforts to reengage students with poor attendance or participation during the applicable reporting period, regardless of whether any ESSER funds were expended toward this purpose. Such efforts may include direct outreach to families, engaging the school district homeless liaison, partnering with community-based organizations, offering home internet service and/or devices, implementing new curricular strategies to improve student engagement, or offering credit recovery and/or acceleration strategies. A response must be selected to save data.
Please note: selecting “Yes” to this question will generate an additional question on a future page to collect information on the types of activities performed toward this purpose.
Allocation of Resources
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if the LEA allocated some portion of ESSER funds to schools during the applicable reporting period. A response must be selected to save data.
An LEA should only select "Yes" if funds were allocated to separate school sites to use at the schools' discretion. Single-school district or direct-funded charters should select "No," as funds were allocated to the school site by CDE, not by the LEA, in these situations.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Also note: selecting “Yes” to this question will generate an additional question on a future page to collect information on the methods for allocating ESSER funds to schools.
Home Internet Access
Please note: this section of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the "Home Internet Access" question within the "Overview" section.
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if the LEA expended any ESSER funds on each of the following types of home internet services during the applicable reporting period:
- Mobile hotspots with paid data plans,
- Internet connected devices with paid data plans,
- Paying for the cost of home internet subscriptions for students,
- Providing home internet access through an LEA-managed wireless network, and
- Other (optional, please specify)
A response must be selected for each row A–D.
If the LEA made “other” purchases to support home internet access that do not align with categories A–D, please provide a brief description in row E. This field is limited to 1,500 characters. If the LEA did not make “other” purchases to support home internet access, please leave row E blank.
The system requires at least one "Yes" response or the "other" field to be completed if this page is generated. If the LEA needs to select all "No" responses and enter N/A in the "other" field, please instead revise the "Home Internet Access" question on the "Overview" page to say "No."
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Reengaging Students Activities
Please note: this section of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the "Reengaging Students" question within the "Overview" section.
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if the LEA completed any of the following activities to reengage students with poor attendance or participation during the applicable reporting period, regardless of whether ESSER funds were used toward these activities:
- Direct outreach to families
- Engaging the school district/LEA homeless liaison
- Partnering with community-based organizations
- Offering home internet service and/or devices
- Implementing new curricular strategies to improve student engagement
- Offering credit recovery and/or acceleration strategies
- Other (optional, please specify)
A response must be selected for each row A–F in order to save data.
If the LEA completed “other” activities to reengage students that do not align with activities A–F, please provide a brief description in row G. This field is limited to 1,500 characters. If the LEA did not complete “other” activities to reengage students beyond the options in rows A–F, please leave row G blank.
The system requires at least one "Yes" response or the "other" field to be completed if this page is generated. If the LEA needs to select all "No" responses and enter N/A in the "other" field, please instead revise the "Reengaging Students" question on the "Overview" page to say "No," as this may more accurately reflect reporting needs.
Allocation of Resources
Please note: this section of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the "Allocation of Resources" question within the "Overview" section.
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate which of the following methods the LEA used to allocate any ESSER funds to schools for the applicable reporting period. If multiple allocation methods were used, please select “Yes” for each method the LEA used:
- Flat amount per school or per pupil
- Number or proportion of students at the school with specific curricular needs, such as students with disabilities or English language learners
- Number or proportion of students at the school who are eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch and/or other indicators of low-income background
- Measure(s) of lost instructional time (“learning loss”)
- Stakeholder or community input
- Title I status
- Other (optional, please specify)
A response must be selected for each row A–F in order to save data.
If the LEA used “other” methods to allocate ESSER funds that do not align with activities A–F, please provide a brief description in row G. This field is limited to 1,500 characters. If the LEA did not use “other” allocation methods beyond the options in rows A–F, please leave row G blank.
The system requires at least one "Yes" response or the "other" field to be completed if this page is generated. If the LEA needs to select all "No" responses and enter N/A in the "other" field, please instead revise the "Allocation of Resources" question on the "Overview" page to say "No," as this may more accurately reflect reporting needs.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Counts
Provide the number of FTE positions (to the nearest hundredth) for the LEA as of the listed dates in the chart. The number of positions should be for all staff employed by the entity, regardless of the funding source for the position. The FTE number should equal the sum of the number of full-time positions plus the FTE of the number of part-time positions. Example: 100 full-time positions plus 50 positions with 0.5 FTE= 125.00.
The LEA should only enter a "0" for these fields if 0 staff were employed by the LEA on the applicable date.
Data reported during the previous years' ESSER Annual Reports have been prepopulated but may be revised. Please review the prepopulated data and make adjustments if needed. All fields must include a response in order to save data and move to the next page.
LEA Hiring and Retention
This section was added for the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, as required by federal regulation. The data reported must reflect the applicable reporting period only. The Year 4 ESSER Annual Report is specific to activities and expenditures that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
LEA Hiring and Retention of Specific Positions
For each of the specified positions listed below, provide the FTE supported with ESSER funds in the applicable reporting period only. Support may include salaries, benefits, and/or stipends. The specified positions are:
- Special educators and related service personnel
- Paraprofessionals
- Bilingual or English as a second language educators
- School counselors, school psychologists and/or social workers
- Nurses
- Short term contractors
- Classroom educators, not covered by previous categories
- Support personnel, not covered by previous categories
- Administrative staff, not covered by previous categories
Please see the Staff Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section for definitions of these specific position types, for the purposes of this reporting only.
For example: An LEA employed 4 paraprofessional FTE for the 2022–23 school year. Each FTE cost the LEA $50,000 in salary and benefits ($200,000 total for the 4 FTE). $120,000 of ESSER funds were applied toward these salaries and benefits. The remainder was covered with other funding.
The LEA should report 3 paraprofessional FTE supported with ESSER funds. Two positions were fully covered ($50,000 x 2 = $100,000), and a third paraprofessional was partially supported with ESSER funds ($20,000 of $50,000).
Alternatively, the calculation can be completed as the total ESSER support toward the position type, divided by the cost for a single FTE for this position type, adjusted up to the nearest whole number ($120,000 divided by $50,000 is equal to 2.4, adjusted to 3 FTE).
All fields must include a response in order to save data and move to the next page.
If any position type in rows A–I was not supported with ESSER funds during the applicable reporting period, enter “0.”
In the “Total Amount of ESSER Funds Only Expended for These Staff” field, provide the total dollar amount of ESSER funds expended to support these specific staff position types combined. This total should be cumulative across all ESSER funds and must only include the specified staff positions on this page.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup
This section was added for the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, as required by federal regulation. The Year 4 ESSER Annual Report is specific to activities and expenditures that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
For each student subgroup, enter the total LEA-wide enrollment during the school year that corresponds to the applicable reporting period. For example, for Year 4, consider the enrollment for the 2022–23 school year.
This data should be provided without considering any ESSER investments.
A response must be provided for each field in rows A–M.
If an additional student subgroup is represented at the LEA that cannot be appropriately described by the subgroups in rows A–M, please provide a brief description in row N. If there are no “other” student subgroups, please leave row N blank.
Enter values as positive whole numbers without decimals or other symbols.
If a student subgroup is not represented at the LEA, enter “0” for the applicable field.
For details regarding classification within these student subgroups for the purposes of this reporting, please see the Student Subpopulations subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section.
A student should be counted in each student subgroup to which it belongs. The sum of the student subgroup counts in A–N will likely exceed the total number of actual students enrolled within the LEA. For example, it is possible that an individual student may be counted in both the English learner subgroup and the Asian subgroup.
The count for each subgroup on this page must be greater than or equal to any eligible student count for the corresponding subgroup within the applicable “LEA Intervention and Participation” subsections that follow this page. For example, if there are 2,000 total students classified as English learners enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year, the number of enrolled eligible students within the English learners subgroup on the “Evidence-based high-dosage tutoring” page cannot exceed 2,000.
In the field “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students,” provide the unduplicated pupil count of students enrolled in the LEA during the school year that corresponds to the applicable reporting period. This value will likely not be equal to the sum of participants in rows A–N, as a single student is likely to be counted more than once in different subgroups.
The “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students” must be greater than or equal to the total unique headcount provided on any “LEA Intervention and Participation” subsection page. For example, if the unduplicated pupil count enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year is 5,000, the total unique headcount of students that participated in the program described on the “Evidence-based high-dosage tutoring” page cannot exceed 5,000.
LEA Interventions and Participation
This section was added for the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, as required by federal regulation. The data reported in the subsections below must reflect the applicable reporting period only. The Year 4 ESSER Annual Report is specific to activities that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if any ESSER funds were used to support each of the following interventions either partially or fully during the applicable reporting period:
- Evidence-based summer learning or summer enrichment programs
- Evidence-based afterschool programs
- Extended instructional time (including extended school day, extended school week, or extended school year)
- Evidence-based high-dosage tutoring
- Early childhood education program expansion or enhancement
- Full-service community schools
- Purchasing educational technology
Please see the Interventions subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section for definitions of these interventions, for the purposes of this reporting only.
A response must be selected from each row 1–7 to save data.
Please mark “Yes” only if ESSER funds were expended on the activity during the applicable reporting period.
Note: selecting “Yes” to any option 1–7 within this question will generate an additional page for each “Yes” selection to collect additional information for the specific intervention.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Evidence-based Summer Learning or Summer Enrichment Programs
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the "Evidence-based Summer learning or Summer enrichment programs" row within the “Overview” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund this intervention during the applicable reporting period.
If an activity spanned multiple reporting periods, report based on the applicable reporting period only.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Availability of the Program
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if the evidence-based summer learning or summer enrichment programs at least partially funded with ESSER funds during the applicable reporting period were available to all students. For example, if a program was only available to 8th grade students and the LEA serves grades K–12, the LEA would select “No.”
If “No,” is selected, enter the number of students the program serves at full capacity in the applicable field, as a positive whole number. Otherwise, leave this blank. For the purposes of this reporting, full capacity refers to the maximum number of students a program could serve, as determined by the LEA. Constraints that may limit the number of students a program can serve may include the number of seats and/or the number of instructors and an SEA or LEA-determined maximum staff/student ratio.
If the LEA implemented more than one activity that meets the definition of this intervention, the counts of students served by each activity at full capacity should be added and reported together. For example, if there are two summer programs offered during the applicable reporting period, one that serves 25 8th grade students and another that serves 50 high school students, the LEA would report 75 as the full capacity of its summer programs.
Enrolled Eligible Students and Participating Students
For each of the student subgroups within the report (students with one or more disabilities, low-income students, English learners, students in foster care, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or other student population), provide:
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup enrolled at the LEA during the applicable reporting period; and
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup that actually participated in the program.
A response must be provided for each field in rows A–M.
If an additional student subgroup is represented at the LEA that cannot be appropriately described by the subgroups in rows A–M, please provide a brief description in row N. If there are no “other” student subgroups, please leave row N blank.
Report based on the enrollment data available for the school year preceding the summer program. For example, if a summer program was available July 2022 and August 2022, consider the enrollment for the 2021–22 school year.
Enter these values as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
If a student subgroup is not represented at the LEA, or there are no students eligible for the program within a subgroup, enter “0” for the applicable fields.
For the purposes of this reporting, a student is considered eligible if the student meets the LEA’s requirements for the program (e.g., program available to only 8th grade students).
