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Advisory Committee Minutes November 16, 2022

The Advisory Committee on Before and After School Program minutes were approved in the February 2023 meeting.

Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs

November 15th, 2022—9:30 a.m. to Noon

Members Present

  • Sandy McBrayer—Chair
  • Jennifer Cisneros
  • Tiffany Gipson
  • Tony Brown
  • Brad Lupien
  • Luis Santana
  • Eric Gurna

Absent—Beth Chaton

Others Present

  • Michael Funk, California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) Director
  • Joshua Brady, CDE, EXLD Administrator
  • Fred Buggs, CDE, EXLD Consultant
  • Steve Fowler - Citizen


The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m. by Sandy McBrayer, Chair.

Member Updates

Sandy welcomed everyone and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Review of Meeting Materials

The meeting materials were reviewed by members.

Approval of Minutes

Sandy asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Luis made a motion to approve the minutes and Jennifer and Brad seconded the motion. All members were in favor of accepting the August 16, 2022, Before and After School Advisory Committee minutes.

Expanded Learning Division Staff Report

Josh provided an update regarding the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grants due date of November 16th, postmarks allowable. This is the second year of federal funding for 21st CCLC funds. Josh highlighted the efforts of the team on the 21st CLCC help desk and After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) to help move along the process along smoothly. Josh believe we will see some issues regarding the Co-Applicant, we will assess our process in due time. After School Education and Safety (ASES) Request for Application is in Branch, they are addressing a few minor edits to our application. Sandy asked for the awards amounts for 21st CCLC? Josh explained the funds are calculated after each cohort is awarded, consequently, we don’t have an idea until the data build is complete to see how much is awarded each cohort, so will not know until this funding process is complete.

Michael shared information regarding the L.A. event hosting Secretary Carbona along with Arnold Schwarzenegger Institute to celebrate Prop 49 20th yr. Anniversary. The Institute had commissioned a paper by Tiffany Berry and Cory Newhouse laying out the past 25 years, Michael contributed to the paper and provided feedback. The paper speaks to the history of expanded learning in California. Luis inquired about the accessibility of the report. Michael believes the report will be released at the event and will make sure it is provided to field.

Steve Fowler shared his opinion about the event and then provided the links to the press release. He believes that this may be an opportunity to create more events in the future to discuss expanded learning issues and reflection opportunities. Steve talked about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s influence in California as well as his influence nationally. Steve is hopeful that the success of Prop 48 may lead to more federal funding for expanded learning.

Michael shared his opinion regarding the report as concise and easy to read, the Institute suggested a new research project, however, Michael remind the group of existing research available to compile to tell an accurate picture in California. The report speaks to the challenges going forward and strength based to improve our programs. Michael will attend the event to represent the Expanded Learning Division.

Michael reported that Assembly Bill (AB) 185 was passed and modified several things and technical aspect of the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) that has made several Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) out of date. The Division will continue to work with other divisions to get FAQs modified in order to post to our website. The FAQs will provide clarity. Michael shared California Afterschool Network (CAN) provided a training with breakouts to address ELOP program plans and issues. Michael believe we have reach a tipping point regarding questions from “why do we have to do this” to how can we do what’s best for kids”. We anticipate more information right after thanksgiving break, hopefully. All issues have been discussed on the fireside chats; however, people want to see the Education Code reference in order to move forward.

Michael discussed Thornhill Elementary regarding ELOP programming cease and dissent letter. The license exemption regarding hours is being challenged. The intent is for ELOP to be license exempt as one comprehensive program. The Community Care Licensing person issued a written order to cease programming until issues is resolved. Michael shared that this type of situation happens due to the lack of knowledge for licensing oversight staff, with leads to a reversal most of the time. ELOP Ed Code does not give centers a license exempt status, consequently, we are working a legislative fix to make it so through the Legislative process.

