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Cafeteria Fund Guidance


This web page contains information related to the School Nutrition Programs (SNP) nonprofit school food service account, or cafeteria fund, as well as resource management information related to:

  • SNP administrative reviews (AR)
  • Net cash resources (NCR)
  • Paid Lunch Equity (PLE)
  • Capital expenditure requests or equipment approvals
  • Nonprogram foods
  • Indirect costs

This page was created to be your one-stop resource for SNP policy, guidance, regulations, frequently asked questions (FAQ), and training.


Federal and State Regulations

The Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations and Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR) governs the nonprofit school food service account (cafeteria fund). Program operators participating in the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, and Special Milk programs must establish a cafeteria fund (7 CFR, Section 210.9[b]). All federal, state, and local revenues, payments, and program reimbursement must be deposited into the cafeteria fund and are to be used solely for the operation and improvement of this service. In addition, School Nutrition Program (SNP) operators must comply with state and federal limitations on the use of cafeteria funds.

Additional Resources

The California School Accounting Manual can be downloaded from the California Department of Education Definitions, Instructions, and Procedures web page.

The Nutrition Services Division (NSD) SNP Administrative Review web page provides information, regulations, procedures, and updates on the SNP administrative review process.

The Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) download forms section located at CNIPS contains various tools and Quick Reference Guides.

The NSD SNP Procurement web page provides federal procurement regulations to program operators for contracting with food service management companies, vendors, or competitively procuring food.

For the most current information on indirect cost rates, please access the California Department of Education’s Indirect Cost Rates web page.


Below are direct links to Cafeteria Fund Management Bulletins. Bulletins are in descending order by release date. Additional SNP Management Bulletins can be found on the School Nutrition Programs Management Bulletins web page.


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date

Nonprogram Food - Consolidated Guidance

February 2024


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date

Unpaid Meal Charges and Excess Account Balances--Update

July 2023


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date
SNP-04-2022 Excess Net Cash Resources--Revised to Increase Limitation May 2022


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date
SNP-04-2021 Pricing of Adult Meals August 2021
SNP-02-2021 Paid Lunch Equity Exemption Guidance February 2021


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date
SNP-08-2020 Cafeteria Funds--Construction February 2020
SNP-05-2020 Cafeteria Funds--Allowable Uses February 2020
SNP-09-2020 Cafeteria Fund--Loans January 2020
SNP-07-2020 Cafeteria Funds--Indirect Costs January 2020


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date
CNP-04-2019 Transferring Excess Funds between Child Nutrition Programs May 2019
SNP-06-2019 Competitive Foods: Serving Second Meals in the SNP April 2019


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date
SNP-04-2018 Equivalent Documentation for Multifunded Employees April 2018






Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date
USDA-SNP-03-2011 Service Fees for On-line Prepayment of Meals August 2011


Bulletin Number Bulletin Subject Release Date
USDA-SNP-16-2009 School Nutrition Program Interest Earned on the Cafeteria Account/Fund July 2009
USDA-SNP-02-2009 Use of Vending Machines in School Meal Programs March 2009
NSD-SNP-07-2008 Limitations on the Transfer of Funds July 2008

Related Content

Fiscal Issues Relating to Budget Reductions and Flexibility Provisions (DOC; Jul 2009) Letter to county and district chief business officials and charter school administrators regarding fiscal issues relating to budget reductions and flexibility provisions resulting from trailer bill, Senate Bill 4 of the 2009–10 Third Extraordinary Session. Provides State Budget information through 2012–13, and broad guidance governing cafeteria fund uses.

Cafeteria Fund Loan Guidance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (DOC; 3-Jun-2004) Posted to California Department of Education (CDE) Web June 3, 2004, as a link to above letter, and later added as link to Management Bulletin NSD SNP-07-2008. Provides specific instructions as to when cafeteria fund loans can be used and how they must be repaid (with interest), and explains how the agreement for a loan must precede an actual fund transfer and be accompanied by documentation, such as a board policy.

Indirect Cost Rates (ICR) web page. The SFSD provides extensive annual guidance for local educational agencies (LEA), including the list of indirect cost rates for each LEA, explanation of how indirect cost rates are calculated and applied, and the annual state-wide maximum indirect cost rate for the Child Nutrition Programs.

School Nutrition Program Administrative Review in Resource Management (SNP AR)

The School Nutrition Program administrative review (AR) Resource Management section ensures the overall financial health of the program operator’s nonprofit school food service account, or cafeteria fund. Program operators will be reviewed for the prior school year on the following integral areas:

  • Maintenance of the nonprofit school service account
  • Paid Lunch Equity
  • Revenue from nonprogram foods
  • Indirect costs

Maintenance of the Cafeteria Fund

The Nutrition Services Division must ensure that revenues and expenses under the cafeteria fund are in accordance with Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR), Section 210.14. The cafeteria fund expenses must be allowable, used only for the operation and improvement of the school food service, and net cash resources (NCR) may not exceed six months of average operating expenses.

During an AR, the California Department of Education (CDE) can request documentation related to capital expenditures, NCR, financial end-of-year reports, time and effort documentation including duty statements and job descriptions, and internal control procedures such as charging costs to the cafeteria fund. If the CDE determines a comprehensive review is required, the program operator must submit detailed ledger reports including payroll or salary payment information. Any unallowable charges will be disallowed and the program operator must reimburse the cafeteria fund as part of a corrective action.

Paid Lunch Equity

Program operators must ensure that they comply with the requirements for Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) in accordance with 7 CFR, Section 210.14(e).

Program operators that do not charge students for paid lunches at all sites are considered non-pricing sites and are exempt from PLE requirements in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Policy SP 39-2011-Revised. Therefore, if a program operator operates all sites on the California Universal Meals Program or a Federal Provision, such as Provision 2 or the Community Eligibility Provision, PLE requirements do not apply.

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service annually provides program operators with a new PLE Tool to assist program operators with determining their price adjustment calculations. This school year’s tool is currently available in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS).

