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Match Requirements Guidance

Guidance for match requirements concerning After School Education and Safety Program grants.

Definitions, Requirements, and California Education Code
Common Issues
Promising Practices


The Policy Committee of the California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD), is tasked with developing, implementing and maintaining clear policies that support quality programs. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance around match requirements or the portion of the California Education Code (EC) that refers to the match requirements for the After School Education and Safety Program (ASES).


  • To inform grantees of match requirements.
  • To identify the common issues that grantees face with match requirements.
  • To provide grantees an understanding of the process for monitoring match requirements as part of Federal Program Monitoring.
  • To provide resources.

Definitions, Requirements, and California Education Code

The EC requires that each ASES program provide cash or in-kind local funds totaling no less than one-third of the grant amount. Facilities or space usage may fulfill no more than 25 percent of the required local contribution (EC sections 8483.7[a][5] and 8483.75[a][4]).

Allowable match includes cost of services provided by the local educational agency (LEA) and/or their subcontractors, using non-ASES funds.

For example:

Grant Amount Match Requirement (1/3 of the grant amount) Facilities/ Space (25 percent of the 33.33 percent) Other (75 percent of the 33.33 percent)













BASP 14: Local Contribution of Cash or In-Kind

  • Grantee has obtained a local contribution of cash or in-kind that is not less than 33 percent of the total grant amount

Evidence Required:

  • Spreadsheet/documentation listing any non-ASES funded resource that provides support to the after school program. Contact your regional consultant to obtain a copy of the most recent template (the template is updated once a year). Evidence for each item being used as part of match.
  • While the EC requires ASES programs to have an auditable one-third match of in-kind or local funds, the CDE EXLD does not require a report to be submitted on a quarterly expenditure report. The required in-kind contribution is reviewed as a part of the independent audit or the state compliance reviews (EC sections 8483.7[a][5] and 8483.75[a][4]).
  • If Grantee/District has Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) and Subcontractor Agreements that are being used in the match, you must show documentation for how the dollar amount was estimated. This may include copies of agreements and/or the MOU.
  • Documentation must be site specific.

Specific Education Code References:

  • Pursuant to EC Section 8483.7(6)

Common Issues

When looking at the Match Requirement for ASES Programs, grantees should pay particular attention to the following common issues:

  • The grantee has not obtained a one-third match
  • The grantee does not have documentation/evidence for each item they are using as part of match
  • The grantee has not applied the match requirement to each individual site
  • The grantee went over 25 percent of the 33 percent that can be counted for facility/space

Promising Practices

Note: It is strongly recommended that you seek legal support in the development and settlement of contracts, contract language, and policy and procedure. The intent of this tool is not to provide legal advice or offer exact instruments as free resources. Please perform the necessary due diligence that meets your needs.

Examples of Allowable Match Items

Proper documentation, should be kept when a program has volunteers or other staff time contributed towards in-kind. Proper documentation should include how the cost was determined/estimated.

Examples of in-kind services include but are not limited to:

  • Snack/Supper
    • Need evidence of the meal program the expanded learning site is participating in (i.e. Child and Adult Care Food Program, National School Lunch Program, etc.) with a calculation of the reimbursement rate found on the Federally Reimbursable Snack and Meals Program web page times the average number of students per day times the number of days the program is open.
  • Volunteers
    • Can be captured in a spreadsheet, documenting the cost of the service that was offered with a description of how the amount was derived (e.g. x percent of the volunteers time).
    • Volunteer hourly rate per Independent Sector External link opens in new window or tab..
    • Note: Although volunteers can be counted for Match Requirements, they cannot be used to meet minimum staffing ratios.
  • Teacher/Staff Member Time and Expertise paid by non-ASES funds. This includes both LEA and community based organizations staff/teacher time.
  • Local Control Accountability Plan funds dedicated to support the LEA’s ASES Programs
  • Space (cannot fulfill more than 25 percent of the one third match requirement)
    • Any space utilized to operate an ASES program, including but not limited to LEA facilities.
    • Need to include a copy of the district’s facilities use policy and associated costs to document match contributions.
    • Low-cost or free meeting space.
    • Examples can include but are not limited to: classrooms, cafeteria, gym, computer lab, library, field, etc.
  • Cash Contributions
    • A spreadsheet documenting how much money was donated, the date donated and by whom.
    • Official letter from organization/person who donated.
  • Parent Fees
    • This should be tracked separately, according to the grantees policies.
  • Food Bank Items
    • A spreadsheet documenting the materials donated, a description of the materials, date donated, and the approximate price of the materials.
  • Materials Donated
    • A spreadsheet documenting the materials donated, a description of the materials, date donated, and the approximate price of the materials.

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Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
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