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Get to Know the CDE

Learn about the great projects and programs that the California Department of Education (CDE) is doing to support California students, families, teachers, and schools.

Open House 2021

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Welcome & Opening Panel DiscussionExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 53:32)
Panelists: Chief Deputy Superintendent Mary Nicely, and Deputy Superintendents Lisa Constancio, Sarah Neville-Morgan, Dr. Daniel Lee, Cheryl Cotton, Jennie Carreon, and General Counsel Amy Holloway

Welcome and opening panel with State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) Tony Thurmond and his executive staff discussing pandemic response, addressing learning gaps, the creation of an Equity Branch and the historic investments to support our students, educators and families including Universal Transitional Kindergarten, Universal meals, and teacher recruitment and retention.

Opening Panel Discussion by OFABExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 29:33)
Presenters: Sarah Neville-Morgan, Steven Propheter, Kim Frinzell, Michael Funk, Heather Calomese, Alesha Moreno-Ramirez

Welcome and opening panel with State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) Tony Thurmond and his executive staff discussing pandemic response, addressing learning gaps, the creation of an Equity Branch and the historic investments to support our students, educators and families including Universal Transitional Kindergarten, Universal meals, and teacher recruitment and retention.

Analysis, Measurement & Accountability Reporting DivisionExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 52:21)
Presenters: Cindy Kazanis, Liberty Van Natten and Randy Bonnell

Come learn about where data reporting and school and district accountability comes alive at the California Department of Education! During this session, staff from the Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division will provide an overview of the work of the division and show off our newest data set, the Stability Rate Report. We invite you to learn about this new report which identifies the number and percent of students who receive a “full year” of learning in the same school.

California School for the Blind, Fremont: Beyond BrailleExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 21:25)
Presenter: Gina Ouellette

There is more to serving students with Visual Impairments than teaching them Braille! Join us to learn about the many programs and services offered by the California School for the Blind. We will share information about our educational programs for enrolled students as well as the many outreach services we provide for the thousands of blind and visually impaired students throughout the state of California.

Government Affairs DivisionExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 23:25)
Presenters: Michelle Warshaw, Amy Tang-Paterno, Jonathon Howard, Bryan Sapp, Blake Johnson, Mason Diab, Sara Noceto, Amber Hiris, Robyn Altamirano

This presentation will cover the Government Affairs Division’s (GAD’s) work. Come learn about California education policy over the years, fiscal policy and budget process, and the unprecedented $33.8 billion of stimulus funding for education.

Student Achievement and Support Division (SASD)External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 14:27)
Presenter: Art Cruz

The presentation describes an overview of the SASD, which include functions of all four of the offices, our mission, our values, our “why”, and who are education partners are, in collaboration of our work. It also includes how our work aligns with the SSPI’s goals and priorities, and describes (at a high level), current projects that support the field in their support of students.

Get to Know the Charter Schools Division (CSD)External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 16:14)
Presenter: Stephanie Farland

The Charter Schools Division wears many hats. From overseeing all of the State Board authorized charter schools to administering millions in federal grant funding to approving funding determinations of non-classroom based schools to responding to the field on all charter issues, we are always involved in interesting work. Learn all the ways we support students and schools!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Office of Equal OpportunityExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 7:47)
Presenters: Randi Thompson, Michelle Warshaw

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Government Affairs Division present a preview of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Gender Equity in Sports Initiative. 2022 is the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, the landmark Federal legislation that requires that “no person shall be excluded, on the basis of sex, from participation in any education program.” The Initiative honors the Title IX 50th Anniversary by reasserting the Superintendent’s and the California Department of Education’s commitment to equity.

Home to School Transportation Consultation ServicesExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 18:36)
Presenters: Anna Borges, Stephanie Oliver

This presentation will provide an overview of how the Office of School Transportation provides consultation services to local educational agencies (LEAs) regarding home to school transportation, mandated certification of instructional personnel to train school bus drivers and compliance with statute and regulations.

Emergency ServicesExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 24:22)
Presenters: Joe Anderson, Jake Wolf

As California is impacted by disasters more frequently and with increasing severity, schools are feeling the effects. CDE established a new Emergency Services Team to work with schools to increase their ability to prepare for, respond to, recover from and mitigate against the impacts of disasters. This two-man team coordinates local/state/federal resources with California schools in need.

The Multilingual Support Division: Paving the Way to a Multilingual CaliforniaExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 19:20)
Presenter: Gina Garcia-Smith

This presentation will cover the Multilingual Support Division’s (MSD’s) work. It will include an overview of who the MSD serves, the policies and initiatives that guide our work, and current projects to advance multiliteracy and increase equity for multilingual learners. Participants will gain a greater understanding of California’s vision for serving multilingual learners, including English learners and dual language learners.

