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Program Questions:
Downloading Questions: If you have any questions regarding the RFA, please submit your questions by e-mail to CSPPRFA@cde.ca.gov.
Document | Description |
Management Bulletin 22-02 | Additional Information for Contractors |
Program Overview and Instructions for the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | |
CSPP Expansion RFA Frequently Asked Questions | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA |
Instructional CSPP RFA Program Webinar | Instructional program webinar and transcript for the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA |
Instructional CSPP RFA Program Webinar Slides (PDF) | Instructional program webinar slides for the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA |
Erratum 1 | Erratum 1 for the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA |
The following table contains application forms and additional resources:
Document | Description | Instructions |
[Note: Link is no longer available] |
Application forms for the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for all applicants |
Program narrative form and scoring rubric for the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for all applicants | |
Full-day/Full-year Fiscal Forms (XLSX) | Full-day/Full-year fiscal forms for use in the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for applicants who propose to provide full-day/full-year services |
Part-day/Part-year fiscal forms for use in the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for applicants who propose to provide part-day/part-year services | |
FY 2022–23 Program Calendar (PDF) | Attachment to the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for all applicants |
Justification for Operating Days (PDF) | Attachment to the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for applicants who intend to operate fewer than the minimum days of operation |
Program Staffing Plan (PDF) | Attachment to the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for all applicants |
Form A: Program Narrative Acknowledgement - Monitoring (PDF) | Attachment to the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for all applicants |
Form B: Program Narrative Acknowledgement - Program Quality (PDF) | Attachment to the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for all applicants |
Form C: Program Narrative Acknowledgement - Statutes and Regulations (PDF) | Attachment to the FY 2021–22 CSPP Expansion RFA | Required for all applicants |
EED-3704B (PDF) | Subcontractor Information (EED-3704B) | Required for agencies with subcontractors |
Last Reviewed: Monday, September 09, 2024
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