The number of students in a subgroup eligible for an intervention may not exceed the total enrollment of students in that corresponding subgroup, as reported by the LEA in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page. For example, if the LEA reported 2,000 total students classified as English learners enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year, the number of enrolled eligible students within the English learners subgroup on this “Evidence-based Summer learning or Summer enrichment program” page cannot exceed 2,000.
For the purposes of this reporting, a student is considered to have participated in a voluntary program if that student has attended 50% or more of the time the student was eligible to attend. The student has participated in a mandatory program if that student is enrolled in a school with that mandatory program in place.
The number of students within a subgroup that participated in the intervention may not exceed the number of eligible students in the corresponding subgroup.
For details regarding classification within these student subgroups for the purposes of this reporting, please see the Student Subpopulations subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section.
A student should be counted in each student subgroup to which it belongs. The sum of each column in rows A–N will likely exceed the total unique headcount of students that were eligible and that participated in the program. For example, it is possible that an individual student may be counted in both the English learner subgroup and the Asian subgroup.
Unique Headcount Participating
In the field “What is the total unique headcount of students that participated in this activity” provide the unduplicated pupil count of students that participated in the applicable program during the reporting period. This value will likely not be equal to the sum of participants in rows A–N, as a single student is likely to be counted more than once in the table within the report. Enter this value as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
The total unique headcount must be greater than or equal to the single highest value in the “# Eligible students in subgroup participating” column. For example, if the LEA reports 50 participants classified as English learners and 100 participants classified in the Asian subgroup, the total unique headcount of students that participated must be at least 100.
Additionally, the total unique headcount that participated must be less than or equal to the “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students” that the LEA reported in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page, as the number of participants may not exceed the total enrollment.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Evidence-based Afterschool Programs
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the “Evidence-based afterschool program” row within the “Overview” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund this intervention during the applicable reporting period.
If an activity spanned multiple reporting periods, report based on the applicable reporting period only.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Availability of the Program
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if the evidence-based afterschool programs at least partially funded with ESSER funds during the applicable reporting period were available to all students. For example, if a program was only available to 8th grade students and the LEA serves grades K–12, the LEA would select “No.”
If “No” is selected, enter the number of students the program serves at full capacity in the applicable field, as a positive whole number. Otherwise, leave this blank. For the purposes of this reporting, full capacity refers to the maximum number of students a program could serve, as determined by the LEA. Constraints that may limit the number of students a program can serve may include the number of seats and/or the number of instructors and an SEA or LEA-determined maximum staff/student ratio.
If the LEA implemented more than one activity that meets the definition of this intervention, the counts of students served by each activity at full capacity should be added and reported together. For example, if there are two evidence-based afterschool programs offered during the applicable reporting period, one that serves 25 8th grade students and another that serves 50 high school students, the LEA would report 75 as the full capacity of its evidence-based afterschool programs.
Enrolled Eligible Students and Participating Students
For each of the student subgroups within the report (students with one or more disabilities, low-income students, English learners, students in foster care, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or other student population), provide:
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup enrolled at the LEA during the applicable reporting period; and
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup that actually participated in the program.
A response must be provided for each field in rows A–M.
If an additional student subgroup is represented at the LEA that cannot be appropriately described by the subgroups in rows A–M, please provide a brief description in row N. If there are no “other” student subgroups, please leave row N blank.
Enter these values as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
If a student subgroup is not represented at the LEA, or there are no students eligible for the program within a subgroup, enter “0” for the applicable fields.
Report based on the enrollment data available for the school year corresponding to the applicable reporting period. For example, for Year 4, consider the enrollment for the 2022–23 school year.
For the purposes of this reporting, a student is considered eligible if the student meets the LEA’s requirements for the program (e.g., program available to only 8th grade students).
The number of students in a subgroup eligible for an intervention may not exceed the total enrollment of students in that corresponding subgroup, as reported by the LEA in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page. For example, if the LEA reported 2,000 total students classified as English learners enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year, the number of enrolled eligible students within the English learners subgroup on this “Evidence-based afterschool program” page cannot exceed 2,000.
For the purposes of this reporting, a student is considered to have participated in a voluntary program if that student has attended 50% or more of the time the student was eligible to attend. The student has participated in a mandatory program if that student is enrolled in a school with that mandatory program in place.
The number of students within a subgroup that participated in the intervention may not exceed the number of eligible students in the corresponding subgroup.
For details regarding classification within these student subgroups for the purposes of this reporting, please see the Student Subpopulations subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section.
A student should be counted in each student subgroup to which it belongs. The sum of each column in rows A–N will likely exceed the total unique headcount of students that were eligible and that participated in the program. For example, it is possible that an individual student may be counted in both the English learner subgroup and the Asian subgroup.
Unique Headcount Participating
In the field “What is the total unique headcount of students that participated in this activity” provide the unduplicated pupil count of students that participated in the applicable program during the reporting period. This value will likely not be equal to the sum of participants in rows A–N, as a single student is likely to be counted more than once in the table within the report. Enter this value as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
The total unique headcount must be greater than or equal to the single highest value in the “# Eligible students in subgroup participating” column. For example, if the LEA reports 50 participants classified as English learners and 100 participants classified in the Asian subgroup, the total unique headcount of students that participated must be at least 100.
Additionally, the total unique headcount that participated must be less than or equal to the “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students” that the LEA reported in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page, as the number of participants may not exceed the total enrollment.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Extended Instructional Time (Overview)
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the “Extended instructional time” row within the “Overview” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund this intervention during the applicable reporting period.
If an activity spanned multiple reporting periods, report based on the applicable reporting period only.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if extended instructional time, including extended school day, school week, or school year, was implemented at all schools within the LEA.
Note: selecting “No” will generate an additional page to collect additional participation information for the specific intervention.
Extended Instructional Time (Detail)
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “No” was selected for the previous “Extended Instructional Time” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that extended instructional time was not implemented at all schools within the LEA.
If an activity spanned multiple reporting periods, report based on the applicable reporting period only.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Enrolled Students in Schools with Mandatory Extended Instructional Time
For each of the student subgroups within the report (students with one or more disabilities, low-income students, English learners, students in foster care, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or other student population), provide:
- The number of students in the subgroup enrolled in schools with extended instructional time during the applicable reporting period.
A response must be provided for each field in rows A–M.
If an additional student subgroup is represented at the LEA that cannot be appropriately described by the subgroups in rows A–M, please provide a brief description in row N. If there are no “other” student subgroups, please leave row N blank.
Report based on the enrollment data available for the school year corresponding to the applicable reporting period. For example, for Year 4, consider the enrollment for the 2022–23 school year.
Enter these values as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
If a student subgroup is not represented at the LEA, or there are no students eligible for the program within a subgroup, enter “0” for the applicable field.
The number of students in a subgroup enrolled at the schools implementing extended instructional time may not exceed the total enrollment of students in that corresponding subgroup, as reported by the LEA in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page. For example, if the LEA reported 2,000 total students classified as English learners enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year, the number of students enrolled at schools implementing extended instructional time within the English learners subgroup on this “Extended Instructional Time” page cannot exceed 2,000.
For details regarding classification within these student subgroups for the purposes of this reporting, please see the Student Subpopulations subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section.
A student should be counted in each student subgroup to which it belongs. The sum of rows A–N will likely exceed the total unique headcount of students that were enrolled at the schools implementing extended instructional time. For example, it is possible that an individual student may be counted in both the English learner subgroup and the Asian subgroup.
Unique Headcount Enrolled in Schools with Mandatory Extended Instructional Time
In the field “What is the total unique headcount of students enrolled in schools within the LEA with mandatory extended instructional time” provide the unduplicated pupil count of students that were enrolled in schools implementing extended instructional time during the applicable reporting period. This value will likely not be equal to the sum of enrolled students in rows A–N, as a single student is likely to be counted more than once in the table within the report. Enter this value as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
The total unique headcount must be greater than or equal to the single highest value in the “# Students Enrolled in Schools with (Mandatory) Extended Instructional Time” column. For example, if the LEA reports 50 enrolled students classified as English learners and 100 enrolled students classified in the Asian subgroup, the total unique headcount of students that were enrolled in schools implementing extended instructional time must be at least 100.
Additionally, the total unique headcount enrolled in schools implementing extended instructional time must be less than or equal to the “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students” that the LEA reported in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page, as the number of students enrolled at these schools may not exceed the total enrollment.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Evidence-based High-Dosage Tutoring
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the “Evidence-based high-dosage tutoring” row within the “Overview” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund this intervention during the applicable reporting period.
If an activity spanned multiple reporting periods, report based on the applicable reporting period only.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Availability of the Program
As a reminder, for the purposes of this reporting, ED defines high-dosage tutoring as voluntary intensive tutoring aligned with an evidence-based core curriculum and led by highly trained tutors or certified teachers that occurs one-to-one or in very small groups at least 3 days per week on a sustained basis to help students accelerate their learning in the core curriculum based on the State's challenging academic standards.
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate if the evidence-based high-dosage tutoring at least partially funded with ESSER funds during the applicable reporting period was available to all students. For example, if a program was only available to 8th grade students and the LEA serves grades K–12, the LEA would select “No.”
If “No” is selected, enter the number of students the program serves at full capacity in the applicable field, as a positive whole number. Otherwise, leave this blank. For the purposes of this reporting, full capacity refers to the maximum number of students a program could serve, as determined by the LEA. Constraints that may limit the number of students a program can serve may include the number of seats and/or the number of instructors and an SEA or LEA-determined maximum staff/student ratio.
If the LEA implemented more than one activity that meets the definition of this intervention, the counts of students served by each activity at full capacity should be added and reported together. For example, if there are two evidence-based high-dosage tutoring programs offered during the applicable reporting period, one that serves 25 8th grade students and another that serves 50 high school students, the LEA would report 75 as the full capacity of its evidence-based high-dosage tutoring programs.
Enrolled Eligible Students and Participating Students
For each of the student subgroups within the report (students with one or more disabilities, low-income students, English learners, students in foster care, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or other student population), provide:
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup enrolled at the LEA during the applicable reporting period; and
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup that actually participated in the program.
A response must be provided for each field in rows A–M.
If an additional student subgroup is represented at the LEA that cannot be appropriately described by the subgroups in rows A–M, please provide a brief description in row N. If there are no “other” student subgroups, please leave row N blank.
Report based on the enrollment data available for the school year corresponding to the applicable reporting period. For example, for Year 4, consider the enrollment for the 2022–23 school year.
Enter these values as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
If a student subgroup is not represented at the LEA, or there are no students eligible for the program within a subgroup, enter “0” for the applicable fields.
For the purposes of this reporting, a student is considered eligible if the student meets the LEA’s requirements for the program (e.g., program available to only 8th grade students).
The number of students in a subgroup eligible for an intervention may not exceed the total enrollment of students in that corresponding subgroup, as reported by the LEA in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page. For example, if the LEA reported 2,000 total students classified as English learners enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year, the number of enrolled eligible students within the English learners subgroup on this “Evidence-based high-dosage tutoring” page cannot exceed 2,000.
For the purposes of this reporting, a student is considered to have participated in a voluntary program if that student has attended 50% or more of the time the student was eligible to attend. The student has participated in a mandatory program if that student is enrolled in a school with that mandatory program in place.