During the AR, the program operator should submit PLE documentation if the weighted average lunch price is less than the PLE requirement, which is defined as the difference between the federal free and paid reimbursement rates. If the program operator cannot document the reason for not charging the required amount (e.g., charging less than what the PLE Tool requires) the program operator is required, as part of a corrective action, to use either or both of the following options to meet the PLE requirement:

  1. Raise average paid lunch pricing
  2. Deposit into the cafeteria fund the amount of nonfederal monies equal to the difference between the average weighted price and the price indicated by the PLE Tool

Nonprogram Foods

Per 7 CFR, Section 210.14(f), nonprogram foods are those foods and beverages:

  1. Sold in a participating school other than reimbursable meals and meal supplements
  2. Purchased using funds from the cafeteria fund

Nonprogram foods include the following: a la carte, catering, meals vended to another agency, adult meals, and second meals served to students. They also include items purchased with cafeteria funds for vending machines, school stores, and catered and vended meals.

These federal regulations also require the program operator to comply with the following:

  • All revenue from the sale of nonprogram foods accrues to the cafeteria fund
  • Revenue available to support the production of reimbursable school meals does not subsidize the sale of nonprogram foods

Therefore, the program operator is required to regularly track revenue from the sale of nonprogram foods and calculate the ratio of food costs to revenues. The USDA Nonprogram Revenue Tool, accessible from the USDA web page, is used to calculate the ratio of cost to revenue and determine if revenues comply with the minimum ratio required for nonprogram foods.

If during an AR the program operator is not in compliance with these requirements, they must reevaluate nonprogram food pricing, increase prices, and provide a procedure to ensure future compliance.

Indirect Costs

Per 7 CFR, Section 210.14(g) Indirect costs, program operators must follow fair and consistent methodologies to identify and allocate allowable indirect costs to the cafeteria fund.

Indirect costs are incurred for the benefit of multiple programs, functions, or other cost objectives and therefore cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular program or other cost objective. Indirect costs typically support administrative overhead functions such as accounting, budgeting, payroll, personnel, purchasing, facilities management, centralized data processing, utilities, etc.

Per California Education Code Section 38101(c), an “indirect cost” shall be limited to the lesser of the school district’s indirect cost rate (ICR) as approved by the department or the statewide average approved ICR for the fiscal year.

For public school districts and county offices of education, the ICR is documented in the Unaudited Actuals financial report at the end of the fiscal year, specifically in Form ICR and Exhibit A. This document is required during an AR. If the incorrect rate was applied, the program operator must restore the excess charged to the cafeteria fund from the general fund.

Net Cash Resources (NCR)

Limits on Net Cash Resources

According to Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 210.2, 210.14(b), and 210.19(a)(1), program operators must limit their cash reserves, or net cash resources (NCR), to an amount that does not exceed three months of average operating expenditures or other amount established by the state agency. Beginning July 1, 2022, the California Department of Education has increased the NCR limitation to six months average operating expenditures. To ensure compliance with these regulations, the California Department of Education (CDE) is required to monitor, through review, audit, or by other means, the excess NCR of the cafeteria fund in each program operators participating in the School Nutrition Programs.

To determine a program operator’s compliance with this regulation, the CDE has created a form, SNP-57 Net Cash Resources Calculator, which uses financial information from the latest closed fiscal year. This form can be found in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS).

If a program operator has an excess in NCR, as indicated by a completed NCR Calculator, the program operator must contact the Resource Management Unit (RMU) about their plan to reduce the excess and, when necessary, be placed on a budget agreement.

Budget Agreements

Program operators with excess NCR of six or more months are required to enter into a budget agreement with the CDE. A budget agreement is a spend down plan over an agreed upon period of time for program operators to achieve compliance with the NCR limitation. Program operators that discover excess NCR must submit a copy of their year-end financial information to RMU for evaluation. The intent of this policy is to enable program operators to:

  • Improve food quality and variety, which may include, offering culturally inclusive meals and plant-based options
  • Plan for future cafeteria fund purchases that support, expand, or improve the school food service
  • Avoid payment hold for failure to spend account balances (2 CFR, Section 200.339 (a))
  • Avoid reimbursement rate reduction for failure to spend account balances (7 CFR, Section 210.19 (a)(1))

Program operators can submit a proposed spending plan for approval to RMU for processing. Please include a copy of the SNP-57 Net Cash Resources Calculator Tool found in the Download Forms section of the CNIPS. Send your request, with the name of your agency by email to

Paid Lunch Equity (PLE)

Effective July 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) established the PLE requirement. The PLE requirement is defined as the difference in dollar amount between the federal free reimbursement rate and the paid reimbursement rate for lunches in the National School Lunch Program. Program operators that do not charge students for paid lunches at all sites are considered non-pricing sites and are exempt from PLE requirements in accordance with USDA Policy SP 39-2011-Revised. Therefore, if a program operator operates all sites on the California Universal Meals Program or a Federal Provision, such as Provision 2 or the Community Eligibility Provision, PLE requirements do not apply.

The intent of the PLE is to ensure that program operators collect sufficient funds from the price charged for student paid lunches. This ensures that cost of meals provided to students designated with paid eligibility are not subsidized by the reimbursement received for free and reduced-price meals. Therefore, sufficient funds are collected to ensure that meal quality is not reduced due to insufficient pricing of paid meals.

Per Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 210.14(e), program operators are required to annually calculate their PLE weighted average price in order to determine the required paid lunch price and whether there is a need to raise lunch prices or contribute funds from a nonfederal funding source to the cafeteria fund. For example, program operators that charge a weighted average price equal to or greater than the difference between the federal free and paid reimbursement rates, or $3.85 for School Year 2024–25, have met the PLE requirements and do not need to raise prices.

The USDA allows program operators that charged less than the difference between the two rates to use the following options to meet the PLE requirement:

  1. Raise average paid lunch price(s)
  2. Deposit into the cafeteria fund the amount of nonfederal funds equal to the difference between the weighted average price and the price indicated by the PLE Tool
  3. A combination of the above

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service annually provides program operators with the PLE Tool to assist them with making their price adjustment calculations. The PLE tool can be found in the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS).

