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Learning Loss Mitigation Funding

Funds for local educational agencies (LEAs) to support academic achievement and mitigate learning loss related to COVID-19 school closures.

Application for Funds | Funding Overview | Funding and Apportionment | Use of Funds | State and Federal Compliance | Reporting | LLMF FAQs | Other Information

CARES Act Funding home page

The Learning Loss Mitigation Funding (LLMF), authorized by the 2020–21 budget package, appropriates $5,334,997,000 from three different funding sources to be allocated to local educational agencies (LEAs) in order to support pupil academic achievement and mitigate learning loss related to COVID-19 school closures.

Application for Funds

The LLMF application closed on April 7, 2021. LEAs can utilize the search application which will display the application submission status of educational entities for the LLMF.

LLMF Assurances Search

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Funding Overview

The LLMF is comprised of three different funding sources: $355,227,000 CARES Act Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funds, $4,439,844,000 CARES Act Coronavirus Relief (CR) Fund, and $539,926,000 from the state General Fund (GF).

Funding Sources

Fund Amount When It Can Be Used Resource Code
GEER $355,227,000 March 13, 2020 – September 30, 2022 (90-day liquidation period) 3215
CR $4,439,844,000 March 1, 2020 – May 31, 2021 3220
GF $539,926,000 March 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 7420
Total $5,334,997,000 N/A N/A

Funding Methodology

The methodology to allocate LLMF funding is established in Section 110 of SB 98 (Chapter 24, Statutes of 2020), as amended by Section 59 of SB 820 (Chapter 110, Statutes of 2020), as amended by Section 4 of AB 86 (Chapter 10, Statutes of 2021), and utilizes three formula calculations as described in the following table. There is no requirement for LEAs to only use the LLMF on the student populations that generated funding.

Subdivision of Sec. 110 Total Available Dollar Amount by Fund Allocation Based On Eligible LEAs
(a) $1,500,000,000 $355,227,000 (GEER)
$1,144,773,000 (CR)
Special education count, pupils age 3–22 by district of service School districts, county offices of education (COEs) and classroom-based charter schools
(b) $2,855,227,000 $2,855,227,000 (CR) Proportion of Statewide Supplemental and Concentration Funding School districts, COEs, and classroom-based charter schools
(c) $979,770,000

$539,926,000 (GF)
$439,844,000 (CR)

Proportion of Statewide LCFF Entitlement School districts, COEs, charter schools

Charter Schools

Section 59(i) of SB 820 defines eligible LEAs for each formula calculation and establishes charter school eligibility based on classroom-based or nonclassroom-based status. For the calculation of funding a charter school is nonclassroom-based if it was deemed nonclassroom-based at the 2019–20 P-2 Apportionment based on reported average daily attendance. Classroom-based charter schools generate funding under all three formula calculations, while nonclassroom-based charter schools will only generate funding for the formula in Section 59(c) based on the proportion of statewide LCFF entitlement.

Pursuant to Section 59(j), a locally funded charter school is included in the chartering authority’s funding and, therefore, was not eligible to submit the assurances separately. A locally funded charter school will also be included in the chartering authority’s required reporting. For transparency, LLMF funds generated by a locally funded charter are displayed separately in both the allocation and apportionment schedules.

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Funding and Apportionments

Funding Allocation

The Schedule of Allocations can be found on the LLMF Funding Profile.

Note: Allocation amounts are shown on the schedule for a locally funded charter school. Consistent with the provisions of Section 59 of Senate Bill 820, allocations for a locally funded charter school will be included in the payment to the chartering authority, if the chartering authority submits an LLMF assurance to the CDE. As such, locally funded charter schools will not appear in the LEA listing for the LLMF assurances application.

LCFF Source Data for LLMF Allocations (XLSX; Posted 28-Jul-2020)

Funding Apportionment

View allocation and apportionment schedules on the Learning Loss Mitigation Fund Funding Results page.

Fund Timing Percentage of Allocation Awarded
CR Fund September 1, 2020 100% of allocation
GF September 1, 2020 100% of allocation
GEER Fund Quarterly, beginning January 2021 25% of the allocation amount minus the cash balance.

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Use of Funds

The focus for the use of the funds and distribution formula are outlined in the 2020–21 budget package. The funds are to be used for activities that directly support pupil academic achievement and mitigate learning loss related to COVID-19 school closures. Funds may be used to support individuals served by LEAs, including, but not limited to, those enrolled in a childcare program, California state preschool program, kindergarten, any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and adult education programs. Specifically, funds are to be used for:

  • Addressing learning loss or accelerating progress to close learning gaps through the implementation, expansion, or enhancement of learning supports that begin before the start of the school year and the continuation of intensive instruction and supports into the school year.
  • Extending the instructional school year by making adjustments to the academic calendar, increasing the number of instructional minutes provided during each week or schoolday, or taking any other action that increases the amount of instructional time or services provided to pupils based on their learning needs.
  • Providing additional academic services for pupils, such as diagnostic assessments of pupil learning needs, intensive instruction for addressing gaps in core academic skills, additional instructional materials or supports, or devices or connectivity for the provision of in-classroom and distance learning.
  • Providing integrated pupil supports to address other barriers to learning, such as the provision of health, counseling, or mental health services, professional development opportunities to help teachers and parents support pupils in distance-learning contexts, access to school breakfast and lunch programs, or programs to address pupil trauma and social-emotional learning.
  • Addressing health and safety concerns, including, but not limited to, purchasing public health testing, personal protective equipment, supplies to sanitize and clean the facilities and school buses of a local educational agency, and for other related needs.