The number of students within a subgroup that participated in the intervention may not exceed the number of eligible students in the corresponding subgroup.
For details regarding classification within these student subgroups for the purposes of this reporting, please see the Student Subpopulations subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section.
A student should be counted in each student subgroup to which it belongs. The sum of each column in rows A–N will likely exceed the total unique headcount of students that were eligible and that participated in the program. For example, it is possible that an individual student may be counted in both the English learner subgroup and the Asian subgroup.
Unique Headcount Participating
In the field “What is the total unique headcount of students that participated in this activity” provide the unduplicated pupil count of students that participated in the applicable program during the reporting period. This value will likely not be equal to the sum of participants in rows A–N, as a single student is likely to be counted more than once in the table within the report. Enter this value as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
The total unique headcount must be greater than or equal to the single highest value in the “# Eligible students in subgroup participating” column. For example, if the LEA reports 50 participants classified as English learners and 100 participants classified in the Asian subgroup, the total unique headcount of students that participated must be at least 100.
Additionally, the total unique headcount that participated must be less than or equal to the “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students” that the LEA reported in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page, as the number of participants may not exceed the total enrollment.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Early Childhood Education Program Expansion or Enhancement
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the “Early childhood education program expansion or enhancement” row within the “Overview” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund this intervention during the applicable reporting period.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Questions 1 and 2
Select either “Yes” or “No” for questions 1 and 2 to indicate whether the LEA expanded and/or enhanced early childhood education programs. Select “Yes” to these questions only if the expansion or enhancement occurred during the applicable reporting period.
For the purposes of this reporting, program “expansion” occurs when additional students or program slots are fully or partially funded with ESSER funds. All other ESSER-funded support of early childhood education programs should be considered program “enhancement.”
Note that if “Yes” is selected for question 1, an additional page will be generated for additional information regarding program expansion.
Students Enrolled in an Early Childhood Education Program
For each of the student subgroups within the report (students with one or more disabilities, low-income students, English learners, students in foster care, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or other student population), provide:
- The number of students in the subgroup enrolled in an early childhood education program during the applicable reporting period.
Report based on the enrollment data for the school year corresponding to the applicable reporting period. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, consider enrollment from the school year 2022–23.
A response must be provided for each field in rows A–M.
If an additional student subgroup is represented at the LEA that cannot be appropriately described by the subgroups in rows A–M, please provide a brief description in row N. If there are no “other” student subgroups, please leave row N blank.
Enter these values as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
If a student subgroup is not represented at the LEA, or there are no students eligible for the program within a subgroup, enter “0” for the applicable field.
The number of students in a subgroup enrolled in an early childhood education program may not exceed the total enrollment of students in that corresponding subgroup, as reported by the LEA in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page. For example, if the LEA reported 2,000 total students classified as English learners enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year, the number of students enrolled in an early childhood education program in the English learners subgroup on this “Early childhood education program expansion or enhancement” page cannot exceed 2,000.
For details regarding classification within these student subgroups for the purposes of this reporting, please see the Student Subpopulations subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section.
A student should be counted in each student subgroup to which it belongs. The sum of rows A–N will likely exceed the total unique headcount of students that were enrolled in early childhood education programs. For example, it is possible that an individual student may be counted in both the English learner subgroup and the Asian subgroup.
Unique Headcount Enrolled
In the field “What is the total unique headcount of students that participated in this activity” provide the unduplicated pupil count of students that were enrolled in early childhood education programs during the applicable reporting period. This value will likely not be equal to the sum of enrolled students in rows A–N, as a single student is likely to be counted more than once in the table within the report. Enter this value as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
The total unique headcount must be greater than or equal to the single highest value in the “# of students enrolled in an early childhood education program” column. For example, if the LEA reports 50 enrolled students classified as English learners and 100 enrolled students classified in the Asian subgroup, the total unique headcount of students that were enrolled in early childhood education programs must be at least 100.
Additionally, the total unique headcount enrolled in early childhood education programs must be less than or equal to the “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students” that the LEA reported in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page, as the number of students enrolled in these programs may not exceed the total enrollment.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Early Childhood Education Program Expansion
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for question 1 on the “Early Childhood Education Program Expansion or Enhancement” page within the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund expansion of early childhood education programs during the applicable reporting period.
If an activity spanned multiple reporting periods, report based on the applicable reporting period only.
In the field “How many additional students or slots were funded with ESSER I, ESSER II or ARP ESSER in the applicable reporting period?” provide the number of additional student participation slots that were added to early childhood education programs as a result of ESSER funding.
Enter this value as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
This value must be greater than 0. If no additional student participation slots were funded through ESSER during the applicable reporting period, instead, use the “Previous” button to return to the “Early childhood education program expansion or enhancement” page and change the response to question 1 to “No.”
This value must also be less than or equal to the total unique headcount of students enrolled in an early childhood education program, as reported by the LEA on the “Early childhood education program expansion or enhancement” page.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Full-Service Community Schools
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the “Full-Service Community Schools” row within the “Overview” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund this intervention during the applicable reporting period.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
A response must be provided for each of the questions 1–3.
- How many new or additional full-service community schools were launched using these funds in this LEA?
- How many current full-service community schools received additional services and/or support using these funds?
- What is the total enrollment in full-service community schools supported with ESSER funds within this LEA?
For questions 1 and 2, report the number of new or additional full-service community schools that were launched or received additional services or support during the applicable reporting period. The Year 4 ESSER Annual Report is specific to activities that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
For question 3, report based on the enrollment data available for the school year corresponding to the applicable reporting period. For example, for Year 4, consider the enrollment for the 2022–23 school year.
Enter values as positive whole numbers without decimals or other symbols.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Purchasing Educational Technology (Overview)
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “Yes” was selected for the “Purchasing educational technology” row within the “Overview” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that ESSER funds were used to at least partially fund this intervention during the applicable reporting period.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Select either “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether the educational technology purchased with ESSER funds was for all students.
Note: selecting “No” will generate an additional page for detailed eligibility and participation data by student subgroup.
Also note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Purchasing Educational Technology (Detail)
Please note: this page of the report is only available if “No” was selected for the preceding “Purchasing educational technology” page of the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section, indicating that educational technology purchased with ESSER funds during the applicable reporting period was not available to all students.
For example scenarios with reporting recommendations, please see the Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios subsection on this web page.
Enrolled Eligible Students and Students Receiving Educational Technology
For each of the student subgroups within the report (students with one or more disabilities, low-income students, English learners, students in foster care, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or other student population), provide:
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup enrolled at the LEA during the applicable reporting period; and
- The number of eligible students in the subgroup that actually received or were supported by the educational technology.
A response must be provided for each field in rows A–M.
If an additional student subgroup is represented at the LEA that cannot be appropriately described by the subgroups in rows A–M, please provide a brief description in row N. If there are no “other” student subgroups, please leave row N blank.
Participation information should be reported for ESSER-funded educational technology that was utilized by students during the reporting period, including ESSER-funded educational technology purchased in previous reporting periods that continued to be utilized in the current reporting period. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, consider the technology utilized July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
Enter these values as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
If a student subgroup is not represented at the LEA, or there are no students eligible for the program within a subgroup, enter “0” for the applicable fields.
For the purposes of this reporting, a student is considered eligible if the student meets the LEA’s requirements for receiving educational technology (e.g., educational technology available to only 8th grade students).
The number of students in a subgroup eligible for an intervention may not exceed the total enrollment of students in that corresponding subgroup, as reported by the LEA in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page. For example, if the LEA reported 2,000 total students classified as English learners enrolled at the LEA for the 2022–23 school year, the number of enrolled eligible students within the English learners subgroup on this “Purchasing educational technology” page cannot exceed 2,000.
The number of students within a subgroup that received or were supported by educational technology may not exceed the number of eligible students in the corresponding subgroup.
For details regarding classification within these student subgroups for the purposes of this reporting, please see the Student Subpopulations subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section.
A student should be counted in each student subgroup to which it belongs. The sum of each column in rows A–N will likely exceed the total unique headcount of students that were eligible and that received or were supported by educational technology. For example, it is possible that an individual student may be counted in both the English learner subgroup and the Asian subgroup.
Unique Headcount of Student Recipients
In the field “What is the total unique headcount of students for whom educational technology was purchased” provide the unduplicated pupil count of students that participated in the applicable program during the reporting period. This value will likely not be equal to the sum of participants in rows A–N, as a single student is likely to be counted more than once in the table within the report. Enter this value as a positive whole number without any decimals or other symbols.
The total unique headcount must be greater than or equal to the single highest value in the “# Eligible students in subgroup receiving or supported by the educational technology” column. For example, if the LEA reports 50 student recipients classified as English learners and 100 student recipients classified in the Asian subgroup, the total unique headcount of student recipients must be at least 100.
Additionally, the total unique headcount of student recipients must be less than or equal to the “Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled Students” that the LEA reported in the “Total LEA Student Enrollment by Demographic Subgroup” page, as the number of recipients may not exceed the total enrollment.
Note: “ESSER funds” refers to ESSER I (Resource Code 3210) funds, ESSER II (Resource Code 3212) funds, ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214) funds, ESSER I SEA Reserve funds, ELO-G ESSER II SEA Reserve (Resource Code 3216) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds provided through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and 3228).
Example Intervention and Participation Reporting Scenarios
The following examples represent hypothetical scenarios provided by ED for support in completing the “LEA Interventions and Participation” section of this report. These examples are adapted from those published in ED’s Year 4 ESSER Annotated Form, available from the ESF Grantee Help Page
Example Scenario 1: Evidence-based summer learning program spanning multiple fiscal years
An LEA implements an ESSER-funded evidence-based summer learning program that begins in June 2023 and ends in August 2023. This program is only available to students in the 8th grade and serves 30 students at full capacity. When the program begins, 5 students are enrolled in the program. In August 2023, enrollment increases to 20 students.
ED recommends the following when reporting for the Year 4 reporting period:
- Report “No” to “Is this program available to all students?” as this program is only available to 8th grade students.
- Indicate that the program serves 30 students at full capacity.
- Report “5” in the field “What is the total unique headcount of students that participated in this activity?” as 5 students were enrolled during the applicable reporting period.
- Provide the student subgroup counts for all 8th graders at the LEA in the “# Enrolled eligible students at LEA in subgroup” column fields. Enrollment counts should be taken from the school year preceding the applicable summer program. For this example, enrollment should be from the school year 2022–23, as the summer program ran from June 2023 to August 2023.
- Provide the student subgroup counts for the 5 students who participated in the program in the applicable reporting period in the column “# Eligible students in subgroup participating” column fields.
Note: As this activity continued into the next fiscal year and reporting period, the LEA should prepare to report information about this activity in their Year 5 report and include student subgroup counts for the 20 students who participated in the program in the 2023–24 fiscal year. Enrollment counts for activities that occur during the summer should be taken from the school year preceding the summer activity.
Example Scenario 2: Evidence-based afterschool program available to all students at an LEA
An LEA implements an ESSER-funded evidence-based afterschool program that is available to all students at the LEA. Throughout the course of the 2022–23 school year, 50 students participate in the afterschool program.
ED recommends the following when reporting for the Year 4 reporting period:
- Report “Yes” to “Is this program available to all students?”
