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Strategic Plan 1.0

The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has worked in collaboration with over 200 field stakeholders to develop and implement the EXLD Strategic Plan 1.0.

The California Department of Education (CDE) EXLD, formerly the After School Division, was formed in late 2011, implementing a recommendation from the former Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson’s Transition Advisory Team’s final report, A Blueprint for Great Schools. The EXLD immediately launched a strategic planning process which brought together Expanded Learning practitioners, kindergarten through twelfth grade education representatives, expanded learning technical assistance providers, intermediary and non-profit organizations, and CDE EXLD staff to craft a plan that is both rooted in field experience and knowledge and vetted by the EXLD for feasibility and alignment with state-level priorities. This core approach, emphasizing strong field engagement, resulted in an innovative planning process that provided a forum for deep discussion and understanding of the EXLD’s challenges, opportunities, and roles as well as the best ways for EXLD and the field to support each other.

In January 2014, the release of the strategic plan, A Vision for Expanded Learning in California, formally kicked off plan implementation. Since that time, collaborative groups made up of EXLD staff and field members were formed to tackle the varying objectives. This work has focused on four strategic initiative areas: System of Support, Grant Administration and Policy, Communications, and Expanded Learning/Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade Integration.

A Vision for Expanded Learning in California—Strategic Plan: 2014–16 (PDF)

Quality Design

Objectives 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.2.1

The System of Support Quality Design Team is forming in order to make recommendations for a comprehensive and coordinated statewide technical assistance structure to further advance the System of Support and promote quality expanded learning programs in California. This work group will build on the work of the System of Support Strategic Implementation Team of the California Expanded Learning Strategic Planning Process and their vision for an effective statewide technical assistance network with targeted equitable funding to meet the needs of grantees.

Using identified needs of expanded learning programs, the group will design a comprehensive plan outlining strategies for further expansion and coordination of the system of support to meet the needs of expanded learning programs and improve overall quality. Review A Vision for Expanded Learning in California: Quality Design Team Recommendations (DOCX).

The group met from March 2017 through April 2018. Final Recommendations were released October 2018 in the Strategic Plan 2.0 (PDF).


Jen Taylor—EXLD
Mark Drewes—Sacramento County Office of Education

Team Members

Aleah Rosario—California School-Age Consortium
Ana Campos—After School All Stars, Los Angeles
Andrea Shumate—EXLD*
Bill Fennessy—THINK Together
Beth Lopez—EXLD
Bruno Marchesi—United States Soccer Foundation
Daren Howard—Partnership for Children and Youth
Debi Badge—Santa Barbara Unified School District
Frank Escobar—Visalia Unified School District
Jeff Davis—California AfterSchool Network
Jesse Oliveros—Beyond the Bell, Los Angeles Unified School District
Jessica Manta-Meyer—Public Profit
Johannes Troost—EXLD*
Karen Cantrell—Consultant
Kathy Yang—Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center*
Liza Flowers—San Diego County Office of Education
Melena Kaye—Ukiah Unified School District
Melisa Prins—Pro Youth Heart
Michelle Perrenoud—Los Angeles County Office of Education
Regino Chavez—LA's BEST
Sara Reyes—Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
​Sheila Brooks—Merced County Office of Education
​Teng Xiong—EXLD

*Former Committee Members

Summer Learning

Objectives 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.2.1

The EXLD Summer Learning Implementation Committee will make recommendations to build the capacity of the System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL) to raise the quality of summer learning programs in California. This committee will build on the work of the System of Support Strategic Implementation Team and their vision for an effective statewide Technical Assistance network, in particular related to targeted funding to meet the critical needs of grantees related to summer programming.

The group began meeting in February 2017. Resources developed by the group will be listed on our Summer Learning web page.


Frederick Buggs—EXLD
Nazaneen Khalilnaji-Otto—Partnership for Children and Youth
Julie Bennett—ASAPconnect

Team Members

Andrea Shumate—EXLD
Beth Lopez—EXLD
Carol Ortiz—Pajaro Valley Unified School District
David Anderson—Lennox School District, Lennox Enrichment After School Program
Dennis Howard—Realizing Amazing Potential Before & After School Programs
Emily Tay—Los Angeles County Office of Education
Francisca Gamez—Beyond the Bell, Los Angeles Unified School District
Ginger Shea—Oxnard School District
John Duran—San Bernardino County Office of Education
Julie McCalmont—Oakland Unified School District
Kelly Faustino—EXLD
​Lety Gomez Gong—Monterey County Office of Education
Mary Haughey—Young Men's Christian Association of Silicon Valley
Michelle Edwards—Boys & Girls Club of Central Sonoma County
Michelle Nelson—California AfterSchool Network
Monica Gonzalez-Williams—Sacramento County Office of Education
Natalie Cole—California State Library
Philip James—Glenn County Office of Education
Selena Levy—California School-Age Consortium
Sheryl Davis—San Francisco Human Rights Commission
​Titus Karvon—Fresno County Office of Education
Tommy Brewer II—THINK Together
Zachary Wilson—LA's BEST

Equitable Funding

Objectives 2.3.1 and 2.3.2

This committee focuses on defining equity in grant eligibility and award distribution for state After School Education and Safety and federal 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs. The group’s work builds on current and recently enacted legislation. If necessary the group will make recommendations for further legislative changes.

This committee began meeting in November 2014. Members of the group were asked to brainstorm with their local stakeholders to help develop a list of indicators to define equity. The committee developed a review process to vet each equity indicator in order to make final recommendations to the After School Division, including potential legislative changes. The committee held their last meeting on September 25, 2015.


Susie Morikawa—EXLD
Allyson Harris—Shasta County Office of Education
Lisa McClung—EXLD (Backup)

Team Members

Julie Boesch—Maple Elementary School District
Joshua Brady—EXLD
Lisa Dornback—Elk Grove Unified School District
Lincoln Ellis—Boys & Girls Club of Stanislaus
Donna Frey—Anaheim Achieves
Julie Jarrett—Butte County Office of Education
James Hall—Lassen County Office of Education
Jennifer Lynch—City of San Rafael
Michael Nicholson—Stanislaus County Office of Education
Fred Sharp—EXLD
Harry Talbot—Beyond the Bell
Johannes Troost—EXLD


A small group made up of members of the System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL), referred to as the Inclusion in Expanded Learning Micro Design Team, will engage the SSEL in the development of practices and technical assistance to support students with special needs in expanded learning programs. The IEL Micro Design Team has created a “heart framework” for inclusion to represent inclusive practice areas in expanded learning programs. This framework is currently is intended to become a discussion resource for SSEL members providing technical assistance on the importance of inclusive practices.


Onda Johnson

Team Members

Allison Haynes
Bessie Glossenger
Julie Diaz
Michelle Perenoud
Lety Gomez-Gong
Jennifer Buzolich
Jennifer Moreno
Lorraine Hop
Marcela Rodriquez
Michael Hancock
Michael Warych
Paula Evans
Kim Hanks
Jen Taylor

Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, September 03, 2024