Sandy asked about Enterprise Grant system for our database ASSIST. Michael mentioned that the work is continuing and progressing daily. Michael shared there has been some incorrect account codes, so it has created a delay, but is being fixed. Shortly after Thanksgiving will we start the payment process for ASES. Sandy asks about a pilot division for the Enterprise System, however, the process isn’t moving quickly, more than likely next fiscal year for new system. Josh confirmed the intent for system, which is a work in progress.

Jennifer asked a question regarding Licensing response if faced with this issue. Michael wants programs to reach out to him regarding exempt status for support from the Division.

California Afterschool Network Updates – Jeff Davis

Jeff shared their purpose and mission regarding work of CAN in the field to support youth and families. They continue to align work in conjunction with CDE Expanded Learning Division and 16 counties. They will continue to customize support based on the needs of each regional team. Jeff spoke to the ELOP Program training and breakout session provided; he is hopeful the sessions will be made available to participants. The training was able to showcase the support for all parties, CDE, System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL), Regional Teams, etc., along with office hours to get your questions answered.

CAN will be providing a guidebook to support grantees to address quality and the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process. Equitable Quality for CQI will be addressing the real situation of power and hierarchy that gets in the way of process.

Site Coordinator Network Integration with System of Support and Site Coordinator Symposium, Long Beach in February.
Workforce Vision meetings with Department of Apprenticeships to create a standard to be used statewide In order to create a pathways into the field, and out of the field.

Jeff spoke to the Aspen Commission report in relation to CAN’s mission to support families and youth. CAN and SSEL has begun to assemble a committee to recruit people to address uncommon partners for grantees to consider working with to provided services and supports to families. Jeff listed a number of agencies that they are looking to work with in the future.

Jennifer asked about the Quality work timeline for release? Jeff is hopeful it is release in April 2023, prior to the Best of Out-Of-School Time Conference. Tiffany shared the content is done, but the technology and formatting of information is continuing to be work on internally. CAN is hopeful for a soft launch thorough a piloting program with a willing grantee.

Emerging Issues

Jennifer questioned 21st CCLC reports due, wondering about technical support for outcome data reports. Josh shared that he is aware of challenges, however, the process and data request will not change. He mentioned some issues lie with the lack of Community Based Organizations (CBO) urgency to provided data, staff turnover, as well as new system bugs. Josh will investigate other state processes and trainings regarding this issue.

Brad raised an issue with ELOP funding as a layer funding source. Brad feels grantees are not fiscally sound to make funding decisions in regard to funding sources and expenditure rules. He just wanted to raise this issue but didn’t have a specific question or concerns. Michael questioned whether this is an issue due to the flexibility of funding and expenditure rules, he isn’t not sure, but will wait and see once the audit process is outlined to provide clarity.

Eric suggested some best practices among providers to shared methods and processes could be helpful to create creativity and flexibilities.
Tiffany shared that the CAN’s ELOP workshop highlighted this concern amongst grantees.

Jeff suggested Jennifer and Brad to share their processes regarding expenditures and fiscal braiding of funds. In addition, she discussed those grantees without programs and haven’t spent any funds, is there a concern? Michael shared the concern is with families not receiving programming, not a fiscal concern for returned funds for ELOP. Sandy echoed the same opinion as Michael.

Tony asked when will know how much money is getting sent back? Michael discussed a system being developed to track expenditures through the department, the system will be used to monitor the use of funds spent in coordination with Expanded Learning Programs Federal Program Monitoring and School Fiscal Services.

Michael shared with Ed Code it speaks to when grantees are responsible to send money back, not meeting 30 days, or 180 days, within Ed Code its addressed.

Eric shared this is his last meeting representing L.A.’s Best, he expressed his gratitude to the committee and his hope that L.A. Best will continue to have a member. Sandy and Michael congratulated Eric as well as Luis’ retirement and legacy.

Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be held on January 17, 2023 and will be virtual.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:06 a.m. by Sandra McBrayer.

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Monday, May 13, 2024
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