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Annual Outcome-Based Data Report and CQI

Annual data collection for After School Education and Safety (ASES) and 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) programs.

California Education Code Section 8484 states that after school programs shall submit an Annual Outcome-Based Data for Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Report. ASES and 21st CCLC program grantees that operated in fiscal year (FY) 2023–24 must submit the FY 2023–24 Annual Outcome-Based Data for Evaluation and CQI Report. The California Department of Education (CDE) may consider these outcomes when determining eligibility for grant renewal.

Spreadsheet Template
Completing the Annual Outcome-Based Data Report Tab
Completing the Continuous Quality Improvement Tab
How to Deliver the Data File
Due Date

Spreadsheet Template

The 2023–24 Outcome-Based Data and CQI Template, 2023–24 After School Programs Evaluation (ASPEVAL), for ASES and 21st CCLC grantees will be provided by email to all Grant Contacts (Superintendent, Authorized Agent, Program, and Fiscal) in August 2024.

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Completing the Annual Outcome-Based Data Report Tab

Data to be Provided

The following information must be reported for students who participated in the ASES and/or 21st CCLC programs:

  • Grantee Name
  • School Name
  • County-District-School (CDS) Code—14-digit number
  • Statewide Student Identifier (SSID)—10-digit number
  • Days Attended Before School Base
  • Days Attended After School Base
  • Days Attended Before School Summer/Supplemental
  • Days Attended After School Summer/Supplemental Three-Hour Program September 2023–April 2024
  • Days Attended After School Summer/Supplemental Six-Hour Program September 2023–April 2024
  • Days Attended After School Summer/Supplemental Three-Hour Program July 2023–August 2023 and May 2024–June 2024
  • Days Attended After School Summer/Supplemental Six-Hour Program July 2023–August 2023 and May 2024–June 2024

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Do not create separate tabs in the workbook for each program in the grant.
  • Do not add or delete columns.
  • Do not list student names (Please delete them prior to submitting the report).
  • Do not password protect the file.
  • Do not zip the file prior to uploading (exFiles will automatically zip files).
  • Do not leave formulas in the cells.
  • Do not submit the report in PDF format.
  • Do not leave cells blank for rows that have data.
  • Do not include data for grant components that are not funded (e.g. including attendance numbers in After School Summer/Supplemental sections when only After School Base was awarded).
  • Do not include attendance from programs solely funded by the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program.
  • Do not include color coding or any formatting to the report template.

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Completing the Continuous Quality Improvement Tab

Data to be Provided

The following information must be reported for each site that received ASES and/or 21st CCLC funding in 2023–24:

  • Grantee Name
  • School Name
  • CDS Code—14-digit number
  • Assessment of the 12 Quality Standards using the CQI Phase Key
  • Assessment of stakeholder involvement using the Stakeholder Involvement Key

School Site identification

List the name and the 14–digit CDS code for each school site that received ASES and/or 21st CCLC funding in 2023–24. There should be only one line for each school.

Quality Standards

For each CDS code, indicate the most advanced phase achieved for each Quality Standard by placing a number "0" through "3". Please do not leave any cells in that row blank. See the CQI Phase Key on the CQI tab for more details.


For each CDS code, indicate whether or not the stakeholder was involved in the CQI process by placing a “0” for no involvement or a “1” for some involvement. Please do not leave any cells in that row blank. See the Stakeholder Involvement Key on the CQI tab for more details.

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How to Deliver the Data File

Files are not submitted via the After School Support Information SysTem (ASSIST).

To protect student-level personally identifiable information, please do not submit the reports via email.

Files will be delivered using the CDE's exFiles File Transfer System. Instructions on the submittal/upload process will be provided by email to all grantee contacts in August 2024.

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Due Date

Data file must be received by the CDE on or before Monday, September 30, 2024.

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Questions:   Help Desk | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Monday, July 1, 2024