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Annual Evaluation & CQI Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for the Annual Outcome-Based Data Report for Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement.

Time Extensions and Data Submission
General Reporting
Statewide Student Identifier
Summer/Supplemental Programs
Continuous Quality Improvement

Time Extensions and Data Submission

  1. How can I make sure I receive all the notifications related to the Annual Outcome-based Data for Evaluation (Outcome Data)?

    All notifications are sent to Grant Contacts listed in the After School Support & Information System (ASSIST). Ensure that key staff (Authorized Agent, Program, and Fiscal) are listed in ASSIST for each grant.

  2. Who can upload the Outcome Data?

    Any person designated by the grantee may upload the Microsoft Excel file. Be sure to add the contact information (name and email) during the file upload process.

  3. Can a time extension be granted for the Outcome Data submission?

    No. Grant payments are withheld until the data is received and cleared by the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD). Failure to submit and clear the data by the final deadline may result in termination of the grant.

  4. Can I email the file as an attachment or send it to the California Department of Education (CDE) on a compact disc?

    No. This would be a violation of student privacy. The file must only be delivered using the CDE’s exFiles File Transfer System. Directions on uploading, encrypting, and transferring files will be provided by email.

  5. What software should we use to encrypt the file?

    The exFiles File Transfer System will automatically encrypt the file.

  6. Will I receive a receipt after submitting the file?

    No. During uploading, the system will indicate if the uploading was successful or not. If the data has issues, the contact person listed in the Description field will receive an email from the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) staff.

    Note that grantees are not required to provide evidence of having submitted the Outcome Data for the California Monitoring Tool or to independent auditors.

General Reporting

  1. Where can I find the County-District-School Code for our school?
  2. Should I submit attendance for an afterschool program that is not funded by After School Education and Safety (ASES) or 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)?

    No. Attendance reporting for afterschool programs only apply to programs funded by ASES, 21st CCLC, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) grants.

  3. Do we include attendance data from students who attended after-school programs funded by the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program?

    No. The student must have attended an after-school program funded by an ASES, 21st CCLC, or ASSETs grant to be included in this report. If the program was partially, but not fully, funded by the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program, then the student can still be included so long as the program was also funded by one of the aforementioned grants.

  4. Are all the after school participants required to be reported, even if they only attend a few days of the program?

    Yes. Grantees are required to report all participants, even if the student attended one day only.

  5. What is the difference between semiannual attendance reporting and reporting for the Outcome Data?

    Reporting of quarterly expenditures and semiannual attendance are done in ASSIST for the purpose of ensuring grant funds are used for the intended number of participating students. Data is collected at the school-level (aggregate attendance) and the consequence of non-compliance may be withheld funds and/or grant reduction.

    Reporting for the Outcome Data is addressed in California Education Code Section 8484 with the purpose of evaluating program quality outcomes. Data is collected at the student-level and the consequence for non-compliance may be withheld funds or grant termination.

  6. I have multiple schools in my grant. Do I need to submit a different spreadsheet for each school or can I combine all of the schools into one report?

    All sites funded by the same grantee must be on one spreadsheet. There are two reporting templates: one for the ASES and 21st CCLC programs and another for the ASSETs programs.

  7. I have more than one type of grant. Do I need to submit a separate spreadsheet for each grant?

    When a local education agency has several grants, an ASES and a 21st CCLC, for example, all participants must be on one spreadsheet. The same goes for the ASSETs programs

Statewide Student Identifier

  1. If we do not have a Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) for a student, can we leave that cell blank?

    No. Grantees must report SSIDs for all students participating in after school programs, except for private school students. For private schools, enter “888”.

Summer/Supplemental Programs

  1. My students attend a 6-hour Summer Program. Should I double the attendance?

    No. In an effort to accurately capture amount of days and time students spend in after school, the template contains a column for 3-hour programs and another for 6-hour programs. For example:

    3-hour Program––a student attending 30 days would be reported as 30 days.

    6-hour Program––a student attending 30 days would be reported as 30 days.

  2. We run a 5-hour Summer Program. Does the attendance fall under the 3-hour program or the 6-hour program?

    The attendance will be reported in the 3-hour program. Programs six hours or more will be reported in the 6-hour program.

Continuous Quality Improvement

  1. Why is data for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) being collected?

    The collection of CQI information has been added because California Education Code Section 8484(a)(2) requires all state and federally-funded expanded learning programs serving elementary and middle schools in California to submit evidence of a data-driven, program quality improvement process.

  2. Our program is just getting started with the CQI. Are we required to be further along in the process?

    Programs will be at different stages in the CQI. Identifying where programs are in the process will help the Expanded Learning Division to target technical assistance efforts

  3. How will the CDE use the CQI data?

    The data will be used to inform technical assistance efforts and will likely be part of a program quality report that will be delivered to the legislature in 2025. This data will be aggregated, therefore individual site-level information will not be reported in the 2025 report.

  4. Can you explain the CQI phases?
    The phases happen in a continuous cycle of improvement which includes assessing program quality, planning actions, intentionally improving programs, and monitoring the improvements (therefore, staring the cycle again).

    • For a limited awareness of the Quality Standards and CQI process, use phase 0.
    • For a working knowledge of the Quality Standards and CQI process, use phase 1.
    • For success using the Quality Standards and CQI process, use phase 2.
    • For mastery using the Quality Standards and CQI process, use phase 3.

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Last Reviewed: Monday, July 1, 2024
Recently Posted in Expanded Learning