- As the program is available to all students, the LEA will not need to report the count of students the program serves at full capacity.
- Report “50” in the field “What is the total unique headcount of students that participated in this activity?”
- Provide the student subgroup counts for all students at the LEA in the “# Enrolled eligible students at LEA in subgroup” column fields.
- Provide the student subgroup counts for the 50 students who participated in the program in the school year 2022–23 in the “# Eligible students in subgroup participating” column fields.
Example Scenario 3: Extended instructional time implemented at two schools within an LEA
Two out of eight schools within an LEA implement extended school days for the 2022–23 school year. These two schools have a combined total enrollment of 250 students.
ED recommends the following when reporting for the Year 4 reporting period:
- Report “No” to “Is Extended Instructional Time (including extended school day or school week or school year) in place at all schools within the LEA?”
- Indicate “250” in the field “What is the total unique headcount of students enrolled in schools within the LEA with mandatory extended instructional time?”
- Provide the student subgroup counts for the 250 students who were enrolled at the two schools in the fields in the “# Students Enrolled in Schools with (Mandatory) Extended Instructional Time" column fields.
Example Scenario 4: Targeted evidence-based high-dosage tutoring at an LEA
An LEA offers optional ESSER-funded evidence-based high-dosage tutoring to 100 students enrolled in credit recovery programs at the LEA. Throughout the course of the 2022–23 school year, 75 students participate in the tutoring program.
ED recommends the following when reporting for the Year 4 reporting period:
- Report “No” to “Is this program available to all students?” as it is only available to students in credit recovery programs.
- Report “100” as the number of students this program serves at full capacity, as long as capacity is not impacted by other factors.
- Report “75” in the field “What is the total unique headcount of students that participated in this activity?”
- Provide the student subgroup counts for all 100 students in credit recovery programs at the LEA in the “# Enrolled eligible students at LEA in subgroup” column fields.
- Provide the student subgroup counts for the 75 students who participated in the program in the 2022–23 school year in the “# Eligible students in subgroup participating” column fields.
Example Scenario 5: Early childhood education program enhancement at an LEA
An LEA uses ESSER funds to purchase new curriculum and instructional materials to enhance its existing early childhood education programming. 100 students are enrolled in early childhood education programs within the LEA.
ED recommends the following when reporting for the Year 4 reporting period:
- Report “No” to “Did this LEA expand its early childhood program?” For the purposes of reporting, program “expansion” occurs when additional students or program slots are fully or partially funded with ESSER funds. All other ESSER-funded support of early childhood education programs should be considered program “enhancement.”
- Report “Yes” to “Did this LEA enhance its early childhood program?”
- Report “100” as the “total unique headcount of students enrolled in an early childhood education program within the LEA”
- Provide the student subgroup counts for the 100 students who were enrolled in the early childhood programs.
- As the LEA did not expand its early childhood program, the LEA would not report the number of additional students or slots funded by ESSER.
Example Scenario 6: New full-service community schools launched within an LEA
Using ESSER funds, an LEA launches 1 new full-service community school in the 2022–23 school year that has 100 enrolled students in the 2022–23 school year. The LEA also uses ESSER funds to support a previously existing full-service community school that has 200 enrolled students in the 2022–23 school year.
ED recommends the following when reporting for the Year 4 reporting period:
- Report “1” new full-service community was launched in the 2022–23 school year.
- Report “1” full-service community school received additional services and/or support using these funds.
- Report “300” (100+200) as “the total enrollment in full-service community schools supported with ESSER funds within this LEA.”
Example Scenario 7: Educational Technology purchased in a prior reporting period that continues to be used in the current reporting period
An LEA serving students in grades K–12 purchased 100 laptops to be distributed to 7th grade students only in the 2022–23 school year.
ED recommends the following when reporting for the Year 4 reporting period:
- Report “No” to “Was educational technology purchased for all students?”
- Report "100" as the “total unique headcount of students for whom educational technology was purchased.
- Provide the student subgroup counts for all 7th graders at the LEA in the “# Enrolled eligible students at LEA in subgroup” column fields.
- Provide the student group membership counts for the 100 students who used the technology in the 2022–23 school year in the “# Eligible students in subgroup receiving or supported by the education technology” column fields.
Contact Information
Primary Contact
Please enter the First name, Last name, Title, e-mail address, and phone number for the person submitting the report on behalf of the LEA. If CDE has questions about the submitted information, this is who will be contacted for clarification on the report.
Secondary (Optional) Contact
If more than one person is completing this report, please provide the First name, Last name, Title, e-mail address, and phone number of the second person supporting report completion. If CDE cannot reach the primary contact, the secondary contact will be contacted.
If there is no secondary contact, please leave these fields blank.
Finishing the Collection
Click “Submit” to submit the data entered on the previous pages. Click “Previous” to return to previous pages and edit responses. Do not close the website before completing all fields and clicking “Submit.” Data entered on previous pages will only be saved if this full collection is submitted. If prompted by a pop-up that reads “Do you want to submit your data?” click “OK” to submit or “Cancel” to review responses.
After submitting, a Submission Record page appears. Please review all responses to confirm accuracy. If any responses need to be edited, please click the “Edit Data” button. Corrections can be made at any point through this “Edit Data” feature until the close of the reporting period.
There is also a “Print Data” button to allow the submitted responses to be saved for record-keeping purposes.
To return to the ESSER Annual Report menu, please click “Click here to return to the ESSER Annual Data Collection menu in the CARES Act Reporting Portal.”
It is possible to confirm if a completed collection was saved at any time by confirming there is a date submitted under the “Submission Status” column within the ESSER Annual Data Collections menu. Responses can be reviewed or edited any time before the due-by-date by clicking “Review Submission.”
Please note: all collections must be submitted for the ESSER Annual Report to be considered complete.
ESSER I, Resource Code 3210
This collection will gather expenditure information for ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, funds during the applicable reporting period for eligible LEAs that receive these funds. This reporting was expanded in the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
For the Year 2 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds that occurred October 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. For the Year 3 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds that occurred July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures of funds that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. However, please note that the obligation deadline for these funds was September 30, 2022. The deadline to liquidate proper obligations of these funds was January 30, 2023.
LEAs can view their prior year submission by clicking the applicable links within the log on page for this collection.
To access this collection, please enter the same password used to access the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
Please note: the full collection must be submitted for data to be saved. Do not close the website until you have reached the end and submitted the collection. Progress on each page will not be saved until the full collection is submitted.
ESSER I: Use of Funds Details
Provide the amount of LEA expenditures by ESSER I Subgrant fund and activity
The “Total Amount Awarded to the LEA for ESSER I” refers to the LEA’s ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, allocation as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The “Total Previous Expenditures” field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported in all previous ESSER I annual reports. The date range of these previous expenditures is included within the report.
For each of the accounting objects by general allowable use category, enter the amount of ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, funds expended during the applicable reporting period. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures of funds that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
Please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for example expenditures for each of the general allowable use categories. Please see the Accounting Objects subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for specific definitions for each accounting object.
The expenditures reported in each accounting object may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE. The sum of reported expenditures should equal the total ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, funds expended during the applicable reporting period. The reported sum must be less than or equal to the amount awarded minus previous ESSER I expenditures.
If the LEA reports expenditures greater than $0 by accounting object in any of the general allowable use categories “Addressing Physical Health and Safety,” “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs,” or “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses,” the LEA will be required to additionally report the same expenditures by activity for the corresponding general allowable use category in subsequent pages.
The "Total amount remaining for ESSER I (calculated based on Award amount and above Expenditures)" field calculates the total amount of ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period, based on the Award amount minus the sum of previous expenditures and the current reported expenditures for the applicable reporting period.
If the value of this field is greater than zero, additional questions will be generated on future pages regarding the planned uses of remaining funds. If the value of this field is equal to zero, the LEA will not be required to enter information regarding the planned uses of remaining funds.
ESSER I: Expenditures by Activity
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Addressing Physical Health and Safety” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Addressing Physical Health and Safety” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported in the applicable general allowable use category. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. The total expenditures by activity on this page must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Addressing Physical Health and Safety” general use category by activity, as described in rows A–G. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is automatically calculated and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Addressing Physical Health and Safety” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (excluding mental health supports)
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (excluding mental health supports)” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported by accounting object on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. The total expenditures entered on this page must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” general use category by activity, as described in rows H–R. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is automatically calculated and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported by accounting object on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. The total expenditures entered on this page by activity must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” general allowable use category by activity, as described in rows T–Y. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is calculated automatically and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
ESSER I: Remaining Funds
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER I Funds
Please note that this page is only available if the amount of remaining ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, funds is greater than zero.
The “Total amount remaining funds for ESSER I” field calculates the total amount of ESSER I, Resource Code 3210, funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period. This same amount was displayed on the bottom of the "Use of Funds Details" page.
Provide the percentage of remaining funds planned for the four general allowable use categories as of the last day of the applicable reporting period (example: the last day of the Year 4 applicable reporting period is June 30, 2023). Enter percentages as whole numbers without decimals, commas, or other punctuation.
For examples of allowable activities within each of the four general allowable use categories, please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above.
Year 4 Reporting Note: given that the liquidation deadline for these funds was January 30, 2023, for funds properly obligated by September 30, 2022, it is most likely that any remaining funds should be described as “Not Yet Planned for Specific Use,” as any remaining amount on the Year 4 report likely reflects funds not expended by the end of the grant period and therefore returned to the federal government.
Finishing the Collection
Click “Submit” to submit the data entered on the previous pages. Click “Previous” to return to previous pages and edit responses. Do not close the website before completing all fields and clicking “Submit.” Data entered on previous pages will only be saved if this full collection is submitted. If prompted by a pop-up that reads “Do you want to submit your data?” click “OK” to submit or “Cancel” to review responses.
After submitting, a Submission Record page appears. Please review all responses to confirm accuracy. If any responses need to be edited, please click the “Edit Data” button. Corrections can be made at any point through this “Edit Data” feature until the close of the reporting period.
There is also a “Print Data” button to allow the submitted responses to be saved for record-keeping purposes.
To return to the ESSER Annual Report menu, please click “Click here to return to the ESSER Annual Data Collection menu in the CARES Act Reporting Portal.”
It is possible to confirm if a completed collection was saved at any time by confirming there is a date submitted under the “Submission Status” column within the ESSER Annual Data Collections menu. Responses can be reviewed or edited any time before the due-by-date by clicking “Review Submission.”
Please note: all collections must be submitted for the ESSER Annual Report to be considered complete.
ESSER II, Resource Code 3212
This collection will gather expenditure information for ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, funds during the applicable reporting period for eligible LEAs that receive these funds. This reporting was expanded in the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
For the Year 2 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds that occurred March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2021. For the Year 3 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds that occurred July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures of funds that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
LEAs can view their prior year submission by clicking the applicable links within the log on page for this collection.
To access this collection, please enter the same password used to access the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
Please note: the full collection must be submitted for data to be saved. Do not close the website until you have reached the end and submitted the collection. Progress on each page will not be saved until the full collection is submitted.
