Advisory Committee Minutes February 14, 2023
The Advisory Committee on Before and After School Program minutes are considered to be draft until the April 2023 meeting.Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs
February 14, 2023—9:30 a.m. to Noon
Members Present
- Sandy McBrayer—Chair
- Jennifer Cisneros
- Tiffany Gipson
- Tony Brown
- Brad Lupien
- Luis Santana
- Eric Gurna
- Beth Chaton
Others Present
- Michael Funk, California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) Director
- Joshua Brady, CDE, EXLD Administrator
- Fred Buggs, CDE, EXLD Consultant
The meeting was called to order at 9:32 a.m. by Sandy McBrayer, Chair.
Member Updates
Sandy welcomed everyone and asked everyone to introduce themselves.
Review of Meeting Materials
The meeting materials were reviewed by members.
Approval of Minutes
Sandy asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Luis made a motion to approve the minutes and Brad seconded the motion. All members were in favor of accepting the November 15th, 2022, Before and After School Advisory Committee minutes.
Before and After School Advisory Committee Chair Report
Sandy reported that the in Early January the Governor proposed his 2023-24 budget with strong commitments to continue to support schools within a whole child framework emphasizing Before and After School, Nutrition, and Early Learning. Budget does stay level in regards to 4 billion for Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) in addition to keeping After School Education and Safety (ASES) funded at $10.18 reimbursement rate as well as keeping the same reimbursement rate for 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CLCC) grants. Sandy stated that the budget will go through a number of budget hearings, the budget will be revised and then released in May, then back to the legislature, then for signature. Sandy will continue to update the committee on the process. Sandy mentioned that Assembly Bill (AB) 2507 will be introduced by McCarthy, a bill which seeks a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for ASES and 21st CCLC at least or equal to COLA received by Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It has not been introduced yet, but he is drafting it. Sandy will keep us posted. Sandy state that McCarthy has publicly supported ELOP, in addition he has plans for expansion if the ELOP funding reaches 5 Billion. He wants to ensure that the allocation for high school program from 50% to 60% and wants to protect 20% of 21st CCLC funds for 7 and 8 graders.
Michael mentioned that there is another Bill being proposed not directly related to Expanded Learning, but deals with prioritizing homeless students for areas of whole child support. We will continue to monitor and provide technical assistance.
Brad asked for clarification on the McCarthy Bill.
Expanded Learning Division Staff Report
Josh provided an update regarding ASES funding. The deadline has passed for submittal; hence, the intake and screening has begun. 21st CCLC process has been completed and appeals process for the initial disqualified (DQ’s) applications have begun. We had a number of DQ’s due to the grantees not following the Request for Application (RFA) or the RFA checklist. Josh provided a few examples i.e., not completing assessments, not signing assurances, co-applicant issues with assessments, etc. The Division received 2 official appeals, one was accepted and one was denied. All of the narratives have passed, the funding determination committee is putting data together, the hope is to have the intent to award selection posted by Best Out of School Time (BOOST) conference. In addition, work for Cohort 15 has started, which is the last year before a 2-year break. Josh believes the process has been successful, but will continue to receive feedback and/or suggestions to improve our process going forward. Sandy had questions regarding 21st CLCC funding how many applied, funds available, etc. Josh stated we have 59 million to fund 21st CCLC programs. 75 applications were submitted, $88,675,932 requested, there was 183 applications for Equitable Access submitted, $4,421,643 requested, and for After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) 57 applications submitted, $51,373,394 requested. Josh shared the appeal list information as well. Josh stated that we are looking at re-releasing the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Summer RFA due to the fact we didn’t award with the same parameters as before the only change will be the performance period. Hope to release at the end of February. Tiffany asked about the DQ’s, wondering whether or not these areas were covered by our training and workshops. Beth responded by saying the grant writing process is difficult and requires reading and re-reading to ensure compliance with application. Josh feels that this year was an anomaly in regards to DQ’s.
Michael provided an update on the Youth Policy Institute (YPI) issues with 21st CCLC grant programs in 2019.
Brad asked about ESSER III Summer funds distribution. Josh clarified that the funds will be for new applicants only.
Josh shared that there will be an in-person visit on behalf of United States Department of Education (USDE), mainly focusing on 2 grantees in the Sacramento Region.
Micahel Funk Report
Michael began has remarks talking about the RFA process over the years. He highlighted a few issues in the past, which has prompted the current RFA process to improve and create equity. He mentioned the fireside chat Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) session, he has received positive feedback and the guidance was extremely helpful.
Michael talked about the Legislative Analyst office memo to reduce funding for ELOP, which created a pause in a few districts regarding hiring and buying for program needs. We kept on message regarding the Governor’s commitment, then they issued another report seeking to reduce ELOP and ASES, in addition to funding ELOP based on attendance.
Michael mention an article in Vox regarding afterschool in America., “America’s Afternoon Afterthought”, which included interviews with leaders, in addition, California was highlight as exemplar.
California Afterschool Network (CAN) Updates – Jeff Davis
Jeff shared their purpose and mission regarding work of CAN in the field to support youth and families. Jeff provided a PowerPoint presentation to highlight program offerings. They continue to align work in conjunction with CDE EXLD and 16 counties. They will continue to customize support based on the needs of each regional team. CAN will continue to support the Whole Child, Whole Family, and Whole Community Wellness Health initiative to transform schools through the Aligning Funding Workgroup.
Statewide support provided for Universal Technical Assistance (T.A.) for ELOP. Will provide a Spring ELOP Series for ELOP trainings. i.e., ELOP 101, Workforce, TK-K, etc.
Jeff stated that a new Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process for grantee to utilize in order to provided quality programs through a comprehensive assessment alongside grantees and System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL) members. Also, the new CQI guide book for grantees along with an on-line assessment platform to help grantees receive a more holistic view.
Jeff provided a recap of the Site Coordinator training in Long Beach, with close to 500 attendees. Supt. Thurmond will address the participants on Friday morning.
Sandy expressed her gratitude talked about the growth of CAN over the years and loved to see CAN become the support the State needed at the time of flux in the system.
Emerging Issues
Tiffany shared the complex workforce issues in Expanded Learning. The focus will be on foundation building to create structure for people to stay in the field.
Jennifer spoke to challenges around staffing as well, looking into the ability to link jobs to create pathways for success. Districts are faced with people starting and quitting, hence, we have waitlists until staff can be hired.
Beth Chaton mentioned the $50k for ELOP in Rural communities. Wondering whether or not returned money can be used in other communities. Michael asked, no, due to apportionment process, not a grant. Michael suggested grantees reach out to help him to tell the story in rural areas, then he will be able to champion for those community.
Luis mentioned that staff can utilize parents in the program to help with staff issues.
Michael mention the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) opportunities for staffing as well.
Public Comment
Gizzele Linayao – expressed appreciation for allowing her to attend meeting and receive valuable information.
Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be held on April 18, 2023, and will be virtual.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:06 a.m. by Sandra McBrayer.