Ensuring Education Equity Through Uniform Compliant Procedures (UCP)External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 11:36)
Presenters: Dianna Gutierrez, Leah Weichel

California is a leader in education and strives to meet the needs of all students equitably. The Education Equity UCP Office will provide an overview of the Uniform Complaint Procedures program responsible for discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation complaints in local educational agencies established in California regulations. Presenters will also share history, data, and ongoing efforts to ensure civil rights protections for all students in California schools.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Get to Know the School Improvement and Support OfficeExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 9:53)
Presenter: Cristina French

A large part of the work that the School Improvement and Support Office staff assumes, centers around implementation of several school improvement programs under Title I, Part A. Of the varied school improvement programs, the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) program can positively impact both student and school outcomes, and provides federal funding to eligible local educational agencies and county offices of education to support their improvement efforts. During this presentation, I will discuss the CSI program and provide additional resources.

Integrated Student Support and Programs OfficeExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 17:27)
Presenters: Mindi Parsons, Judy Delgado, Janet Abdelsayed

The Student Achievement and Support Division’s Integrated Student Support and Programs Office will provide an overview of the programs offered to support our foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, and Native American students.

Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office Purpose and MissionExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 12:11)
Presenters: Carrie Lopes, Miguel Cordova, Sherry Davis, Rina DeRose, Sylvia Hanna

Join the staff of the Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office for a presentation describing our programs, purpose and mission, and how our work aligns with the level one system of support and Superintendent’s initiatives.

California School for the Deaf, FremontExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 22:12)
Presenters: Clark Brooke, Julie Rems-Smario, Sulghi Hong

California School for the Deaf, Fremont, is a full (infant through age 22) bilingual Deaf Education program in the State of California. We also provide outreach services and trainings for the thousands of Deaf students throughout Northern California. Our infants begin at 14 months old, and throughout their Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs), their families receive wrap-around support such as free American Sign Language (ASL) classes, parent groups on site, and weekly trainings and consultations on topics ranging from Deaf Excellence to standards-based instruction. Our Curriculum and Outreach division train and consult Deaf educators beyond our campus, and the Outreach division connects families to agencies and organizations such as the California Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf children- Kindergarten [readiness] (LEAD-K) Family Services, which referred over 1,500 Deaf infants and toddlers to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and other entities last year alone. The CA school for the Deaf also provides free webinars, websites, and lesson plans online to LEAs, Deaf educational programs and families. During the COVID-19 year, our enrolled students successfully transitioned to a fully digital educational experience, with high participation rates. We also will touch upon our equity and inclusion actions for students, staff, the Deaf community, and families.

Join and Learn What California School for the Deaf, Riverside Has to Offer!External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 30:03)
Presenters: Nancy Hlibok Amann, Erika Thompson

This presentation is about what California School for the Deaf, Riverside (CSDR) does as a school and beyond for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students in 12 counties in Southern California. It's an opportunity for you to learn more about CSDR's work on equity, early intervention resources and support, closing achievement gaps, and mental health.

When You Give a Child a Healthy Meal…They Will ThriveExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 12:33)
Presenter: Kim Frinzell

The Nutrition Services Division (NSD) supports and protects access to nutritious meals for children to grow, learn, and thrive through the administration of the federal Child Nutrition Programs. You are cordially invited to join the NSD to learn more about these meal programs and how they benefit the children we serve. This session will also include an introduction to the historic investment in the California Universal Meals Program starting in School Year 2021-22. So grab a healthy snack and join us for this session.

Special Education Division: A Cohesive System of Supports for Families of Students with DisabilitiesExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 20:02)
Presenters: Heather Calomese, Noelia Hernandez, Monica Pecarovich, Patrick Garcia-Smith

This presentation will provide a brief overview of the demographics of students with disabilities across the state as well as a brief overview of the Special Education Division at CDE. The team will also provide updates on four key initiatives that are designed to support students and families across the state: the Special Education Local Plan Area Leads, Supporting Inclusive Practices, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and the Family Empowerment Centers.

Closing the Opportunity Gap: the California Migrant ProgramExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 11:31)
Presenters: Celina Torres, John Oses

Come learn about the programs and activities in place to close the opportunity gap for children of migratory workers. Will share key elements of major statewide activities, including the Statewide Speech and Debate Tournament, Mini-Corps Tutor Program, Family Biliteracy, Parent Conference, and the Binational Program.

Support and Monitoring of LEAs in their Use of Title I, Part A FundsExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 7:58)
Presenters: Kyle Holmes, Monique Moton, Linda Moscatelli

What is Title I monitoring? This presentation will provide an overview of the work that takes place in Title I Monitoring and Support Office (TIMSO) and how this aligns with SSPI Thurmond’s priorities.

Family Engagement and Educational Options OfficeExternal link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 24:40)
Presenters: Lisa Borrego, Cindy Quiralte, James Johnson, Jacie Ragland

Join the Family Engagement and Educational Options Office in learning about their areas of focus, current projects and resources available to the field.

Questions:   Executive Office | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 2, 2024
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