Paid Lunch Equity Exemption

For those program operators in strong financial standing, the USDA has allowed for a process to exempt certain program operators from the requirement to increase prices. Please refer to California Department of Education Management Bulletin Paid Lunch Equity Exemption Guidance or contact the Resource Management Unit by email at for more information.

Meal Charge Policy

Effective July 1, 2017, the USDA established regulations that require program operators to develop a meal charge policy and communicate it to households. A meal charge policy addresses the processes program operators follow when students who are participating at the reduced-price or paid rate, but do not have money in their account or in hand to cover the cost of the meal at the time of service. A meal charge policy may include but is not limited household notification and debt collection. California has additional laws in place that do not allow for shaming or providing of an alternative meal. Program operators that participate in the California Universal Meals Program or Provision at all sites are not required to establish a meal charge policy. For additional information about meal charge policy please refer to the California Department of Education Management Bulletin Unpaid Meal Charges and Excess Account Balances.

Equipment Approval

Capital Expenditure Approved List

Per the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Policy Memorandum SP 31-2014, any equipment appearing on the Capital Expenditure Approved List web page has prior state agency approval. Therefore, the program operator may purchase those equipment items following proper federal, state, or local procurement procedures as applicable without submitting a request to the state agency for approval.

Submitting a Capital Expenditure Request for Other Equipment

For any capital expenditure requests using School Nutrition Program funds with a unit cost of $10,000 or greater that are not included on the USDA approved list, program operators must send an email to with the following information:

  • The subject line should read, Capital Expenditure Request—(Indicate the type of equipment and whether it is an emergency request here [e.g., emergency replacement of delivery vehicle])
  • The body of the email message should:
    1. Describe the equipment, including what it is, where it will be located, and how it will support the operation or maintenance of the nonprofit school food service. If applicable, confirm the equipment will hook up to existing service systems (e.g. electrical and plumbing) or state the General Fund or other allowable funds will pay for the new service system or upgrade.
    2. Provide estimated cost and whether you have sought bids for the equipment
    3. Acknowledge that any proceeds from the disposition of the equipment will be used to offset the cost of the replacement equipment or deposited back into the cafeteria fund
    4. Acknowledge that any equipment purchased with cafeteria funds must be used exclusively (100 percent) by the nonprofit school food service (i.e., not be shared with other non-federal programs)
    5. Include your Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) identification number, agency name, and contact information


Resource Management training will be rerecorded and posted to the California Department of Education (CDE) Food Service Staff Education and Training web page at a later date.

SNP Presentations

Cafeteria Fund 2013–14 Webinar Series

This Cafeteria Fund Webinar series started in December 2013 and continued through February 2014 and provided training and resources to local educational agency (LEA) staff to help them properly manage and expend cafeteria funds as required by federal and state law, as well as regulatory and policy guidance.

Cafeteria Funds Webinar Part 1 – The Basics External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 33:54)
This video provides Cafeteria Fund Basics, which include general definitions, resources, and easy to answer questions.

Cafeteria Funds Webinar Part 2 – Practical Applications External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 19:19)
This video builds on Part 1 by instructing the viewer on how to analyze Cafeteria Fund related questions.

Cafeteria Funds Webinar Part 4 – Paid Lunch Equity and Revenue from Non-program Foods External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 29:37)
This video provides a review of paid lunch equity (PLE) and nonprogram foods. The viewer will learn policy guidelines governing these two requirements from the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and go through step-by-step instructions on how to use both the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) PLE and Nonprogram Food Tool.

Cafeteria Funds Webinar Part 5 – Allowable Renovation Costs External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 27:57)
This video provides an overview of the federal and state regulations, laws and policy guidelines to explain and define allowable renovation costs. The viewer is given a series of questions and answers to many different renovation scenarios and learns the two criteria that distinguish between construction and non-construction type renovations.

Cafeteria Funds Webinar Part 6 – Time Accounting Requirements External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 25:55)
This video provides a review of the time accounting requirements. The viewer will first be given a series of questions to test their knowledge, then will learn the policy guidelines governing the time accounting requirements. The video will then present the questions again with the answers, instructing the viewer on the different types of time accounting in detail.

Cafeteria Fund 2018–19 Resource Management Training Series

This cafeteria fund online training series provides training and resources to local educational agency staff to help them properly manage and expend cafeteria funds as required by federal and state law as well as regulatory and policy guidance.

Paid Lunch Equity (PLE)

The PLE External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 16:16) training provides a review of PLE. The viewer will learn policy guidelines governing PLE requirements from the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 as well as instructions on how to use the USDA PLE Tool.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


2 CFR - Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations
7 CFR - Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations
CDE - California Department of Education
CNIPS - Child Nutrition Information and Payment System
CNP - Child Nutrition Programs
NCR - Net Cash Resources
NPF - Nonprogram Foods
Nonprofit School Food Service Account - Cafeteria Fund
SFA - School Food Authority
SNP - School Nutrition Programs
USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture

Resource Management

What are the resource management requirements that SFAs must follow?

Resource management requirements are the following:

  • Maintain a nonprofit school food service account (known as cafeteria fund) that is restricted for the operation and improvement of school food service
  • Account for and document all revenue and expenditures for school food service
  • Spend cafe funds on allowable costs and adhere to allowable cost restrictions
  • Limit NCR of the cafeteria fund to under six months average operating expenditures
  • Price paid lunches in accordance with paid lunch equity requirements
  • Comply with the nonprogram food revenue requirement
  • Limit indirect costs to the lesser of a school district's approved indirect cost rate or the statewide average indirect cost rate
Are SFAs required to have a nonprofit school food service account (also known as cafeteria fund) to track all revenue and expenses for SNP?

Yes, 2 CFR, Section 200.302, financial management, requires SFAs to adequately identify the amount, source, and expenditure of funds for the federal award. Per 7 CFR, Section 210.14(a), the cafeteria fund is a restricted account in which all the revenue from all food service operations, is retained and used only for the operation or improvement of the nonprofit school food service. Revenue, when applied to the cafeteria fund, means all monies received by or accruing to the nonprofit school food service in accordance with the state agency's established accounting system. This includes, but is not limited to, student meal payments, earnings on investments, other local revenues, state revenues, interest, and federal cash reimbursements.