If you have questions regarding the valid use of funds, please contact

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State and Federal Compliance

View all LLMF assurances here (DOCX)

State Compliance

All funds apportioned for Learning Loss Mitigation are subject to conditions of apportionment in Section 4(d), (e)(2), and (h)(1)(a) of AB 86 (Chapter 10, Statutes of 2021). In summary:

An eligible LEA shall certify that funding received will be used in full compliance with federal law, and shall adopt, on or before September 30, 2020, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board or body of the local educational agency, a learning continuity and attendance plan pursuant to Section 43509 of the Education Code.

UPDATE (19-Mar-2021): The deadline to expend CRF has been extended. An eligible LEA with unspent funds as of December 30, 2020, shall recertify that funding received from the CR Fund will be used in full compliance with federal law by May 31, 2021. The recertification shall be made by the LEA as part of the reporting required for the quarterly period ending March 31, 2021. If an eligible LEA does not recertify as required, unspent funds received from the CR Fund may be reallocated upon order of the Director of Finance pursuant to Section 11.90 of the Budget Act of 2020 (Chapters 6 and 7 of the Statutes of 2020). Funds that are not expended by May 31, 2021, shall be reported to the Superintendent as part of the quarterly reporting period ending June 30, 2021, and the Superintendent shall recover funds from the eligible local educational agency.

An eligible LEA shall report, on or before October 15, 2020, the balance of any unexpended funds received from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to the Superintendent. Funds that are not expended by December 30, 2020, shall be reported to the Superintendent within 30 days, and the Superintendent shall initiate collection proceedings.

An eligible LEA shall report, on or before August 31, 2021, the balance of any unexpended funds received from the GEER Fund to the Superintendent. Funds that are not expended by September 30, 2022, shall be reported to the Superintendent within 30 days, and the Superintendent shall initiate collection proceedings.

Federal Compliance

The LLMF funds are administered under two separate federal agencies, and as a result there are differences in federal requirements for each fund source.

Federal Requirement Applicable to CR Applicable to GEER

Cash Management

(31 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R) §§205.32-205.35 and 2 C.F.R. §200.305)


Indirect Costs

(2 C.F.R. Part 200, subpart E, §200.412-419)


Single Audit

(2 C.F.R. part 200, subpart F)


Maintenance of Effort

(CARES Act, Section 18008)


Equitable Services

(CARES Act, Section 18005, Division B)


Interest Earned

(2 C.F.R. §200.305)

Interest earned shall be expended for same purposes
LEA may maintain up to $500

Internal Control

(2 C.F.R. §200.303)

Yes Yes

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Reporting Requirements

Please refer to the Federal Stimulus Funding home page for reporting requirement information, including the CARES Act Reporting Application and the GEER Capital Expenditures Pre-Approval Application.

Interest Earned on GEER Fund: GEER funds are subject to Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 200.305, requiring grantees and sub-grantees to remit interest earned on advances to the federal agency. Grantees or sub-grantees may retain interest amounts up to $500 per year for related administrative expenses. For more information, please refer to the CDE web page on Interest Earned on Federal Funds.

Interest Earned on CR Fund: The U.S. Department of Treasury provides the following guidance on the CR funds: if the funds are invested in an interest-bearing account, then the LEA may retain the interest earned from the funds and use the interest earned from the funds on allowable expenses. If the funds are deposited in the general account of the LEA, the LEA may use the interest earned on the funds to meet immediate cash management needs provided that the full amount of the payment is used to cover allowable expenditures. Fund payments are not subject to the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990.

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LLMF Frequently Asked Questions and Responses (Updated 2-Nov-2021)

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Other Information

California 2020–21 Budget Summary [Note: The preceding link is no longer available]

Senate Bill 98: Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill External link opens in new window or tab.

Senate Bill 820: Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Clean-up Bill External link opens in new window or tab.

U.S. Department of Education (ED), GEER Fund External link opens in new window or tab.

U.S. Department of Treasury CR Fund FAQs External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF; Updated 19-Oct-2020)

U.S. Department of Treasury CR Fund Guidance External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF; Added 02-Sep-2020)

ED ESSER and GEER FAQs External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF; Added 27-May-2021)

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Questions:   CDE Federal Stimulus Team |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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