ESSER II: Use of Funds Details
Provide the amount of LEA expenditures by ESSER II Subgrant fund and activity
The “Total Amount Awarded to the LEA for ESSER II” refers to the LEA’s ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, allocation as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The "Total Previous Expenditures" field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported in all previous ESSER II Annual Reports. The date range of the applicable reporting period is included within the report.
For each of the accounting objects by general allowable use category, enter the amount of ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, funds expended during the applicable reporting period. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures of funds that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
Please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for example expenditures for each of the general allowable use categories. Please see the Accounting Objects subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for specific definitions for each accounting object.
The expenditures reported in each accounting object may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE. The sum of reported expenditures should equal the total ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, funds expended during this reporting period. The reported sum must be less than or equal to the amount awarded minus previous ESSER II expenditures.
If the LEA reports expenditures greater than $0 by accounting object in any of the general allowable use categories “Addressing Physical Health and Safety,” “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs,” or “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses,” the LEA will be required to additionally report the same expenditures by activity for the corresponding general allowable use category in subsequent pages.
The "Total amount remaining for ESSER II (calculated based on Award amount and above Expenditures)" field calculates the total amount of ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period, based on the Award amount minus the sum of the previous expenditures and the current reported expenditures for the applicable reporting period.
If the value of this field is greater than zero, additional questions will be generated on future pages regarding the planned uses of remaining funds. If the value of this field is equal to zero, the LEA will not be required to enter information regarding the planned uses of remaining funds.
ESSER II: Expenditures by Activity
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Addressing Physical Health and Safety” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Addressing Physical Health and Safety” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported in the applicable general allowable use category. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. The total expenditures by activity on this page must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Addressing Physical Health and Safety” general use category by activity, as described in rows A–G. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is automatically calculated and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Addressing Physical Health and Safety” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (excluding mental health supports)
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (excluding mental health supports)” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported by accounting object on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. The total expenditures by activity entered on this page must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” general use category by activity, as described in rows H–R. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is automatically calculated and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported by accounting object on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. The total expenditures entered on this page by activity must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” general allowable use category by activity, as described in rows T–Y. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is calculated automatically and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
ESSER II: Remaining Funds
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II Funds
Please note that this page is only available if the amount of remaining ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, funds is greater than zero.
The “Total amount remaining for ESSER II (calculated based on Award amount and above Expenditures)” field calculates the total amount of ESSER II, Resource Code 3212, funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period. This same amount was displayed on the bottom of the "Use of Funds Details" page.
Provide the percentage of remaining funds planned for the four general allowable use categories as of the last day of the applicable reporting period (example: the last day of the Year 4 reporting period is June 30, 2023). Enter percentages as whole numbers without decimals, commas, or other punctuation.
For examples of allowable activities within each of the four general allowable use categories, please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above.
Finishing the Collection
Click “Submit” to submit the data entered on the previous pages. Click “Previous” to return to previous pages and edit responses. Do not close the website before completing all fields and clicking “Submit.” Data entered on previous pages will only be saved if this full collection is submitted. If prompted by a pop-up that reads “Do you want to submit your data?” click “OK” to submit or “Cancel” to review responses.
After submitting, a Submission Record page appears. Please review all responses to confirm accuracy. If any responses need to be edited, please click the “Edit Data” button. Corrections can be made at any point through this “Edit Data” feature until the close of the reporting period.
There is also a “Print Data” button to allow the submitted responses to be saved for record-keeping purposes.
To return to the ESSER Annual Report menu, please click “Click here to return to the ESSER Annual Data Collection menu in the CARES Act Reporting Portal.”
It is possible to confirm if a completed collection was saved at any time by confirming there is a date submitted under the “Submission Status” column within the ESSER Annual Data Collections menu. Responses can be reviewed or edited any time before the due-by-date by clicking “Review Submission.”
Please note: all collections must be submitted for the ESSER Annual Report to be considered complete.
ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216
This collection was added in Year 3, which collected data from LEAs in March 2023, based on the applicable reporting period for the required data and when these funds were distributed to LEAs. This collection will gather expenditure and planned uses of funds information for the ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216, funds during the applicable reporting period.
For the Year 3 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds that occurred March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
LEAs can view their prior year submission by clicking the applicable link within the log on page for this collection.
To access this collection, please enter the same password used to access the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
Please note: the full collection must be submitted for data to be saved. Do not close the website until you have reached the end and submitted the collection. Progress on each page will not be saved until the full collection is submitted.
ESSER II SEA Reserve: Use of Funds Details
Total Award and Expenditures from ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds
The "Total Amount awarded to the LEA from the ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216" field refers to the LEA's ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216, allocation as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The “Total Previous Expenditures” field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported in all previous ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216, annual reports. The date range of these previous expenditures is included within the report.
In the "Amount expended by the LEA from the ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216" field, enter the total amount of expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. If there were no expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period, enter “0.”
The reported sum must be less than or equal to the amount awarded minus previous expenditures of this fund source. The system will allow for the inclusion of a decimal to indicate dollars and cents, but it will not allow for commas or other punctuation. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Current Uses of ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds
Select either "Yes" or "No" to indicate if the LEA expended any ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216, funds in each of the general allowable use categories during the applicable reporting period.
Please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for example expenditures for each of the general allowable use categories.
A response must be selected for each row. The system requires at least one "Yes" response if the LEA has reported expenditures greater than $0 for this reporting period. The system requires all rows to indicate "No" if the LEA has reported $0 of expenditures for the applicable reporting period.
The "Total amount remaining for ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216" field calculates the total amount of these funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period, based on the Award amount minus the sum of the previous expenditures and the current reported expenditures for the applicable reporting period.
If the value of this field is greater than zero, additional questions will be generated on the next page. If the value of this field is equal to zero, the next page will allow for report submission.
ESSER II SEA Reserve: Remaining Funds
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216 funds
Please note that this page is only available if the amount of remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve funds is greater than zero.
The "Total amount remaining for ESSER II SEA Reserve, ELO-G, Resource Code 3216" field calculates the total amount of these funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period, based on the Award amount minus the sum of the previous expenditures and the current reported expenditures for the applicable reporting period. This same amount was displayed on the previous page.
Provide the percentage of remaining funds planned for the four general allowable use categories as of the last day of the applicable reporting period (example: the last day of the Year 4 reporting period is June 30, 2023). Enter percentages as whole numbers without decimals, commas, or other punctuation. The percentages must sum to 100%.
For examples of the allowable activities within each of the four general allowable use categories, please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above.
Finishing the Collection
Click “Submit” to submit the data entered on the previous pages. Click “Previous” to return to previous pages and edit responses. Do not close the website before completing all fields and clicking “Submit.” Data entered on previous pages will only be saved if this full collection is submitted. If prompted by a pop-up that reads “Do you want to submit your data?” click “OK” to submit or “Cancel” to review responses.
After submitting, a Submission Record page appears. Please review all responses to confirm accuracy. If any responses need to be edited, please click the “Edit Data” button. Corrections can be made at any point through this “Edit Data” feature until the close of the reporting period.
There is also a “Print Data” button to allow the submitted responses to be saved for record-keeping purposes.
To return to the ESSER Annual Report menu, please click “Click here to return to the ESSER Annual Data Collection menu in the CARES Act Reporting Portal.”
It is possible to confirm if a completed collection was saved at any time by confirming there is a date submitted under the “Submission Status” column within the ESSER Annual Data Collections menu. Responses can be reviewed or edited any time before the due-by-date by clicking “Review Submission.”
Please note: all collections must be submitted for the ESSER Annual Report to be considered complete.
ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214
This collection will gather expenditure information for the ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214, funds during the applicable reporting period for eligible LEAs that receive these funds. This reporting was expanded in the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
For the Year 2 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds that occurred March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2021. For the Year 3 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures of funds that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
LEAs can view their prior year submissions by clicking the applicable links within the log on page for this collection. To access this collection, please enter the same password used to access the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
Please note: the full collection must be submitted for data to be saved. Do not close the website until you have reached the end and submitted the collection. Progress on each page will not be saved until the full collection is submitted.
ESSER III: Use of Funds Details
Provide the amount of LEA expenditures by ESSER III Subgrant fund and activity
The "Amount awarded to the LEA for ESSER III, Resource Code 3213” refers to the 80% of the LEA’s ESSER III allocation that may be used toward any ESSER allowable use category. The “Amount awarded to the LEA for ESSER III, Resource Code 3214” refers to the 20% of the LEA’s ESSER III allocation that must be used to address the impact of lost instructional time (“learning loss”). The “Total Amount Awarded to the LEA for ESSER III” refers to the LEA’s total ESSER III allocation, combining Resource Codes 3213 and 3214. All amounts are prepopulated and represent the LEA's allocation as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The "Previous ESSER III, Resource Code 3213 Expenditures" field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported from this fund source in all previous ESSER III annual reports. The "Previous ESSER III, Resource Code 3214 Expenditures" field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported from this fund source in all previous ESSER III annual reports. The "Total Previous Expenditures" field is prepopulated and displays the combined total of ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, and ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures the reported in previous annual reporting. The date range for the expenditures is included within the report.
Amount Expended by Category and Accounting Object (Resource Code 3213)
For each of the accounting objects by general allowable use category in the first column “Amount Expended by Category and Accounting Object (Resource Code 3213),” enter the amount of ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, funds expended during the applicable reporting period. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures of funds that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
Please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for example expenditures for each of the general allowable use categories. Please see the Accounting Objects subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for specific definitions for each accounting object.
The expenditures reported in each accounting object may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE. The sum of all expenditures in this column must be less than or equal to the ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, amount awarded minus previous expenditures of this same resource code.
If the LEA reports expenditures in this column greater than $0 by accounting object in any of the general allowable use categories “Addressing Physical Health and Safety,” “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs,” or “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses,” the LEA will be required to additionally report the same expenditures by activity for the corresponding general allowable use category in subsequent pages.
Total Amount Expended toward required set-aside to address learning loss (Resource Code 3214)
For each of the accounting objects by general allowable use category in the second column “Total Amount Expended toward required set-aside to address learning loss (Resource Code 3214),” enter the amount of ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, funds expended during the applicable reporting period. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures of funds that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
Please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for example expenditures for each of the general allowable use categories. Please see the Accounting Objects subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for specific definitions for each accounting object.
The expenditures reported in each accounting object may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE. The sum of all expenditures in this column must be less than or equal to the ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, amount awarded minus previous expenditures of this same resource code.
Expenditures in this set-aside column may possibly not sum to 20% of the total ESSER III award in this reporting period. LEAs must expend at least 20% of the ESSER III mandatory subgrant award toward the required set-aside by the time the LEA’s subaward is liquidated, not necessarily during each reporting period.
If the LEA reports expenditures in this column greater than $0 by accounting object in any of the general allowable use categories “Addressing Physical Health and Safety,” “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs,” or “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses,” the LEA will be required to additionally report the same expenditures by activity for the corresponding general allowable use category in subsequent pages.
Additionally, please note that if expenditures greater than $0 are reported in this column, there will be additional questions regarding the use of these funds on a future page.
Total ESSER III Mandatory Subgrant Expenditures
These two columns (“Amount Expended by Category and Accounting Object [Resource Code 3213]” and “Total Amount Expended toward required set-aside to address learning loss [Resource Code 3214]”) should sum to the total ESSER III mandatory subgrant expenditures. That is, every ESSER III mandatory subgrant expenditure should be counted in either of these columns, but not both. The reported sum of both columns must be less than or equal to the total ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214, amount awarded minus previous expenditures of these two resource codes.