What are internal controls?

Federal regulation 2 CFR, Section 200.303, requires recipients and subrecipients of federal awards to establish, document, and maintain effective internal control over the federal award. Internal controls are processes, procedures, and regular monitoring that provide reasonable assurance that SFAs are managing the CNPs in accordance with the terms and conditions of the programs. Examples of internal controls that relate to the cafeteria fund include cash handling, reconciliations of receipts and deposits, inventory and supply management, procurement procedures, record retention procedures, security and access controls to food stores and sensitive information, and a travel policy.

What are direct and indirect costs?

Direct costs are those that can be easily identified as supporting a cost objective or program. Examples of direct costs include school food service employee compensation, food, equipment, and supplies. Indirect costs are those that are incurred for a common or joint purpose and benefit more than one cost objective and are not easily assignable to a cost objective. Examples of indirect costs include accounting, payroll preparation, budgeting, personnel services, or centralized data processing.

It is important to note that federal regulations require each item of cost to be treated in a consistent manner as a direct or indirect cost. A cost may be assigned to the cafeteria fund as a direct cost only if that cost item has not been charged to other programs or cost objectives as an indirect cost (2 CFR, Section 200.412). For example, utilities or waste management services may not be charged to the cafeteria fund as a direct cost if the cafeteria fund is charged indirect costs and those services are provided to other programs through indirect costs. The proper and consistent classification of costs as direct or indirect avoids the possible double charging to federal awards.

Are schools that participate in SNPs automatically exempt from paying sales tax for the purchase of nonfood items?

Participating schools are not automatically exempt from California sales tax for the purchase of nonfood items, but school districts are exempt from having to charge sales tax for meals sold to students under Section 6363 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code (CRTC) (Sale and Use Tax Law) which is enforced by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA).

To enforce Section 6363 of the CRTC, the CDTFA implements Title 18, California Code of Regulations (18 CCR) Section 1603.

In accordance with 18 CCR Section 1603(k)(1)(B), the CDTFA has determined that when a school furnishes meals which includes nonfood items such as paper plates, napkins and plastic utensils, to students where the California and the federal government reimburses the school for those meals, the school is considered to be making a resale to California and to the federal government. Therefore, for the school to be exempt from paying sales tax for purchasing nonfood items, such as paper plates, napkins and plastic utensils, that are included as part of the meal, the school needs to complete the following:

(1) The school is required to hold a valid California seller’s permit in accordance with 18 CCR Section 1699, Permits. A seller's permit is required at each school district location or office at which orders are customarily taken or contracts negotiated, whether or not merchandise is stocked there. To acquire a Seller’s Permit the school district can register for a permit on the CDTFA website External link opens in new window or tab..

(2) Once the school obtains the sale permit(s), the school may issue a timely and valid resale certificate (CDTFA-230) in accordance with 18 CCR Section 1668, Sales for Resale, to the (food service) vendor for purchases of items considered to be sold along with student meals just as they are being sold along with the adult meals.

According to Section 1668 of 18 CCR, the resale certificate will allow the (food service) vendor to not charge the school sales tax when the school purchases the items, because the certificate relieves the vendor from liability for the sales tax and the duty of collecting the use tax.

Any additional questions should be referred to the CDTFA web page External link opens in new window or tab..

Net Cash Resources and Budget Agreements

What are Net Cash Resources (NCR)?

NCR, also known as cash reserves, refers to the total funds available to or accrued by a school food authority's cafeteria fund, minus any cash payable. According to federal regulations 7 CFR, Section 210.14(b), SFAs must limit their NCR to no more than three months of average operating expenditures, unless a higher limit is approved by the state agency.

The CDE increased the NCR limit to six months of average operating expenditures, effective July 1, 2022. SFAs with excess NCR of six months or more at the end of a fiscal year are required to enter into a budget agreement with the CDE by December 31 of the following fiscal year.

For additional information see the CDE Management Bulletin SNP-04-2022: Excess Net Cash Resources-Update.

How often should the SFA calculate their cafeteria fund NCR?

SFAs should closely monitor and calculate their NCR at least once after the close of the fiscal year. The CDE has developed an easy form to help SFAs evaluate their NCR. This form is available in the CNIPS, form ID SNP-57 Net Cash Resources Calculator. For more information on NCR, please visit the Cafeteria Fund Guidance web page, tab NCR.

What happens if an SFA has excess NCR of six or more months?

SFAs with excess NCR of six or more months are required to enter into a budget agreement with the CDE. A budget agreement is a spend down plan over an agreed upon period of time for SFAs to achieve compliance with the NCR limitation. To request a budget agreement please contact the Resource Management Unit at

What happens if an SFA does not follow a budget agreement to achieve compliance with the NCR limitation?

Federal regulation 7 CFR, Section 210.19 (a)(1) requires the CDE to monitor SFA compliance with the NCR limitation. SFAs that do not make progress toward compliance of the NCR limitation may be subject to payment hold (2 CFR, Section 200.339 (a)) and reimbursement rate adjustment (7 CFR, Section 210.19 (a)(1)) until compliance is achieved.

Allowable Uses

What are the guiding principles for allowable costs?

Allowable costs must meet the criteria established in 2 CFR, Part 200. These criteria include ensuring that costs are necessary, reasonable, allocable to the award, and conform to any limitations or exclusions set by the federal award and regulations. In addition, SNP regulations 7 CFR, sections 210.14(a) and 220.7(e) require that revenues received by the nonprofit school food service are to be used only for the operation or improvement of such food service.

For additional information see the CDE Management Bulletin SNP-05-2020: Cafeteria Funds-Allowable Uses.

Can we use cafeteria funds to build a new school kitchen or central kitchen?

No. SNPs regulations 7 CFR, sections 210.14(a) and 220.7(e) require that revenues received by the nonprofit school food service are to be used only for the operation or improvement of such food service, except that, such revenue shall not be used to purchase land or buildings, unless approved by USDA, or to construct buildings. In addition to the above referenced regulations, California Education Code 38100 also prohibits the construction of school kitchens from cafeteria funds.

