Statewide System of Support for Expanded Learning
Technical Assistance Network for supporting After School Education and Safety Program, 21st Century Community Learning Program Grantees, and Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs (ELO-P) throughout California.The regional system of support for California is called the System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL). The SSEL consists of California Department of Education (CDE) staff, designated County Leads/Staff and contracted Technical Assistance (TA) Providers. Additionally, as part of the regional teams, the sixteen county office of educations (COEs) are funded to build the capacity of expanded learning programs (EXLPs) through peer network systems and other activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math to promote quality programming.
The CDE currently provides TA funding through sixteen COE's throughout 11 regions designated by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
The COEs receive funding to be part of a regional team to provide field-based TA to EXLPs that receive federal funding for 21st Century Community Learning Centers sites and/or state funding for After School Education and Safety sites in their counties. This TA structure, a result of California Education Code Section 8483.55 and Title 20 United States Code Section 7172(c)(3), was developed to support needs-driven technical assistance and to create a regional system of support.
- System of Support for Expanded Learning Contacts
- Expanded Learning Division Contacts
- Statewide Technical Assistance Partners Contacts
For additional resources, please visit the Expanded Learning Division Resources web page.