The "Total amount remaining for ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214 combined, calculated based on Award amount and above Expenditures)" field calculates the total amount of ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214, funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period, based on the Award amount minus the sum of the previous expenditures and the reported expenditures for the applicable reporting period.
If the value of this field is greater than zero, additional questions will be generated on a future page regarding the planned uses of these remaining funds. If the value of this field is equal to zero, there will not be additional questions regarding planned uses of funds.
ESSER III: Expenditures by Activity
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER III, Resource Code 3213 or 3214, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Addressing Physical Health and Safety” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Addressing Physical Health and Safety” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported in the applicable general allowable use category. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. This value combines both ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, and ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures. The total expenditures by activity on this page must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, and ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Addressing Physical Health and Safety” general use category by activity, as described in rows A–G. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER III expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is automatically calculated and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Addressing Physical Health and Safety” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (excluding mental health supports)
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, or ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (excluding mental health supports)” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported by accounting object on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. This value combines both ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, and ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures. The total expenditures by activity entered on this page must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, and ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” general use category by activity, as described in rows H–R. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER III expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is automatically calculated and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses
The data collection on this page is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, in alignment with requirements from ED.
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA entered ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, or ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures greater than $0 during the applicable reporting period in the “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” general allowable use category on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
The “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” field reflects the total expenditures the LEA reported by accounting object on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page. This field is prepopulated in the report based on the data the LEA entered on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page, and it is displayed for convenience to support reporting on this page. This value combines both ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, and ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures. The total expenditures entered on this page by activity must equal the amount in this field. This page requires for these same total expenditures to be reported by activity, as opposed to the accounting objects on the preceding “Use of Funds Details” page.
Report the total ESSER III, Resource Code 3213, and ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures during the applicable reporting period toward the “Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” general allowable use category by activity, as described in rows T–Y. Each expenditure should be reported ONLY ONCE, in the activity subcategory that best aligns with the applicable cost.
The value may include a decimal to indicate both dollars and cents. The system will not allow the inclusion of commas or other symbols. The system will not accept negative numbers.
If there were no ESSER III expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
The “Total Expenditures” at the bottom of the chart is calculated automatically and must match the “Total Expenditures Reported in the ‘Use of Funds’ page for Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses” field at the top of this page in order to save data and continue.
ESSER III: Remaining Funds
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER III Funds
Please note that this page is only available if the amount of total remaining ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214, funds is greater than zero.
The “Total amount remaining for ESSER III (Resource Codes 3213 and 3214 combined, calculated based on Award amount and above Expenditures)” field calculates the total amount of ESSER III, Resource Codes 3213 and 3214, funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period. This same amount was displayed on the bottom of the "Use of Funds Details" page.
Provide the percentage of remaining funds planned for the four general allowable use categories as of the last day of the applicable reporting period (example: the last day of the Year 4 reporting period is June 30, 2023). Enter percentages as whole numbers without decimals, commas, or other punctuation.
For examples of the allowable activities within each of the four general allowable use categories, please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above.
ESSER III Mandatory Subgrants to LEAs to Address Impact of Learning Loss
Please note that this page only appears if the LEA has reported expenditures of ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, funds in the applicable reporting period within the "Use of Funds Details" page.
Question 1
“The total amount reserved by the LEA to address the impact of learning loss (Resource Code 3214)” refers to the 20% of the LEA’s allocation set-aside to address the impact of lost instructional time as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
“The total expenditures of the ESSER III LEA Reserve, Resource Code 3214 in this reporting period” has been calculated based on the expenditures reported in the "Use of Funds Details" page. If this amount does not reflect the appropriate expenditure amount for ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, for the applicable reporting period, please select “Previous” to return to the first page in this collection and correct the reported amounts.
For the listed activities in rows A–M of question 1, report the total expenditures of ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, funds only during the applicable reporting period.
Please see the Interventions subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section for definitions of these interventions, for the purposes of this reporting only.
If there were no ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, expenditures within an activity subcategory for the applicable reporting period, please enter “0” to indicate no costs were assigned to this activity.
A value must be entered selected for each row A–M in order to save data and move to the next page. If the LEA implemented “other” activities using ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, funds that do not align with any activities A–M, please provide a brief description in the field within row N. This field is limited to 1,500 characters.Otherwise, please leave the field in row N blank. At least one option A–M must be marked "Yes," or the optional field N must be completed in order to save the data and move to the next page.
The total expenditures reported in rows A–N must equal the Resource Code 3214 expenditures for the applicable reporting period reported on the "Use of Funds Details" page (displayed at the top of this page for convenience).
Question 2
For question 2, please provide a specific narrative description to answer the provided question. This response must only address how activities at least partially funded using ESSER III, Resource Code 3214, funds have addressed the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the identified student subgroups. Do not include any investments funded through other sources, including ESSER III, Resource Code 3213.
The maximum number of characters for this field is 3,000. A response must be entered in this field in order to save data and move to the next page.
Finishing the Collection
Click “Submit” to submit the data entered on the previous pages. Click “Previous” to return to previous pages and edit responses. Do not close the website before completing all fields and clicking “Submit.” Data entered on previous pages will only be saved if this full collection is submitted. If prompted by a pop-up that reads “Do you want to submit your data?” click “OK” to submit or “Cancel” to review responses.
After submitting, a Submission Record page appears. Please review all responses to confirm accuracy. If any responses need to be edited, please click the “Edit Data” button. There is also a “Print Data” button to allow the submitted responses to be saved for record-keeping purposes.
To return to the ESSER Annual Report menu, please click “Click here to return to the ESSER Annual Data Collection menu in the CARES Act Reporting Portal.”
It is possible to confirm if a completed collection was saved at any time by confirming there is a date submitted under the “Submission Status” column within the ESSER Annual Data Collections menu. Responses can be reviewed or edited any time before the due-by-date by clicking “Review Submission.”
Please note: all collections must be submitted for the ESSER Annual Report to be considered complete.
This collection was added in Year 3, which collected data from LEAs in March 2023, based on the applicable reporting period for the required data and when these funds were disbursed to LEAs. The collection was expanded in Year 4 to include additional funds awarded to LEAs during the applicable reporting period.
This collection will gather expenditure information for the ESSER III SEA Reserve funds during the applicable reporting period, which include the ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Emergency Needs (Resource Code 3218) funds, ELO-G ESSER III SEA Reserve – Learning Loss (Resource Code 3219) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool ASES Program (Resource Code 3226) funds, ESSER III SEA Reserve Afterschool 21st CCLC Program (Resource Code 3227) funds, or ESSER III SEA Reserve funds available through the ESSER III Summer Grant (Resource Codes 3225 and/or 3228).
For the Year 3 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures and planned uses of funds that occurred March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, please consider only expenditures that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 3023.
LEAs can view their prior year submissions by clicking the applicable link within the log on page for this collection.
To access this collection, please enter the same password used to access the Stimulus Funding Reporting Portal.
Please note: the full collection must be submitted for data to be saved. Do not close the website until you have reached the end and submitted the collection. Progress on each page will not be saved until the full collection is submitted.
ESSER III SEA Reserve: Award Amounts Overview
This page provides the LEA's allocations for each of the relevant ESSER III SEA Reserve funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period (example: the last day of the Year 4 reporting period is June 30, 2023). The LEA will provide data relevant to each of the fund sources for which the allocation is greater than $0.
Learning Loss Activities Set-Aside
The "Amount Awarded from the ELO-G – Learning Loss, Resource Code 3219" field provides the LEA's allocation for this fund source as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. If this value is greater than $0, the LEA will report total expenditures for this fund source during the applicable reporting period on a future page.
Summer Enrichment Set-Aside
This field has been added as of the Year 4 reporting period, based on when funds were allocated to LEAs.
The “Amount Awarded from the ESSER III Summer Grant, Resource Codes 3225 and/or 3228” field provides the LEA’s combined allocation of both resource codes as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. If this value is greater than $0, the LEA will report total expenditures for this fund source during the applicable reporting period on a future page.
Afterschool Programs Set-Aside
The "Amount Awarded from the ESSER III SEA Reserve fund, for Afterschool purposes (ASES Programs, Resource Code 3226, and/or 21st CCLC Programs, Resource Code 3227)" field provides the LEA's combined allocation of both resource codes as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. If this value is greater than $0, the LEA will report total expenditures for this fund source during the applicable reporting period on a future page.
Other SEA Reserve Award
The "Amount Awarded from the ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218" field provides the LEA's allocation for these funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. If this value is greater than $0, the LEA will report total expenditures, use of funds details, and planned uses for this fund source during the applicable reporting period on a future page.
ESSER III SEA Reserve: Use of Funds Details – Learning Loss
Total Award and Expenditures from ESSER III SEA Reserve Funds
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA was eligible for an allocation of this fund source as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The "Total amount awarded to the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Learning Loss, Resource Code 3219" field refers to the LEA's allocation of these funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. This value was also displayed on the overview page.
The “Total previous expenditures” field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported in all previous ESSER III SEA Reserve annual reports for this resource code. The date range of these previous expenditures is included within the report.
In the "Amount expended by the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Learning Loss, Resource Code 3219" field, enter the total amount of expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period. If there were no expenditures of this fund source during the applicable reporting period, including if the LEA previously reported this fund source as fully expended, enter “0.”
For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, the applicable reporting period is July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
The reported sum must be less than or equal to the amount awarded minus previous expenditures of this resource code. The system will allow for the inclusion of a decimal to indicate dollars and cents, but it will not allow for commas or other punctuation. The system will not accept negative numbers.
ESSER III SEA Reserve: Use of Funds Details – Summer Enrichment
Total Award and Expenditures from ESSER III SEA Reserve Funds
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA was eligible for an allocation of this fund source as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The "Total amount awarded to the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve, ESSER III Summer Grant, Resource Code 3225 and/or 3228" field refers to the LEA's allocation of these funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. This value was also displayed on the overview page.
The “Total previous expenditures” field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported in all previous ESSER III SEA Reserve annual reports for this resource code. The date range of these previous expenditures is included within the report. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, this value was automatically populated with “0,” since the Year 4 reporting period was the first time these funds were included.
In the “Amount expended by the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve, ESSER III Summer Grant, Resource Codes 3225 and/or 3228, during the applicable reporting period only” field, enter the total amount of expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period. If there were no expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period, enter “0.”
The reported sum must be less than or equal to the amount awarded minus previous expenditures of this fund source. The system will allow for the inclusion of a decimal to indicate dollars and cents, but it will not allow for commas or other punctuation. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Year 4 Reporting Period Note: Given that the data collection for these funds is new as of the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, and federal law allows for these funds to contribute to costs prior to the award date, as long as they occurred after March 13, 2020, LEAs may have costs prior to the Year 4 reporting period that it needs to report. If your LEA has expenditures for the prior periods, March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2022, please include these expenditures in addition to those for the current reporting period, July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, so that all expenditures are trued up through June 30, 2023, in this report.