Note: The USDA has no prior precedence for the approval of land, buildings, construction of buildings, or capital improvements that increase the useful life of buildings.  

According to USDA Indirect Costs Guidance Policy Memo SP-60-2016, program funds are made available to help support the cost of nutritional benefits for children in school settings and not to construct school buildings. The goal is to ensure that SFAs maintain the necessary funding to operate the program as required by the SNPs’ authorizing legislation and regulations, and that the cafeteria fund is not used to cover major expenses that should be borne by the school district’s general funds (i.e., capital infrastructure costs). The costs of building a kitchen are analogous to the costs of constructing school buildings, which historically have been borne by the school district with general or capital improvement funds. Similarly, such capital infrastructure costs should be borne by the school district just as the school building and its contents should be.

Can we use cafeteria funds to renovate a kitchen?

Certain renovation expenses may be allowed. The USDA Indirect Costs Guidance Policy Memo SP-60-2016 states that limited renovations within the inside perimeter of a kitchen or serving area may be allowable. A best practice is to reach out to the Resource Management Unit (RMU) prior to a renovation or new construction project to understand allowable costs and documentation requirements. For more guidance on construction and allowable costs, please refer to CDE Management Bulletin SNP-08-2020: Cafeteria Funds-Construction and the Capital Expenditure Approved List.

Is it allowable to repair a roof on a food service building (e.g. cafeteria, central kitchen, office) using cafeteria funds?

No. Roof repair is not an allowable cost because it is a capital improvement which increases the useful life and value of the building. In addition, California Education Code 38100 states that adequate housing is a cost to the district and not the cafeteria fund. Note: An exception may be allowed if the repair relates to a walk-in refrigerator/freezer or food service hood. Please contact for more information and approval.

Can cafeteria funds be used for the purchase or installation of air conditioning?

No, but limited flexibility is available. Although the work environment is greatly enhanced by air conditioning, service systems such as air conditioning, gas lines, electrical systems, plumbing, and telecommunication lines are a district expense. Such costs are capital improvements to a building that increase the value and/or useful life of the building.

However, portable equipment can be allowable such as stand-alone fans, plug-in air conditioning units, window box units, and ductless mini-split systems.

Are we allowed to buy a shipping container or storage shed to store the CNP's food equipment, and supplies?

A shipping container or storage shed may be allowed if the following conditions are met: 1) portable in nature (not considered a permanent structure), 2) necessary to store food, equipment, and supplies, and 3) and used 100 percent for food service. Please contact to request prior approval.  Note: if associated costs such as concrete, electrical, or plumbing are needed for the storage equipment, it is a district expense.

Is it allowable to purchase a hot water heater using cafeteria funds?

A hot water heater may be an allowable cost if it supplies hot water exclusively for child nutrition purposes. Hot water heaters that service CNPs and general areas are a cost to the district. Also, please note that CDE prior approval may be required depending on cost. In addition, associated plumbing, electrical, or gas costs are not allowed and should be paid with other district funds.

Is adding a floor drain for a kitchen sink an allowable expense?

No. Plumbing is considered a service system and therefore a district expense. Any expansion or upgrade to service systems are a district expense.

However, USDA Indirect Cost Guidance Policy Memo SP-60-2016 allows for exceptions with walk-in unit or hood installation or repairs.

We just purchased new equipment for our central kitchen. Is it allowable to charge the cafeteria funds to install new electrical wiring?

No. Installing new electrical wiring that expands or upgrades the existing electrical system is an unallowable expense. Building fixtures and service systems are an unallowable cost to the cafeteria fund because they typically improve the useful life or increase the value of buildings. Service systems such as air conditioning, heating, ventilation, sanitary or sewer systems, intercommunications, telecommunication lines are unallowable charges.

Is it allowable to charge utilities directly to the cafeteria fund?

Utility costs (i.e., electricity, gas, water) may be charged directly to the cafeteria fund if there is a mechanism to quantify the exact benefit to food service operations. The school district must have separate meters or utility lines that serve only the school food service area (kitchen and serving area) to charge utilities directly to the cafeteria fund. However, cafeteria fund may not be used to purchase or install meters, as meters are considered part of a service system and, therefore, the district’s financial responsibility.

Please also note the consistency requirement for direct and indirect costs. A cost may be assigned to the cafeteria fund as a direct cost only if that cost item has not been charged to other programs or cost objectives as an indirect cost (2 CFR, Section 200.412). This means that if utilities are directly charged to the cafeteria fund, they must also be directly charged to all other programs.

Can we use cafeteria funds to purchase a portable classroom or trailer to use as office space for food service staff?

No. Cafeteria funds may not be used to purchase buildings. Providing adequate housing is a district expense. Reference CDE Management Bulletin SNP-05-2020: Cafeteria Funds-Allowable Uses.

What if we have an emergency repair, such as the walk-in freezer stops cooling, and we have to fix it as soon as possible to prevent food loss. Can we have this repaired without obtaining prior approval from the CDE and notify the CDE after repair?

Maintenance and repair of food service equipment are allowable costs. If the cost is $10,000 or more, CDE approval is required. In the event of an emergency, the CDE may grant retroactive approval if the repair is an allowable cost.

Can an SFA set aside funds in a separate account for equipment replacement or other purchases?

No. All revenues associated with the operation of a federal meal program must accrue to the cafeteria fund. In 2013, California’s legislature repealed the section of California Education Code that granted authority to the governing board of a school district to create a revolving cafeteria fund (Assembly Bill 626). Consequently, California Education Code no longer authorizes SFAs to establish a separate account for deferred maintenance or future equipment needs.

If we have a maintenance cost for food service equipment that is $10,000 or more, do we need CDE prior approval?

Maintenance and repair costs to buildings and equipment that neither add to the permanent value of property nor appreciably prolong its intended life, but keep it in efficient operating condition, are allowable. SFAs may contact Resource Management Unit (RMU) if they are unsure about maintenance or repair cost. 

Is it allowable to charge the cafeteria fund for food service employee uniforms?

Yes. If an SFA requires food service employees to wear uniforms, then purchasing uniforms is allowable.

If a food service director receives an incentive for purchasing a certain number of items from a vendor, can the director raffle off the incentive to students?

No. Vendor credits are considered part of the cafeteria fund, because the credit is due to the expenditure of cafeteria fund revenue. Therefore, giving away items purchased with vendor credits is similar to donating federal money. Per 2 CFR, Section 200.406, applicable credits (i.e., purchase discounts, incentives) refer to those receipts or reduction of expenditure type transactions that offset or reduce expense items allocable to federal awards as direct or indirect costs. In addition, in accordance with 2 CFR, Section 200.318 (c)(1), employees subject to a written code of conduct may not solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors.

Can a school donate expiring goods or food items to individuals or a charitable organization?

SFAs are not permitted to make donations to individuals. However, any food prepared for CNPs that are not consumed may be donated to eligible local food banks or charitable organizations. Eligible local food banks or charitable organizations must be tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Title 26, United States Code, Section 501[c][3]). Protections are extended against civil and criminal liability for persons or organizations when making food donations under the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act found in the Child Nutrition Act, Section 22. For further guidance and information, please contact your local environmental health department and see the CDE Management Bulletin CNP-02-2018: Guidance on the Donation of Leftover Food in CNPs

Can SNP employees be provided meals, while on duty, at program expense?

Yes. Employees whose duties involve the preparation and service of meals, and personnel involved in supervising these functions, may be provided with a meal at program expense. This also includes student workers.

It is highly recommended that SFAs have a written policy that designates positions for this benefit. More information can be found in the CDE Management Bulletin SNP-04-2021: Pricing of Adult Meals in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)/School Breakfast Program (SBP).

Can foods and refreshments be provided to food service staff during trainings and staff meetings?

Food purchased for staff meetings are generally not allowable. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, such as the following:

  • Remote location: Instances where the training/meeting is in a remote location that makes getting food difficult during the scheduled lunch. SFAs should be prepared with documentation that demonstrates that the unique circumstances that would justify costs for staff meals are reasonable and necessary.
  • Scratch Cooking/Recipe development: Training sessions on scratch cooking and recipe development, where food service staff are permitted to taste and consume the recipes they create.
  • Operational staff: Meals for staff directly involved in the operation and administration of the SNPs (subject to the adoption of a local policy) and restricted to the regular workday when food is being prepared and served to students. See the CDE Management Bulletin SNP-04-2021: Pricing of Adult Meals in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)/School Breakfast.
  • Conferences: Additionally, meals included as part of a conference registration/attendance.
If lunch is provided for adults attending training sessions, and they are not subject to exceptions, the SFA should cover the cost using allowable nonfederal funds.
Can food service funds pay for gift items such as watches, pen sets, or plaques for food service employees when they retire or celebrate length of service, such as 25 years?

Awards of minimal value, such as length of service pins or certificates of appreciation, for food service employees may be purchased from cafeteria funds. Awards such as gift cards or cash prizes given to employees are not allowable.

Are we allowed to use cafeteria funds to pay employees to supervise students during meal services?

It is not allowable to use cafeteria funds to pay non-food service personnel serving as cafeteria monitors (e.g. noon duty aides). However, it is allowable to pay for food service staff to perform nonsupervisory food service-related activities, including encouraging students to consume meals, opening milk and condiment containers, assisting at salad bars, encouraging the use of share tables, and encouraging students to return food service supplies and discard trash. 

Do we need prior approval for cafeteria/outdoor food service tables when the cost is less than $10,000 per unit?

Tables generally cost less than $10,000 per unit and do not require preapproval. Tables are allowable costs as long as: 1) the cost of the tables are reasonable and necessary for the operation 2) will be used for the primary purpose of meal service, 3) will be located either inside the cafeteria or adjacent to the cafeteria in a designated eating area.

Is a generator an allowable expense if it is only used for food service?

Yes. Generators for SNP purposes are an allowable expenditure and included in the Capital Expenditure Approved List.

Are health inspections an allowable expense using cafeteria funds?

Yes, 7 CFR, Section 210.13, states that schools must obtain two food safety inspections during each school year. They are considered necessary and allowable using cafeteria funds. Reference CDE Management Bulletin SNP-09-2014: Mandatory Food Safety Inspections.

Are memberships, subscriptions, and professional activity costs allowable?

Yes, in accordance with 7 CFR, Section 200.454, memberships, subscriptions, and professional activity costs are allowable and do not require preapproval. This excludes memberships to country and dining clubs. Costs should be reasonable under the federal award.

Our district collects alternative income forms to determine free and reduced-price eligibility student data for the Local Control Funding Formula. Is this an allowable charge to the cafeteria fund?

No. The district must cover any expense related to Local Control Funding Formula activities. Only costs incurred specifically for the federal award which are necessary for the operation of food services can be paid from the cafeteria fund. Food service staff that process alternative income forms for the district can continue to do so as long as they complete a personnel activity report, and the labor is charged to the general fund.

Capital Expenditures

What is a capital expenditure?

Capital expenditures acquire capital assets or make additions, improvements, modifications, replacements, rearrangements, reinstallations, renovations, or alterations to capital assets that materially increase the value or useful life. Capital assets are tangible or intangible assets used in operations that have a useful life of more than one year which are capitalized in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Capital assets include land, buildings, and equipment. Equipment is defined as tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and a per-unit acquisition cost that equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the recipient or subrecipient for financial statement purposes, or $10,000.

Do I have to submit a request to purchase all equipment prior to purchase?

CDE preapproval is required for equipment with a per unit cost of $10,000 or more or the individual SFA’s capitalization threshold, whichever is lower. However, the CDE maintains a list of capital expenditure equipment items that are preapproved. Please see the CDE Capital Expenditure Approved List web page. For capital expenditure requests not included on the Capital Expenditure Approved List with a unit cost of $10,000 or greater, SFAs must send an email request for approval to

How can I obtain approval for equipment not on the Capital Expenditure Approved List?