ESSER III SEA Reserve: Use of Funds Details – Afterschool
Total Award and Expenditures from ESSER III SEA Reserve Funds
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA was eligible for an allocation of this fund source as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The "Total amount awarded to the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve for Afterschool purposes, ASES Programs, Resource Code 3226, and/or 21st CCLC Programs, Resource Code 3227" field refers to the LEA's allocation of these funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. This value was also displayed on the overview page.
The “Total previous expenditures” field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported in all previous ESSER III SEA Reserve annual reports for these resource codes. The date range of these previous expenditures is included within the report.
In the "Amount expended by the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve for Afterschool purposes, ASES Programs, Resource Code 3226, and/or 21st CCLC Programs, Resource Code 3227" field, enter the total amount of expenditures from this fund source only during the applicable reporting period. If the LEA received allocations from both fund sources, the amount should be the sum of expenditures from both resource codes. If there were no expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period, including if the LEA previously reported this fund source as fully expended, enter “0.”
For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, the applicable reporting period is July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
The reported sum must be less than or equal to the amount awarded minus previous expenditures of this fund source. The system will allow for the inclusion of a decimal to indicate dollars and cents, but it will not allow for commas or other punctuation. The system will not accept negative numbers.
ESSER III SEA Reserve: Use of Funds Details – Other
Total Award and Expenditures from ESSER III SEA Reserve Funds
Please note that this page is only available if the LEA was eligible for an allocation of this fund source as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
The "Total amount awarded to the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218" field refers to the LEA's allocation of these funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period. This value was also displayed on the overview page.
The “Total previous expenditures” field is prepopulated and displays the expenditures the LEA reported in all previous ESSER III SEA Reserve annual reports for these resource codes. The date range of these previous expenditures is included within the report.
In the "Amount expended by the LEA from the ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218" field, enter the total amount of expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period. If there were no expenditures from this fund source during the applicable reporting period, including if the LEA previously reported this fund source as fully expended, enter “0.”
For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, the applicable reporting period is July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
The reported sum must be less than or equal to the amount awarded minus previous expenditures of this fund source. The system will allow for the inclusion of a decimal to indicate dollars and cents, but it will not allow for commas or other punctuation. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Current Uses of ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218, Funds
Select either "Yes" or "No" to indicate if the LEA expended any ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218, funds in each of the general allowable use categories listed, during the applicable reporting period.
Please note that these questions are only applicable to uses of ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218, funds, and should not represent uses of any other ESSER III SEA Reserve funds the LEA may have received.
Please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above for example expenditures for each of the general allowable use categories.
A response must be selected for each row. The system requires at least one "Yes" response if the LEA has reported expenditures greater than $0 for this reporting period. The system requires all rows to indicate "No" if the LEA has reported $0 of expenditures for the applicable reporting period.
The "Total amount remaining for ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218" field calculates the total amount of these funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period, based on the Award amount minus the sum of the previous expenditures and the current reported expenditures for the applicable reporting period.
If the value of this field is greater than zero, additional questions will be generated on the next page. If the value of this field is equal to zero, the next page will allow for report submission.
ESSER III SEA Reserve: Remaining Funds
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218, funds
Please note that this page is only available if the amount of remaining ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218, funds is greater than zero.
The "Total amount remaining for ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218" field is calculated to display the total amount of these funds remaining as of the end of the applicable reporting period, based on the Award amount minus the sum of the previous expenditures and the current reported expenditures for the applicable reporting period. This same amount was displayed on the previous page.
Provide the percentage of remaining ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218, funds planned for the four general allowable use categories as of the last day of the applicable reporting period (example: the last day of the Year 4 reporting period is June 30, 2023). Enter percentages as whole numbers without decimals, commas, or other punctuation. The percentages must sum to 100%.
Please note that these questions are only applicable to planned uses of ESSER III SEA Reserve, ELO-G – Emergency Needs, Resource Code 3218, funds, not any other ESSER III SEA Reserve funds the LEA may have received.
For examples of the allowable activities within each of the four general allowable use categories, please see the General Allowable Use Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section above.
Finishing the Collection
Click “Submit” to submit the data entered on the previous pages. Click “Previous” to return to previous pages and edit responses. Do not close the website before completing all fields and clicking “Submit.” Data entered on previous pages will only be saved if this full collection is submitted. If prompted by a pop-up that reads “Do you want to submit your data?” click “OK” to submit or “Cancel” to review responses.
After submitting, a Submission Record page appears. Please review all responses to confirm accuracy. If any responses need to be edited, please click the “Edit Data” button. Corrections can be made at any point through this “Edit Data” feature until the close of the reporting period.
There is also a “Print Data” button to allow the submitted responses to be saved for record-keeping purposes.
To return to the ESSER Annual Report menu, please click “Click here to return to the ESSER Annual Data Collection menu in the CARES Act Reporting Portal.”
It is possible to confirm if a completed collection was saved at any time by confirming there is a date submitted under the “Submission Status” column within the ESSER Annual Data Collections menu. Responses can be reviewed or edited any time before the due-by-date by clicking “Review Submission.”
Please note: all collections must be submitted for the ESSER Annual Report to be considered complete.
School Full-Time Equivalent Counts
This collection was added for the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, as required by federal regulation. The data reported must reflect the applicable reporting period only. For the Year 4 ESSER Annual Report, provide FTE counts for each school and position as of September 30, 2022. The required data must be reported regardless of the fund source that corresponds to these positions.
Step 1: Download Your School Data
The data for this collection will be uploaded using a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file template. To access your LEA's template, select the option "Download School Data." This will initiate the download of the applicable CSV file template.
Follow any applicable prompts on your computer in order to download the file.
If you are downloading data for the first time, column A "CDSCode" and column B "School" will be prepopulated with the identifying information for each active school within the LEA. Columns C–F will be blank and must be completed.
If you have previously uploaded data, the most recently uploaded version will be available when you select "Download School Data." You can validate what is in the system by re-downloading the file and examining it. The upload cannot be removed. To replace the provided data, a new file must be uploaded. This step can be completed as many times as needed until the reporting deadline.
Step 2: Fill in the FTE Counts Per School and Category
Please enter data only for columns C, D, E, and F ("Special educators and related service personnel, including paraprofessionals," "Bilingual educators or English as a second language educators," "School counselors, social workers, or school psychologists," and "Nurses," respectively).
For each specified staff type in columns C–F, provide the count of FTE staff assigned to serve each school in this LEA to the nearest tenth, regardless of the fund source used to support these positions. For example, if 1 full-time nurse is shared equally by 5 schools within an LEA, allocate 0.2 FTE to each school served.
If a specified staff type within the template is not assigned to serve a school within the CSV file template, enter "0" in the applicable field.
Please see the Staff Categories subsection of the ESSER Annual Reporting Definitions section for definitions of these specific position types, for the purposes of this reporting only.
Please refer to the guidance below to ensure that there are no errors when this data is uploaded to the system:
- Do not edit columns A or B. Any changes to the prepopulated data in columns A and B will not be saved.
- Do not add or delete any rows or columns. Any changes to the existing number of rows will not be saved.
- Do not leave any cells blank within the applicable reporting area of the CSV file.
- Do not include any letters or symbols in the data fields, except decimals as appropriate.
- Ensure that there are no spaces at the end of any values.
- Ensure the file is saved to your computer as a CSV file prior to uploading data.
Step 3: Upload the Completed CSV File
When all data has been entered into the template, complete the following steps to upload the file to the report:
- Ensure the file has been saved to your computer as a CSV file.
- In the web report, select "Choose File."
- Select the completed CSV file from its saved location on your computer.
- Select "Open."
- Select the "Upload School Data" button for this file to upload to the system. If this step is not completed, the file will not be saved to the reporting system.
If you have successfully uploaded the CSV file, a green message below the "Upload School Data" button will read "Your data file was uploaded successfully. You can download it to verify or return to the Overview." You can additionally confirm submission by reviewing the "Submission Status" column in the ESSER Annual Data Collections Overview screen.
If you DO NOT see this confirmation message, or if red error messages are displayed below the "Upload School Data" button, your file has not been uploaded correctly. Please review that all fields have been completed and correct any errors the report has identified.
GEER I Fund Annual Reporting
GEER Annual Reporting is a federal requirement, as a condition of receiving these federal funds. This reporting is authorized by federal regulation, posted in the OMB Control Number 1810-0748.
The GEER I Fund is a subset of the federal ESF and was authorized by the CARES Act. Pursuant to Section 18002 of the CARES Act, funding is allocated to states based on a combination of their relative population of school aged individuals and their number of children counted under section 1124(c) of the ESEA funding.
GEER I is also one of three funding sources that make up the California Learning Loss Mitigation Fund (LLMF). The LLMF was created by Sec. 110 of Senate Bill (SB) 98 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Ch. 24, Statutes of 2020) and subsequently amended by Section 59 of SB 820 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Ch. 110, Statutes of 2020). The LLMF is distributed to LEAs based on three separate formulas and is to be used for activities that directly support academic achievement and mitigate learning loss related to COVID-19 school closures. Funds may be used to support individuals served by LEAs, including, but not limited to, those enrolled in a childcare program, California state preschool program, kindergarten, any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and adult education programs. Funds shall be expended consistent with the purposes outlined in Section 110(d) of SB 98, as amended by SB 820.
The Resource Code for GEER I is 3215.
Additional information about LLMF, including allocations, may be found on the LLMF web page.
All following information is relevant to Year 2 of the GEER I Annual Report open in May 2022, Year 3 of the GEER I Annual Report open in March 2023, and Year 4 of the GEER I Annual Report open in March 2024, adapted to align with changes to reporting requirements from ED. To reference instructions provided for the Year 1 GEER Annual Report that occurred in 2021, please visit the Year 1 GEER I Fund Annual Reporting web page.
Please ensure that all responses are based on the applicable reporting period. For the Year 2 GEER I Annual Report, please consider only GEER I activities that occurred October 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. For the Year 3 GEER I Annual Report, please only consider activities that occurred July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 GEER I Annual Report, please only consider activities that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 3023.
Fund Overview
Please select whether the LEA has served students and teachers in both Title I and Non-Title I schools, or only students and teachers in Title I schools, with its GEER I, Resource Code 3215, allocation during the applicable reporting period. A response must be selected in order to save data.
Amounts Expended
This section contains expenditure information about the LEA’s GEER I, Resource Code 3215, allocation, including the number of public and non-public schools served.
Total Awarded Amount
This amount is prepopulated based on the LEA’s GEER I, Resource Code 3215, allocation as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
Previously Reported Expenditures
This amount is prepopulated based on the data the LEA submitted to the CDE as part of the prior years' GEER I Annual Reporting. This amount is a point in time and does not reflect any subsequent adjustments made during quarterly reporting.
Current Amount Expended by the LEA
Indicate the dollar amount expended during the applicable reporting period.
For the Year 4 GEER I Annual Report, please consider only expenditures that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, plus any additional amount expended from March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2022, that was not previously reported on the Year 1 GEER I, Year 2 GEER I, or Year 3 GEER I Annual Reports.
Enter the amount as a positive whole number without decimals, commas, or other punctuation. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Number of Public Schools Served
Provide the number of public schools served with GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds during the applicable reporting period.
For the Year 4 GEER I Annual Report, report the number of public schools served July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, with GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds.