Send an email to and include the following information:

Subject Line:Capital Expenditure Request from [SFA name]

Body of the email:

  • Describe the equipment requested and how it supports the operation or improvement of the nonprofit school food service (cafeteria fund)
  • If replacing existing equipment, explain how the item being replaced will be disposed and acknowledge that any proceeds from the disposition of the equipment will be used to offset the cost of the replacement equipment.
  • Acknowledge that any equipment charged to the cafeteria fund will be used exclusively (100 percent) by the nonprofit school food service (i.e., not shared with other nonfederal programs not related to food service).
  • List CNIPS ID number and name of SFA, and requestor’s name, title, and contact information.
Do I need approval from the CDE if I am purchasing 20 units at $400 each, for a total purchase cost of $8,000?

No. Per 2 CFR, Section 200.439(b)(2), only equipment with a unit cost of $10,000 or more require prior written approval from the CDE.

If I was unaware of the prior CDE approval requirement for any capital expenditure purchase greater than $10,000, can I still submit a request?

No. Unfortunately any capital expenditure that is not on the USDA Capital Expenditure Approved List and has a unit cost of $10,000 or over must be approved prior to purchase by the CDE.

If prior approval is not obtained, the CDE may disallow the cost during a SNP's administrative review. In such cases, the SFA will be required to reimburse its cafeteria fund using an allowable nonfederal source.

If equipment is outdated and no longer needed by food services, may I donate the equipment to the school?

What should we do with equipment that is no longer needed for food service?

Per 2 CFR, Section 200.313, if the equipment is no longer needed for the program, the equipment may be used in other activities in the following order of priority:

  • Support the activities allowable under another Federal award funded by the USDA
  • Support the activities allowable under another federal award

When acquiring replacement equipment, the equipment may be used as either trade-in or sold and the proceeds used to offset the cost of the replacement equipment.

When equipment is no longer needed for the original program or other activities, equipment with a current fair market value of $10,000 or less per unit may be retained, sold, or disposed of with no further obligation to the federal agency. If the equipment is sold, the Federal agency or pass-through entity may permit the recipient or subrecipient to retain $1,000 of the proceeds, to cover expenses associated with the selling and handling of the equipment.

A school district is closing down a school site. Can the school district retain all proceeds from the sale of their food service equipment?

No. The school district must follow the guidelines on the disposition of equipment as described in 2CFR, Section 200.313, for any equipment in the school’s possession that was charged to the cafeteria fund for the original project or program.

Items of equipment with a market value of less than $10,000 may be retained, sold, or otherwise disposed of, with no further obligation to the federal agency.

An SFA shall sell any equipment with a market value greater than $10,000 and deposit the proceeds into the cafeteria fund for final disposition.

An SFA only has one delivery van that currently requires a new transmission. Is it allowable to rent a delivery van to continue food service deliveries?

Yes. The SFA should ensure the rental cost is necessary and reasonable. If the delivery van continues to break down or requires additional maintenance, then the SFA should conduct a cost analysis of renting versus buying a new delivery van.

Time and Effort

What is time and effort?

Time and effort refers to timekeeping requirements to substantiate employee salary, wages, and benefit costs to federal programs. Employees paid with federal funds are subject to 2 CFR, Section 200.430(g), standards for documentation of personnel expenses, unless specific guidance is provided for the federal award. Examples of federal awards are:

  • National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program
  • Summer Food Service Program
  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
What documentation is required for time and effort food service activities?

Employees exclusively working on food service activities must maintain semi-annual certification. Those involved in both food service and other district activities (known as multifunded employees) are required to keep a personnel activity report (PAR) or equivalent documentation.

For more information about time and effort, please see CDE Management Bulletin SNP-06-2014: Documenting Employee Time and Effort in the SNPs. For additional information about equivalent documentation for multifunded employees, please see CDE Management Bulletin SNP-04-2018: Equivalent Documentation for Multifunded Employees.

What is a single cost objective and semiannual certification?

In simple terms, a single cost objective relates to federal program revenue source and the costs for activities associated with the federal program (see California School Accounting Manual [CSAM] procedure 905 for additional details). CSAM has established distinct resource codes for CNP cost objectives, which includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • 5310–SNPs (National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and Seamless Summer Feeding Option)
  • 5320–Child and Adult Care Food Program
  • 5330–Summer Food Service Program
  • 5370–Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

A semiannual certification is a periodic certification that an employee has worked solely on a federal program. These may be completed every six months. For additional information about semiannual certifications, please see CDE Management Bulletin SNP-06-2014: Documenting Employee Time and Effort in the SNPs.

Do my employees that work 100 percent of the time supporting multiple CNPs need to complete a semiannual certification or a personnel activity report (PAR)?

A PAR must be maintained for employees that support the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). However, the USDA provided confirmation to CDE that employees supporting multiple CNPs (except FFVP) for one 100 percent of their time can complete a semiannual certification. For example, the USDA confirmed that employees supporting SNP and the Child and Adult Care Food Program may complete a semiannual certification.

A reasonable allocation methodology for time and effort spent on multiple CNPs is a valuable practice to ensure compliance with 2 CFR, Section 200.302. This section requires recipients of federal awards to track expenditures to demonstrate that funds have been used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the federal award. An allocation methodology with a reasonable basis also prevents one program from unfairly absorbing the costs of another program. For questions regarding allocation methodologies, please reach out to

What is a personnel activity report?

In accordance with the California School Accounting Manual, Procedure 905, Documenting Salaries and Wages, employees who work on multiple activities or cost objectives, of which at least one is federal, must complete a personnel activity report (PAR) or equivalent documentation. For example, employees subject to PAR include an employee working on SNPs and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable program, or an employee that works for food services and performs other general nonfood service duties.

PAR or equivalent documentation must:

  • Reflect an after-the-fact distribution of the actual activity of each employee
  • Account for the total activity for which each employee is compensated
  • Be prepared at least monthly and coincide with one or more pay periods
  • Be signed by the employee
Must a personnel activity report account for 100 percent of the worker's effort?

Yes. Per 2 CFR, Section 200.430(g)(1)(iii), time and effort documentation must reflect total activity for which the employee is compensated. Failure to account for 100 percent of an employee’s time will result in a finding during an administrative review or audit, and the CDE will require the local educational agency to reimburse the fund from a nonfederal fund source.