For school districts and county offices of education (COEs), please consider each school site, including locally-funded charter schools, separately (e.g., if an LEA appropriated GEER I funds to 5 out of 10 school sites, enter 5). For direct-funded charter schools, please consider the charter as a single school.
Number of Non-Public Schools Served
Provide the number of non-public schools served with GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds during the applicable reporting period.
For the Year 4 GEER I Annual Report, report the number of non-public schools served July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, with GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds.
Uses of GEER I Funds
This section contains expenditure information about the LEA’s GEER I, Resource Code 3215, fund expenditures during the applicable reporting period.
Please use the following guidelines when completing this section:
- Answer each question about the use of GEER I funds. Certain responses will trigger additional follow-up.
- The reporting period for the Year 4 GEER I Annual Report is July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
- If an LEA has not expended any GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds during the applicable reporting period, the response to each question 1–6 should be “No.”
The following are the reporting categories, including all additional follow-up questions (may not apply given the LEA’s uses of GEER I funds). Please select “Yes” or “No” for each category to indicate whether GEER I funds were used for each. A response must be selected for each category in order to save data. Please note that a text description is required if “Yes” is chosen for the options labeled “Other”:
- Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity), which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question 1 above) Did this LEA use GEER I funds to provide home Internet access to any students
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) Mobile hotspots with paid data plans
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) Internet connected devices with paid data plans
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) District pays for the cost of home Internet subscription for student
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) District provides home Internet access through a district-managed wireless network
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) Other
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for option e. above) Please Describe
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question 1 above) Did this LEA use GEER I funds to provide home Internet access to any students
- Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth
- Providing mental health services and supports
- Sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases
- Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs:
- Other (uses of funds not included above)
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question 6 above) Please Specify
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds
Remaining Funds
This field calculates the remaining balance of GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period, based on the LEA's allocation, minus the sum of previous and current expenditures reported.
Section A
Please use the following guidelines when completing this section:
- Answer each question about the planned uses of remaining GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds.
- The planned uses should be based on remaining funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
- Please use whole numbers to indicate the approximate percentage of funds planned to be expended for each category.
- Please add a "0" for any category that does not include planned uses of GEER I funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
- Please note that a text description is required if an amount other than “0” is entered for the category labeled “Percent remaining funds planned for other.”
- The Total Percentage value of Section A must equal 100% (or 0% if the remaining funds total is 0) when all data has been entered.
- A response must be entered for each category in order to save data.
- If an LEA has fully expended GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds, the response to each question should be 0%.
Year 4 Reporting Note: given that the liquidation deadline for these funds was January 30, 2023, for funds properly obligated by September 30, 2022, it is most likely that any remaining funds should be described as “Remaining funds for use not yet determined,” as any remaining amount on this report likely reflects funds not expended by the end of the grant period and therefore returned to the federal government.
The reporting categories for this subsection are as follows:
- Percent remaining funds planned for purchasing educational technology
- Percent remaining funds planned for providing mental health services and supports
- Percent remaining funds planned for sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases
- Percent remaining funds planned for extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs
- Percent remaining funds planned for other (uses of funds not included above)
- (Note: a response must only be provided if the percent entered for category 5 is greater than 0%) Please Specify
- Percent remaining funds for use not yet determined
Section B
Provide the total percent of remaining funds planned for activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth, as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
If an LEA has fully expended GEER I, Resource Code 3215, funds, the response to this question should be 0%.
Please note: This should include funds planned for purposes also included in Section A above if the planned uses are focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth.
Year 4 Reporting Note: given that the liquidation deadline for these funds was January 30, 2023, for funds properly obligated by September 30, 2022, it is most likely that the response to this question should be "0," as any remaining amount on this report likely reflects funds not expended by the end of the grant period and therefore returned to the federal government.
A response must be entered in order to save data.
Select the box to certify that the person completing this Annual Report is an authorized representative of the LEA, with the fiscal and legal authority to report on behalf of the LEA, and that the information reported is accurate to the best of their knowledge. This box must be selected in order to submit this report.
Contact Information
Please provide the first and last name, title, email address, telephone number, and telephone extension (if applicable) of the individual completing the report. If the CDE has a question concerning the report, the CDE will first attempt to contact the individual listed.
Finishing the Report
Once the report is complete, an LEA must save the report by clicking the “Save Data” button at the bottom of the page. If there is an issue, the reporting portal will indicate there are errors to be reviewed at the top of the webpage. If there are no errors (or any errors have been resolved), you will see the message “Your data have been saved.” At that point, the report is complete (there is no submittal button/process).
It is possible to confirm if a complete report was saved at any time by confirming there is a “Date Submitted” to the far right of the GEER I Annual Report link on the main page of the reporting portal.
GEER II Fund Annual Reporting
GEER Annual Reporting is a federal requirement, as a condition of receiving these federal funds. This reporting is authorized by federal regulation, posted in the OMB Control Number 1810-0748.
This report was added in Year 3, which collected data from LEAs in March 2023, based on the applicable reporting period for the required data and when these funds were disbursed to LEAs.
The GEER II Fund is a subset of the federal ESF and was created by the CRRSA Act. Pursuant to Section 312 of the CRRSA Act, funding is allocated to states based on a combination of their relative population of school aged individuals and their number of children counted under section 1124(c) of the ESEA funding. The California 2021–22 Budget Act appropriated $153,992,000 of California's GEER II allocation to partially fund the ELO-G.
The Resource Code for GEER II is 3217.
Additional information about the ELO-G, including links to allocations, may be found on the COVID-19 Relief and School Reopening Grants web page.
Please ensure that all responses are based on the applicable reporting period. For the Year 3 GEER II Annual Report, please consider only GEER II activities that occurred March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2022. For the Year 4 GEER II Annual Report, please only consider activities that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 3023.
Fund Overview
Please select whether the LEA has served students and teachers in both Title I and Non-Title I schools, or only students and teachers in Title I schools, with its GEER II, Resource Code 3217, allocation during the applicable reporting period. A response must be selected in order to save data.
Amounts Expended
This section contains expenditure information about the LEA’s GEER II, Resource Code 3217, allocation, including the number of public and non-public schools served.
Total Awarded Amount
This amount is prepopulated based on the LEA’s GEER II, Resource Code 3217, allocation as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
Previously Reported Expenditures
This amount is prepopulated based on the data the LEA submitted to the CDE as part of the prior years' GEER II Annual Reporting. This amount is a point in time and does not reflect any subsequent adjustments made during quarterly reporting.
Current Amount Expended by the LEA
Indicate the dollar amount expended during the applicable reporting period. For the Year 4 GEER II Annual Report, please consider only expenditures that occurred July 1, 2022 – June 30, 202, plus any additional amount expended from March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2022, that was not previously reported on the Year 3 GEER II Annual Report.
Enter the amount as a positive whole number without decimals, commas, or other punctuation. The system will not accept negative numbers.
Number of Public Schools Served
Provide the number of public schools served with GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds during the applicable reporting period.
For the Year 4 GEER II Annual Report, report the number of public schools served July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, with GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds.
For school districts and COEs, please consider each school site, including locally-funded charter schools, separately (e.g., if an LEA appropriated GEER II funds to 5 out of 10 school sites, enter 5). For direct-funded charter schools, please consider the charter as a single school.
Number of Non-Public Schools Served
Provide the number of non-public schools served with GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds during the applicable reporting period.
For the Year 4 GEER II Annual Report, report the number of non-public schools served July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, with GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds.
Uses of GEER II Funds
This section contains expenditure information about the LEA’s GEER II, Resource Code 3217, fund expenditures during the applicable reporting period.
Please use the following guidelines when completing this section:
- Answer each question about the use of GEER II funds. Certain responses will trigger additional follow-up.
- The reporting period for the Year 4 GEER II Annual Report is July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
- If an LEA has not expended any GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds during the applicable reporting period, the response to each question 1–6 should be “No.”
The following are the reporting categories, including all additional follow-up questions (may not apply given the LEA’s uses of GEER II funds). Please select “Yes” or “No” for each category to indicate whether GEER II funds were used for each. A response must be selected for each category in order to save data. Please note that a text description is required if “Yes” is chosen for the options labeled “Other”:
- Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity), which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question 1 above) Did this LEA use GEER II funds to provide home Internet access to any students
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) Mobile hotspots with paid data plans
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) Internet connected devices with paid data plans
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) District pays for the cost of home Internet subscription for student
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) District provides home Internet access through a district-managed wireless network
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question A above) Other
- (Note: this question is only visible if "Yes" is selected for option e. above) Please Describe
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question 1 above) Did this LEA use GEER II funds to provide home Internet access to any students
- Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth
- Providing mental health services and supports
- Sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases
- Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs:
- Other (uses of funds not included above)
- (Note: this question is only available if "Yes" is selected for question 6 above) Please Specify
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds
Remaining Funds
This field calculates the remaining balance of GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period, based on the LEA's allocation, minus the sum of previous and current expenditures reported.
Section A
Please use the following guidelines when completing this section:
- Answer each question about the planned uses of remaining GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds.
- The planned uses should be based on remaining funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
- Please use whole numbers to indicate the approximate percentage of funds planned to be expended for each category.
- Please add a "0" for any category that does not include planned uses of GEER II funds as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
- Please note that a text description is required if an amount other than “0” is entered for the category labeled “Percent remaining funds planned for other.”
- The Total Percentage value of Section A must equal 100% (or 0% if the remaining funds total is 0) when all data has been entered.
- A response must be entered for each category in order to save data.
- If an LEA has fully expended GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds, the response to each question should be 0%.
The reporting categories for this subsection are as follows:
- Percent remaining funds planned for purchasing educational technology
- Percent remaining funds planned for providing mental health services and supports
- Percent remaining funds planned for sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases
- Percent remaining funds planned for extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs
- Percent remaining funds planned for other (uses of funds not included above)
- (Note: a response must only be provided if the percent entered for category 5 is greater than 0%) Please Specify
- Percent remaining funds for use not yet determined
Section B
Provide the total percent of remaining funds planned for activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth, as of the last day of the applicable reporting period.
If an LEA has fully expended GEER II, Resource Code 3217, funds, the response to this question should be 0%.
Please note: This should include funds planned for purposes also included in Section A above if the planned uses are focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth.
A response must be entered to save data.
Select the box to certify that the person completing this Annual Report is an authorized representative of the LEA, with the fiscal and legal authority to report on behalf of the LEA, and that the information reported is accurate to the best of their knowledge. This box must be selected in order to submit this report.
Contact Information
Please provide the first and last name, title, email address, telephone number, and telephone extension (if applicable) of the individual completing the report. If the CDE has a question concerning the report, the CDE will first attempt to contact the individual listed.
Finishing the Report
Once the report is complete, an LEA must save the report by clicking the “Save Data” button at the bottom of the page. If there is an issue, the reporting portal will indicate there are errors to be reviewed at the top of the webpage. If there are no errors (or any errors have been resolved), you will see the message “Your data have been saved.” At that point, the report is complete (there is no submittal button/process).
It is possible to confirm if a complete report was saved at any time by confirming there is a “Date Submitted” to the far right of the GEER II Annual Report link on the main page of the reporting portal.