How often must a personnel activity report be prepared?

In accordance with theCalifornia School Accounting Manual, Procedure 905, personnel activity reports must be prepared at least monthly and coincide with one or more pay periods.

Instead of personnel activity reports, our district is using set hours as a method to account for the custodian's time. Is this allowable?

No, set hours may not be used. In lieu of using a Personnel Activity Report or equivalent documentation, there are two approved substitute systems for documenting salaries and wages: Substitute Method Based on Sampling Method, and Substitute Method Based on Employee's Predetermined Schedule. Specific requirements are explained in the California School Accounting Manual, Procedure 905: Documenting Salaries and Wages. Note: Substitute methods require CDE approval.

A food service employee usually spends all of their time working to support the SNPs. However, for one month the employee works on an activity in addition to their normal duties. Would the employee need to complete a personnel activity report?

Yes. A personnel activity report is required any time an employee is not working solely (100 percent) on a single federal cost objective. In this case, the employee must complete a personnel activity report or equivalent documentation for any affected pay period.

Nonprogram Foods

What are nonprogram foods?

Nonprogram foods are food and beverages sold at a participating school other than a reimbursable program meal; and purchased using cafeteria funds, 7 CFR, Section 210.10(a)(2). Common nonprogram food items include a la carte items, adult meals, second meals, catering, vended meals, items purchased for fundraisers, vending machines, and school stores.

What are the nonprogram food requirements?

SFAs are required to determine if the percent of total revenue that is generated from their nonprogram food is equal to or greater than the percent of total food costs that are attributable to the SFA’s purchase of nonprogram foods.

For catering and vending, the SFA must ensure that the price charged to the entity being served covers all costs incurred including labor and supplies.

SFAs should price adult meals according to federal regulations to ensure that the price of an adult meal must fully cover all costs incurred in the production of the meal, including USDA Food fair market value.

If the food service program provides catering services for a school district meeting, would the food service director need to implement a contract?

SFAs are not required enter into a contract for catering services. However, best practices include having written procedures for catering. This can include establishing a catering menu, processes to ensure all costs are fully covered in the price, a system to track catering events, invoicing process, and transfer or payment processes to reimburse the cafeteria fund.

For administrative review purposes, catering transactions must be fully documented. During an administrative review, the CDE will request a list of catering events for the review year. An event will be selected, and the following documentation may be requested: billed catering invoice, catering event costs (e.g. vendor invoices and receipts), and a journal entry showing the funds were deposited into the cafeteria fund. For more guidance on catering, please refer to CDE Management Bulletin SNP-03-2024: Nonprogram Food - Consolidated Guidance.
Where can I find the value of USDA foods to calculate the price of an adult meal?

The value of USDA foods is available on the CDE, Nutrition, Rates, Eligibility Scales, & Funding web page. The Form ID SNP Adult Meal Pricing Values are saved to CNIPS download forms for each school year.

How can I determine adult meal pricing?

In accordance with USDA Food and Nutrition Service Instruction 782-5, Revision 1, the price of an adult meal must fully cover all costs including the USDA Foods fair market value. There are three options for determining the adult meal price:

  • Using available cost data such as the price paid for vended meals or the contracted amount paid to a food service management company
  • Demonstrating a reasonable method for determining the adult meal price. For example, an SFA may use the cost of food, labor, and supplies for the most expensive reimbursable student meal plus the fair market value of USDA Foods as a reasonable method to determine the adult meal price.
  • Using the SNP Adult Meal Pricing Tool to calculate the minimum adult meal price for lunch and breakfast at both pricing and nonpricing sites. This Tool uses SNP reimbursement rates and the value of USDA Foods. The Tool is available in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System, or CNIPS.

Paid Lunch Equity (PLE)

What is paid lunch equity?

The Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) requirement is defined as the difference in dollar amount between the federal free reimbursement rate and the paid reimbursement rate for lunches in the National School Lunch Program. Per 7 CFR, Section 210.14(e), program operators are required to annually calculate their PLE weighted average price to determine if there is a need to raise prices or contribute funds from a nonfederal funding source to the nonprofit school food service account. SFAs that do not charge students for paid lunches at all sites are considered non-pricing sites and are exempt from PLE requirements.

Are SFAs required to establish an upaid meal charge policy?

Most SFAs are not required to establish an unpaid meal charge policy. SFAs that must establish a policy are those that charge for reimbursable meals (i.e. private schools). However, SFAs that receive per-lunch reimbursement through non-federal sources specifically for paid lunches, and do not charge students for paid lunches are exempt from the unpaid meal charge policy requirements. Likewise, if a program operates all sites on a Provision, such as Provision 2 or the Community Eligibility Provision, or Universal Meals, unpaid meal charge policy requirements do not apply.

We are a private school that charges paid students for meals. How can we find out about PLE requirements?

There are several resources to help private schools determine their weighted average paid lunch price and assess paid lunch equity compliance. Please refer to 7 CFR, Section 210.14(e) Pricing paid lunches; CDE Cafeteria Fund Guidance web page, PLE tab; CDE Management Bulletin SNP-02-2021: Paid Lunch Equity Exemption Guidance; and The USDA PLE Tool, available in CNIPS download forms.

Are schools participating in Universal Meals, Provision 2, or the Community Eligibility Provision excluded from the Paid Lunch Equity requirements?

Yes. SFAs that do not charge students for paid lunches at all sites are considered non-pricing sites and are exempt from PLE requirements in accordance with USDA Policy SP 39-2011-Revised.

Therefore, if an SFA operates all sites on the California Universal Meals Program or a Federal Provision, such as Provision 2 or the Community Eligibility Provision, PLE requirements do not apply.

Contact Information

Program operators may submit their inquiries as follows:

General Questions and Requests for Purchase Approval

If you have any questions regarding the use of cafeteria funds (e.g., request for purchase approval), please contact the Resource Management Unit (RMU) by email at

Budget Agreements

Any questions regarding excess net cash resources or budget agreements may be directed to the RMU by email at

Follow @CDENutrition on Twitter.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 27, 2025
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